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-export([ in/3
, out/1
, new/0
, close/1
-type prio() :: non_neg_integer().
{ tab :: ets:tid()
-define(size, {size, size}).
-define(seqno(PRIO), {seqno, PRIO}).
-opaque t() :: #priority_queue{}.
-export_type([ prio/0
, t/0
-spec new() -> t().
new() ->
Tab = ets:new(pqueue_tab, [ordered_set]),
ets:insert(Tab, {?size, 0}),
#priority_queue{tab = Tab}.
-spec close(t()) -> ok.
close(#priority_queue{tab = Tab}) ->
true = ets:delete(Tab),
-spec in(term(), prio(), t()) -> ok.
in(Val, Prio, #priority_queue{tab = Tab}) when Prio >= 0 ->
Key = {get_next_seqno(Tab, Prio), Prio},
true = ets:insert_new(Tab, {Key, Val}),
ets:update_counter(Tab, ?size, {2, 1}, {?size, 0}),
-spec out(t()) -> {value, term()} | empty.
out(#priority_queue{tab = Tab}) ->
case ets:first(Tab) of
Key = {SeqNo, _Prio} when is_integer(SeqNo) ->
Val = ets:lookup_element(Tab, Key, 2),
ets:update_counter(Tab, ?size, {2, -1}),
ets:delete(Tab, Key),
{value, Val};
_ ->
%% This function generates keys that go in sequence for each
%% individual priority level, but interleave for different priority
%% levels. Keys with lower priority are more sparse, so they are
%% consumed less often in the total sequence
get_next_seqno(Tab, Prio) ->
Delta = Prio + 1,
Key = ?seqno(Prio),
ets:update_counter(Tab, Key, {2, Delta}, {Key, 0}).
CHayT 02.09.2021 21:48 # 0
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