1. Список говнокодов пользователя CHayT

    Всего: 86

  2. Куча / Говнокод #28356


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    Царские анроллы.

    CHayT, 06 Сентября 2022

    Комментарии (5)
  3. Куча / Говнокод #28081


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    CHayT, 14 Марта 2022

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  4. Куча / Говнокод #28000


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    %% Note: set and unset are not thread-safe.
    -spec set(key(), value()) -> ok.
    set(Key, Value) ->
        case ets:lookup(?status_tab, Key) of
            [{_, {set, _OldValue}}] ->
                ets:insert(?status_tab, {Key, {set, Value}});
            [{_, {unset, Pid}}] ->
                MRef = monitor(process, Pid),
                Pid ! {set, Value},
                    {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, _} -> ok
            [] ->
                case ets:insert_new(?status_tab, {Key, {set, Value}}) of
                    true  ->
                    false ->
                        set(Key, Value)
    -spec unset(key()) -> ok.
    unset(Key) ->
        case ets:lookup(?status_tab, Key) of
            [{_, {set, _OldValue}}] -> ets:delete(?status_tab, Key);
            _                       -> ok
    -spec read(key()) -> value().
    read(Key) ->
        case read_or_wait(Key) of
            {set, Value} ->
            {wait, MRef} ->
                    {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, {cvar_set, Value}} ->
                    {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, noproc} ->
    -spec read_or_wait(key()) -> {set, value()} | {wait, reference()}.
    read_or_wait(Key) ->
        case ets:lookup(?status_tab, Key) of
            [] ->
                {Pid, MRef} = spawn_monitor(?MODULE, waker_entrypoint, [Key, self()]),
                    {Pid, proceed} ->
                        {wait, MRef};
                    {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, Reason} ->
                        cvar_retry = Reason,
            [{_, {set, Val}}] ->
                {set, Val};
            [{_, {unset, Pid}}] ->
                {wait, monitor(process, Pid)}
    -spec waker_entrypoint(key(), pid()) -> no_return().
    waker_entrypoint(Key, Parent) ->
        case ets_insert_new({Key, {unset, self()}}) of
            false ->
            true ->
                Parent ! {self(), proceed},
                    {set, Value} ->
                        ets_insert({Key, {set, Value}}),
                        exit({cvar_set, Value})

    CHayT, 08 Февраля 2022

    Комментарии (23)
  5. C++ / Говнокод #27969


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    CHayT, 25 Января 2022

    Комментарии (14)
  6. Куча / Говнокод #27936


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    #!/usr/bin/env escript
    main(["-p"|Filenames]) ->
      put(pretend, true),
    main(Filenames) ->
      case get(pretend) of
        true -> ok;
        _    -> put(pretend, false)
      Albums = lists:filtermap(fun parse_name/1, Filenames),
      lists:foreach(fun process_album/1, Albums).
    process_album({Zip, Artist, Album}) ->
      Dir = filename:absname(filename:join(Artist, Album)),
      case filelib:wildcard(Dir ++ "/cover.*") of
        [] ->
          io:format("Will create ~p~n", [Dir]),
          get(pretend) orelse do_process_album(Dir, Zip, Album);
        _ ->
          io:format("Ignoring ~p : ~p~n", [Artist, Album])
    do_process_album(Dir, Zip, Album) ->
      ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Dir ++ "/fake"),
      0 = exec(Dir, "/usr/bin/unzip", [Zip, "-d", Dir]),
      postprocess(Album, Dir).
    postprocess(Album, Dir) ->
      Files = filelib:wildcard(Dir ++ "/*-*[0-9]*.flac"),
      lists:foreach(fun(I) -> rename_flac(Album, I) end, Files).
    rename_flac(Album, OldFile) ->
      Dir = filename:dirname(OldFile),
      OldName = filename:basename(OldFile),
      Options = [{capture, all_but_first, list}],
      {ok, RE} = re:compile(Album ++ " - ([0-9]+.*\\.flac)", [unicode]),
      case re:run(OldName, RE, Options) of
        {match, [NewName]} ->
          io:format("New name: ~p~n", [NewName]),
          NewFile = filename:join(Dir, NewName),
          ok = file:rename(OldFile, NewFile);
        nomatch ->
    parse_name(Filename) ->
      Opts = [{capture, ['band', album], list}],
      case re:run(filename:basename(Filename), "(?<band>[^-]+) - (?<album>.*)\\.zip", Opts) of
        {match, [Band, Album]} ->
          {true, {filename:absname(Filename), Band, Album}};
        nomatch ->
    -spec exec(file:filename(), file:filename(), [string() | binary()]) -> integer().
    exec(Dir, CMD, Args) ->
      Port = open_port( {spawn_executable, CMD}
                      , [ exit_status
                        , binary
                        , stderr_to_stdout
                        , {args, Args}
                        , {cd, Dir}
                        , {line, 300}
      collect_port_output(Port, filename:basename(CMD)).
    -spec collect_port_output(port(), string()) -> integer().
    collect_port_output(Port, CMD) ->
        {Port, {data, {_, Data}}} ->
          io:format("~s: ~s~n", [CMD, Data]),
          collect_port_output(Port, CMD);
        {Port, {exit_status, ExitStatus}} ->

