1. Список говнокодов пользователя CHayT

    Всего: 86

  2. Куча / Говнокод #27640


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    -export([ in/3
            , out/1
            , new/0
            , close/1
    -type prio() :: non_neg_integer().
            { tab :: ets:tid()
    -define(size, {size, size}).
    -define(seqno(PRIO), {seqno, PRIO}).
    -opaque t() :: #priority_queue{}.
    -export_type([ prio/0
                 , t/0
    -spec new() -> t().
    new() ->
      Tab = ets:new(pqueue_tab, [ordered_set]),
      ets:insert(Tab, {?size, 0}),
      #priority_queue{tab = Tab}.
    -spec close(t()) -> ok.
    close(#priority_queue{tab = Tab}) ->
      true = ets:delete(Tab),
    -spec in(term(), prio(), t()) -> ok.
    in(Val, Prio, #priority_queue{tab = Tab}) when Prio >= 0 ->
      Key = {get_next_seqno(Tab, Prio), Prio},
      true = ets:insert_new(Tab, {Key, Val}),
      ets:update_counter(Tab, ?size, {2, 1}, {?size, 0}),
    -spec out(t()) -> {value, term()} | empty.
    out(#priority_queue{tab = Tab}) ->
      case ets:first(Tab) of
        Key = {SeqNo, _Prio} when is_integer(SeqNo) ->
          Val = ets:lookup_element(Tab, Key, 2),
          ets:update_counter(Tab, ?size, {2, -1}),
          ets:delete(Tab, Key),
          {value, Val};
        _ ->
    %% This function generates keys that go in sequence for each
    %% individual priority level, but interleave for different priority
    %% levels. Keys with lower priority are more sparse, so they are
    %% consumed less often in the total sequence
    get_next_seqno(Tab, Prio) ->
      Delta = Prio + 1,
      Key = ?seqno(Prio),
      ets:update_counter(Tab, Key, {2, Delta}, {Key, 0}).

    Творение безумца или гения.

    CHayT, 02 Сентября 2021

    Комментарии (3)
  3. bash / Говнокод #27560


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    set -euo pipefail
    host() {
        echo "n${1}.local"
    node() {
        echo "erl@$(host $1)"
    build() {
        [ "${1}" -eq "1" ] && echo "build: ."
    container() {
        cat <<EOF
        $(build $1)
        image: worker
        hostname: $(host $1)
              - $(host $1)
        - "NODE_NAME=$(node $1)"
        - ... прочая питушня
    main() {
        cat <<EOF
    version: '3.3'
    $(node 1)
    $(node 2)
    main > docker-compose.yml
    docker-compose $@

    Как тебе такое, Helm?

    CHayT, 13 Августа 2021

    Комментарии (35)
  4. Куча / Говнокод #27547


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    Ltac destruct_mint_ H := 
       match type of H with
          (MInt_ _ ?z ?t) =>
          lazymatch goal with
            |- ?GOAL =>
            refine (match H in (MInt_ _ z0 t0) return (z = z0 -> t = t0 -> GOAL) with
                    | mint_nil    _  =>
                      fun Heq_z Heq_tt_ =>
                        ltac:(destruct_mint_common Heq_tt_ Heq_z H)
                    | mint_cons   _ te rest l      r   t H =>
                      fun Heq_z Heq_tt_ =>
                        ltac:(destruct_mint_common Heq_tt_ Heq_z H)
                    | mint_cons_l _ te rest l r z t Hz H  =>
                      fun Heq_z Heq_tt_ =>
                        ltac:(destruct_mint_common Heq_tt_ Heq_z H)
                    | mint_cons_r _ te te' rest l r z t Hz Hcomm H =>
                      fun Heq_z Heq_tt_ =>
                        ltac:(destruct_mint_common Heq_tt_ Heq_z H)
                    end (eq_refl z) (eq_refl t))

    Наебавшись с inversion в механизированным доказательстве, закрыл я очи.