    CHayT, 08 Января 2022

    Комментарии (88)
  7. Куча / Говнокод #27851


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    Ltac2 make_match fields :=
      destruct x;
      iter (fun a => focus 1 1 (fun () =>
                               let a := a ()
                               in refine (fun () => '((w_rep $a) _)))
             ) fields.

    Итерация по конструкторам индуктивного типа данных.

    CHayT, 03 Декабря 2021

    Комментарии (6)
  8. Куча / Говнокод #27780


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    (** Set of all possible interleaving of two traces is a trace
      ensemble. As we later prove in [interleaving_to_permutation], this
      definition is dual to [Permutation]. *)
      Inductive Interleaving : list TE -> list TE -> TraceEnsemble :=
      | ilv_cons_l : forall te t1 t2 t,
          Interleaving t1 t2 t ->
          Interleaving (te :: t1) t2 (te :: t)
      | ilv_cons_r : forall te t1 t2 t,
          Interleaving t1 t2 t ->
          Interleaving t1 (te :: t2) (te :: t)
      | ilv_nil : Interleaving [] [] [].
    Попытка оптимизации:
      (* Left-biased version of [Interleaving] that doesn't make
      distinction between schedulings of commuting elements: *)
      Inductive UniqueInterleaving : list TE -> list TE -> TraceEnsemble :=
      | uilv_cons_l : forall l t1 t2 t,
          UniqueInterleaving t1 t2 t ->
          UniqueInterleaving (l :: t1) t2 (l :: t)
      | uilv_cons_r1 : forall l r t1 t2 t,
          ~trace_elems_commute l r ->
          UniqueInterleaving (l :: t1) t2 (l :: t) ->
          UniqueInterleaving (l :: t1) (r :: t2) (r :: l :: t)
      | uilv_cons_r2 : forall r1 r2 t1 t2 t,
          UniqueInterleaving t1 (r1 :: t2) (r1 :: t) ->
          UniqueInterleaving t1 (r2 :: r1 :: t2) (r2 :: r1 :: t)
      | uilv_nil : forall t, UniqueInterleaving [] t t.

    Сложный говнокод. Почему вторая "оптимизированная" версия работает хуже первой?

    CHayT, 01 Ноября 2021

    Комментарии (26)
  9. Куча / Говнокод #27765


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    waiting_for_data(info, {Driver,Socket,Data},
                     #state{socket=Socket, driver=Driver, driver_mod=DriverMod, peer=Peer, control=Control, list=List} = State) ->
        %% The meat of the whole project: process a function call and return
        %% the data
        try erlang:binary_to_term(Data) of
            {{CallType,M,F,A}, Caller} when CallType =:= call; CallType =:= async_call ->
                {ModVsnAllowed, RealM} = check_module_version_compat(M),
                case check_if_module_allowed(RealM, Control, List) of
                    true ->
                        case ModVsnAllowed of
                            true ->
                                WorkerPid = erlang:spawn(?MODULE, call_worker, [CallType, RealM, F, A, Caller, Socket, Driver, DriverMod]),
                                ?log(debug, "event=call_received driver=~s socket=\"~s\" peer=\"~s\" caller=\"~p\" worker_pid=\"~p\"",
                                     [Driver, gen_rpc_helper:socket_to_string(Socket), gen_rpc_helper:peer_to_string(Peer), Caller, WorkerPid]),
                                {keep_state_and_data, gen_rpc_helper:get_inactivity_timeout(?MODULE)};
                            false ->
                                ?log(debug, "event=incompatible_module_version driver=~s socket=\"~s\" method=~s module=~s",
                                     [Driver, gen_rpc_helper:socket_to_string(Socket), CallType, RealM]),
                                waiting_for_data(info, {CallType, Caller, {badrpc,incompatible}}, State)
                    false ->
                        ?log(debug, "event=request_not_allowed driver=~s socket=\"~s\" control=~s method=~s module=~s",
                             [Driver, gen_rpc_helper:socket_to_string(Socket), Control, CallType, RealM]),
                        waiting_for_data(info, {CallType, Caller, {badrpc,unauthorized}}, State)
            {cast, _M, _F, _A} = Cast ->
                handle_cast(Cast, State),
                {keep_state_and_data, gen_rpc_helper:get_inactivity_timeout(?MODULE)};
            BatchCast when is_list(BatchCast) ->
                [handle_cast(Cast, State) || Cast <- BatchCast],
                {keep_state_and_data, gen_rpc_helper:get_inactivity_timeout(?MODULE)};
            {abcast, Name, Msg} ->
                _Result = case check_if_module_allowed(erlang, Control, List) of
                    true ->
                        ?log(debug, "event=abcast_received driver=~s socket=\"~s\" peer=\"~s\" process=~s message=\"~p\"",
                             [Driver, gen_rpc_helper:socket_to_string(Socket), gen_rpc_helper:peer_to_string(Peer), Name, Msg]),
                        Msg = erlang:send(Name, Msg);
                    false ->
                        ?log(debug, "event=request_not_allowed driver=~s socket=\"~s\" control=~s method=~s",
                             [Driver, gen_rpc_helper:socket_to_string(Socket), Control, abcast])
                {keep_state_and_data, gen_rpc_helper:get_inactivity_timeout(?MODULE)};
            {sbcast, Name, Msg, Caller} ->
                Reply = case check_if_module_allowed(erlang, Control, List) of
                    true ->
                        ?log(debug, "event=sbcast_received driver=~s socket=\"~s\" peer=\"~s\" process=~s message=\"~p\"",
                             [Driver, gen_rpc_helper:socket_to_string(Socket), gen_rpc_helper:peer_to_string(Peer), Name, Msg]),
                        case erlang:whereis(Name) of
                            undefined -> error;
                            Pid -> Msg = erlang:send(Pid, Msg), success
                    false ->
                        ?log(debug, "event=request_not_allowed driver=~s socket=\"~s\" control=~s method=~s",
                             [Driver, gen_rpc_helper:socket_to_string(Socket), Control, sbcast]),
                waiting_for_data(info, {sbcast, Caller, Reply}, State);
            ping ->
                ?log(debug, "event=ping_received driver=~s socket=\"~s\" peer=\"~s\" action=ignore",
                     [Driver, gen_rpc_helper:socket_to_string(Socket), gen_rpc_helper:peer_to_string(Peer)]),
                {keep_state_and_data, gen_rpc_helper:get_inactivity_timeout(?MODULE)};
            OtherData ->
                ?log(debug, "event=erroneous_data_received driver=~s socket=\"~s\" peer=\"~s\" data=\"~p\"",
                     [Driver, gen_rpc_helper:socket_to_string(Socket), gen_rpc_helper:peer_to_string(Peer), OtherData]),
                {stop, {badrpc,erroneous_data}, State}
            error:badarg ->
                {stop, {badtcp,corrupt_data}, State}
    %% Handle the inactivity timeout gracefully
    waiting_for_data(timeout, _Undefined, #state{socket=Socket, driver=Driver} = State) ->
        ?log(info, "message=timeout event=server_inactivity_timeout driver=~s socket=\"~s\" action=stopping",
             [Driver, gen_rpc_helper:socket_to_string(Socket)]),
        {stop, normal, State};
    waiting_for_data(info, {DriverClosed, Socket} = Msg, #state{socket=Socket, driver_closed=DriverClosed} = State) ->
        handle_event(info, Msg, waiting_for_data, State);
    waiting_for_data(info, {DriverError, Socket, _Reason} = Msg, #state{socket=Socket, driver_error=DriverError} = State) ->
        handle_event(info, Msg, waiting_for_data, State).

    Срочно требуется учитель литературы, чтобы объяснить, что хотел сказать автор.

    CHayT, 22 Октября 2021

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  10. Куча / Говнокод #27764


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    make_process_name("client", {Node,Key}) when is_atom(Node) ->
        %% This function is going to be called enough to warrant a less pretty
        %% process name in order to avoid calling costly functions
        KeyStr = erlang:integer_to_list(erlang:phash2(Key)),
        NodeStr = erlang:atom_to_list(Node),
        erlang:list_to_atom("gen_rpc.client." ++ NodeStr ++ "/" ++ KeyStr);

    Самый страшный грех, который только возможен в Erlang.