    CHayT, 04 Августа 2021

    Комментарии (23)
  5. Куча / Говнокод #27522


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           fun([N1, _N2], Trace) ->
                      ?strict_causality( #{?snk_kind := "Adding table to a shard", shard := _Shard, live_change := true}
                                       , #{?snk_kind := "Shard schema change"}
                                       , ?of_node(N1, Trace)
                      ?strict_causality( #{?snk_kind := "Shard schema change", shard := _Shard}
                                       , #{?snk_kind := "Restarting shard server", shard := _Shard}
                                       , ?of_node(N1, Trace)
                   %% Schema change must cause restart of the replica process and bootstrap:
                   {_, Rest} = ?split_trace_at(#{?snk_kind := "Shard schema change"}, Trace),
                      ?strict_causality( #{?snk_kind := "Restarting shard server", shard := _Shard}
                                       , #{?snk_kind := state_change, to := bootstrap}
                                       , Rest

    Немного galaxy-brain тестов

    CHayT, 17 Июля 2021

    Комментарии (19)
  6. Куча / Говнокод #27475


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    dirty_boostrap_test() ->
        SourceTab = ets:new(source, [public, named_table]),
        ReplicaTab = ets:new(replica, [public, named_table]),
        %% Insert some initial data:
        ets:insert(source, {1, 1}),
        ets:insert(source, {2, 2}),
        ets:insert(source, {3, 3}),
            register(testcase, self()),
            Replica = spawn_link(fun replica/0),
            register(replica, Replica),
            %% "importer" process emulates mnesia_tm:
            spawn_link(fun importer/0),
            %% "bootstrapper" process emulates bootstrapper server:
            spawn_link(fun bootstrapper/0),
                done ->
                    SrcData = lists:sort(ets:tab2list(source)),
                    RcvData = lists:sort(ets:tab2list(replica)),
                    ?assertEqual(SrcData, RcvData)
    importer() ->
        Ops = [ {write, 3, 3}
              , {write, 4, 4}
              , {write, 4, 5}
              , {delete, 2}
        lists:map(fun(OP) ->
                          import_op(source, OP),
                          %% Imitate mnesia event (note: here we send it
                          %% directly to the replica process bypassing
                          %% the agent):
                          replica ! {tlog, OP}
        replica ! last_trans.
    replica() ->
            {bootstrap, K, V} ->
                ets:insert(replica, {K, V}),
            bootstrap_done ->
    replay() ->
            {tlog, Op} ->
                import_op(replica, Op),
            last_trans ->
                testcase ! done
    import_op(Tab, {write, K, V}) ->
        ets:insert(Tab, {K, V});
    import_op(Tab, {delete, K}) ->
        ets:delete(Tab, K).
    bootstrapper() ->
        {Keys, _} = lists:unzip(ets:tab2list(source)),
        [replica ! {bootstrap, K, V} || K <- Keys, {_, V} <- ets:lookup(source, K)],
        replica ! bootstrap_done.

    Follow-up к треду про то, как делать снепшоты.

    CHayT, 20 Июня 2021

    Комментарии (69)
  7. Куча / Говнокод #27464


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    insert(Alias, Tab, Val) ->
    delete(_Alias, _Tab, _Key) ->
    add_aliases(_) ->
    remove_aliases(_) ->
    check_definition(_Alias, _Tab, _Nodes, _Properties) ->
    close_table(_Alias, _Tab) ->
    create_table(_Alias, _Tab, _Properties) ->
    delete_table(_Alias, _Tab) ->
    first(_Alias, _Tab) ->
    fixtable(_Alias, _Tab, _Bool) ->
    last(_Alias, _Tab) ->
    index_is_consistent(_Alias, _IxTag, _Bool) ->
    init_backend() ->
    info(_Alias, Tab, memory) ->
    info(Alias, Tab, size) ->
    info(_Alias, _Info, _Item) ->
    lookup(_Alias, _Tab, _Key) ->
    is_index_consistent(_Alias, _IxTag) ->
    load_table(_Alias, _Tab, _Reason, _CsList) ->
    match_delete(_Alias, _Tab, _Pattern) ->
    next(_Alias, _Tab, _Key) ->
    prev(_Alias, _Tab, _Key) ->
    real_suffixes() ->
    repair_continuation(Continuation, _MatchSpec) ->
    select(_Continuation) ->
    select(_Alias, _Tab, _Pattern) ->
    select(_Alias, _Tab, _Pattern, _Limit) ->
    semantics(_Alias, storage) -> ram_copies;
    semantics(_Alias, types  ) -> [set, ordered_set, bag];
    semantics(_Alias, index_types) -> [];
    semantics(_Alias, _) -> undefined.
    slot(_Alias, _Tab, _Pos) ->
    sync_close_table(_Alias, _Tab) ->
    tmp_suffixes() ->

    If /dev/null is fast in web scale I will use it. Is it web scale? Does /dev/null support sharding?