    CHayT, 22 Октября 2021

    Комментарии (10)
  11. Куча / Говнокод #27708


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    % Totoro sitting in the snow
    % By Noa Hoffmann and Pascal Günthner, 21.12.2020
      shapes, shadows, patterns, calc,
       furspot/.pic = {
        \path [draw = black, thick, fill] (0,0)    
        .. controls +(0.3,0)        and  +(0.25,-0.05)   ..  ++(0.35,-.45)
        .. controls +(-0.45,0.25)   and  +(0.1,0)        ..  ++(-0.85,-0.05)
        .. controls +(-0.3,0.1)     and  +(-0.4, 0)      ..  cycle;
       claw/.pic = {
        \path [fill = bodycolor!70, draw] (0,0) arc (0:45:0.2 and 0.8)
                                               arc (135:180:0.2 and 0.8)
        arc (180:360:0.059) -- cycle;
       whiskers/.pic = {
        \path [fill = bodycolor!70,draw] (0,0) arc (0:45:0.05 and 2.3)
                                            arc (135:180:0.3 and 2.3)
        to[out=-90,in=-90] cycle;
       snowflake/.pic = {
       \fill [decoration = Koch snowflake, white] decorate{ decorate{
              decorate{ (-0.5,-0.3) -- ++(60:1) -- ++(-60:1) -- cycle }}};
       \foreach \i in {30, 90, 150, 210, 270, 330} {
            \draw[blue!50!white,very thin] (0,0) -- +(\i:0.3);
        \draw[decoration = Koch snowflake, blue!50!white, very thin]
              decorate{($(0,0)+(60:0.2)$) -- ($(0,0)+(300:0.2)$) --
                       ($(0,0)+(180:0.2)$) -- cycle};
      snow/.style   = {decoration = {random steps, segment length = 2mm,
                       amplitude = 0.4mm}, decorate},
      plush/.style  = {decoration = {random steps, segment length = 1mm,
                       amplitude = 0.5mm},decorate}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[color = bodycolor, draw = black, thick]
    %---------------------background and tail----------------------
    % blue sky
    \fill[blue!30!white] (-8cm,-11cm) rectangle (8cm,10cm);
    % random snowflakes
    \foreach \i in {0.1,0.11,...,1}{
      \pic [scale = \i, opacity = 0.9] at (rand*7.5, rnd*18-10.5) {snowflake};}
    % more tiny snowflakes
    %\foreach \i in {0.1,0.11,...,0.5}{
      %\pic [scale = \i, opacity = 0.9] at (rand*7.5, rnd*18-10.5) {snowflake};}
    % cloud with merry christmas
    \node [cloud,aspect = 6.5, cloud puff arc = 120, cloud puffs = 12.9, fill = white,
           color = white] at (0,7) {\Huge M \hspace{9.8cm}.};
    \node [color = red] at (0,7) {\fontsize{50}{80}
                                  \textbf{Merry Christmas \quad }};
    % tail
    \path [draw, fill, rotate = 50] (-4,-7.5) circle (1.5 and 2.2);
    % snowhill
    \fill [draw, gray!6, snow] (-8,-11) to[in=200, out=0] (-3,-7.5) to (3,-7.5)
          to[out=-20, in=180] (8,-11);
    % right ear
    \path [fill, draw] (0.6,2.3)+(-45:1) arc (-60:35:1 and 1.5) 
                       arc (115:210:1 and 1.5);
    % left ear
    \path [fill, draw] (-0.6,2.3)+(-135:1) arc (-120:-215:1 and 1.5)
                       arc (65:-30:1 and 1.5);
    % head
    \path [draw, fill] ($(0,0)+(170:2.5 and 2)$) arc (170:10:2.5 and 2)
                       arc(35:-20: 3 and 2)
            -- ($(0,-0.8)+(200:3 and 2)$) arc (200:145:3 and 2) -- cycle;
    % body
    \path[fill] ($(0,-4)+(200:4 and 4.5)$) arc (200:-20:4 and 4.5);
    % left eye
    \path [draw, fill = white] (-1.4,0.7) circle (0.45 and 0.4);
    \fill [black] (-1.2,0.7) circle (0.16);
    \fill [white] (-1.24,0.74) circle (0.03);
    % right eye
    \path [draw, fill = white, thick] (1.4,0.7) circle (0.4);
    \fill [black] (1.25,0.7) circle (0.16);
    \fill [white] (1.20,0.74) circle (0.03);
    % nose
    \path [draw] (0.35, 0.7) .. controls (0.2,0.8) and (-0.2, 0.8)
                             .. (-0.35, 0.7);

    Какое аниме ))) https://texample.net/tikz/examples/totoro/

    CHayT, 08 Октября 2021

    Комментарии (17)