    CHayT, 09 Июня 2021

    Комментарии (127)
  8. Куча / Говнокод #27400


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    %% Generates a Normal-distributed random variable using Box-Muller method
    %% from: https://github.com/basho/basho_stats/blob/develop/src/basho_stats_rv.erl
    -spec rnd_normal(integer(), integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
    rnd_normal(Mean, Sigma) ->
      Rv1 = random:uniform(),
      Rv2 = random:uniform(),
      Rho = math:sqrt(-2 * math:log(1-Rv2)),
      abs(trunc(Rho * math:cos(2 * math:pi() * Rv1) * Sigma + Mean)).

    Это норма.

    CHayT, 07 Мая 2021

    Комментарии (21)
  9. Куча / Говнокод #27377


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    %% This function is needed as a hack to guide dialyzer into inferring
    %% the correct types.
    -spec id(A) -> A.
    id(A) ->
    %% Где-то в header'е....
    -define(deftarget(RECIPE), {RECIPE, fun my_module:id/1}).
    %% A horrible, horrible hack to make Dialyzer infer right type of the promise return value
            (fun() ->
                 case TARGET of
                   {_, ___IAmSorryYouHaveToSeeThisWorkaroundForDialyzer} ->

    Пути статический типизации в Erlang неисповедимы.

    CHayT, 26 Апреля 2021

    Комментарии (3)
  10. Куча / Говнокод #27372


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    -export([parse_transform/2, abstract/2]).
    parse_transform(Forms, _Options) ->
    normal({call, _Line, {atom, _, '$$'}, [Outer]}) ->
      case Outer of
        {'fun', _, {clauses, Quoted}} ->
          %% Remove outer `fun' and only leave its clauses:
        Quoted ->
          %% A plain term has been quoted, leave it as is:
      Result = abstract(Quoted),
      %% io:format("Quoted block ~p~n", [Result]),
    normal(L) when is_list(L) ->
      lists:map(fun normal/1, L);
    normal(T) when is_tuple(T) ->
      list_to_tuple(lists:map(fun normal/1, tuple_to_list(T)));
    normal(T) ->
    -define(line, 0).
    %% @doc Create AST of the AST
    abstract({call, _Line, {atom, _, '$'}, [Splice]}) ->
    abstract(Orig = {var, Line, VarName}) ->
      case lists:suffix("__AST", atom_to_list(VarName)) of
        true ->
        false ->
          {tuple, ?line, [ {atom, ?line, var}
                         , {integer, ?line, Line}
                         , {atom, ?line, VarName}
    abstract(T) when is_tuple(T) ->
      {tuple, ?line, lists:map(fun abstract/1, tuple_to_list(T))};
    abstract([]) ->
      {nil, ?line};
    abstract([Hd|Tail]) ->
      {cons, ?line, abstract(Hd), abstract(Tail)};
    abstract(A) when is_atom(A) ->
      {atom, ?line, A};
    abstract(I) when is_integer(I) ->
      {integer, ?line, I}.

    Мета-метушня, убогое подобие лисповского квотирования.

    CHayT, 23 Апреля 2021

    Комментарии (7)
  11. Куча / Говнокод #27315


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               %% Inject some orderings to make sure the replicant
               %% receives transactions in all states.
               %% 1. Commit some transactions before the replicant start:
               ?force_ordering(#{?snk_kind := trans_gen_counter_update, value := 5}, #{?snk_kind := state_change, to := disconnected}),
               %% 2. Make sure the rest of transactions are produced after the agent starts:
               ?force_ordering(#{?snk_kind := subscribe_realtime_stream}, #{?snk_kind := trans_gen_counter_update, value := 10}),
               %% 3. Make sure transactions are sent during TLOG replay:
               ?force_ordering(#{?snk_kind := state_change, to := bootstrap}, #{?snk_kind := trans_gen_counter_update, value := 15}),
               %% 4. Make sure some transactions are produced while in normal mode
               ?force_ordering(#{?snk_kind := state_change, to := normal}, #{?snk_kind := trans_gen_counter_update, value := 25}),

    Какой тест )))

    CHayT, 24 Марта 2021

    Комментарии (3)