1. VisualBasic / Говнокод #6861


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    Dim byteOut(64) As Byte
            Dim i As Integer
                byteOut(0) = Len(outCName) + 5 'number bytes in output message
                byteOut(1) = &H0 'should be 0 for NXT
                byteOut(2) = &H80 '&H0 = reply expected &H80 = no reply expected
                byteOut(3) = &H9 'Send Bluetooth
                byteOut(4) = &H0 'Box Number - 1
                byteOut(5) = Len(outCName) + 1 'message size with null terminator
                For i = 1 To Len(outCName) 'copy bytes into output array
                    byteOut(i + 5) = Asc(Mid(outCName, i, 1))
                byteOut(Len(outCName) + 6) = &H0 'add null terminator
                SerialPort1.Write(byteOut, 0, Len(outCName) + 7) 'send message
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
                byteOut(0) = Len(outWState) + 5 'number bytes in output message
                byteOut(1) = &H0 'should be 0 for NXT
                byteOut(2) = &H80 '&H0 = reply expected &H80 = no reply expected
                byteOut(3) = &H9 'Send Bluetooth
                byteOut(4) = &H1 'Box Number - 1
                byteOut(5) = Len(outWState) + 1 'message size with null terminator
                For i = 1 To Len(outWState) 'copy bytes into output array
                    byteOut(i + 5) = Asc(Mid(outWState, i, 1))
                byteOut(Len(outWState) + 6) = &H0 'add null terminator
                SerialPort1.Write(byteOut, 0, Len(outWState) + 7) 'send message
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
    <..ещё один раз..>
                byteOut(0) = Len(outWindC) + 5 'number bytes in output message
                byteOut(1) = &H0 'should be 0 for NXT
                byteOut(2) = &H80 '&H0 = reply expected &H80 = no reply expected
                byteOut(3) = &H9 'Send Bluetooth
                byteOut(4) = &H3 'Box Number - 1
                byteOut(5) = Len(outWindC) + 1 'message size with null terminator
                For i = 1 To Len(outWindC) 'copy bytes into output array
                    byteOut(i + 5) = Asc(Mid(outWindC, i, 1))
                byteOut(Len(outWindC) + 6) = &H0 'add null terminator
                SerialPort1.Write(byteOut, 0, Len(outWindC) + 7) 'send message
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
                byteOut(0) = Len(outHum) + 5 'number bytes in output message
                byteOut(1) = &H0 'should be 0 for NXT
                byteOut(2) = &H80 '&H0 = reply expected &H80 = no reply expected
                byteOut(3) = &H9 'Send Bluetooth
                byteOut(4) = &H4 'Box Number - 1
                byteOut(5) = Len(outHum) + 1 'message size with null terminator
                For i = 1 To Len(outHum) 'copy bytes into output array
                    byteOut(i + 5) = Asc(Mid(outHum, i, 1))
                byteOut(Len(outHum) + 6) = &H0 'add null terminator
                SerialPort1.Write(byteOut, 0, Len(outHum) + 7) 'send message
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try

    Говнокод почти трёхлетней давности. Понадобилось мне посмотреть, как я реализовывал "общение" по блютусу с Mindstorms NXT, и напоролся на вот это...

    RaZeR, 04 Июня 2011

    Комментарии (34)
  2. VisualBasic / Говнокод #6519


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    210 IF A$='1' THEN 2000
    220 IF A$='2' THEN 2010
    230 IF A$='3' THEN 2020
    240 IF A$='4' THEN 2030
    250 IF A$='5' THEN 2040
    260 IF A$='6' THEN 2060
    270 IF A$='7' THEN 2070
    280 IF A$='8' THEN 2080
    285 IF A$='9' THEN 4000
    290 IF A$='10' THEN 3000

    говнокод прямо с обложки книги по прикладному васику для ИТР

    bugmenot, 30 Апреля 2011

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  3. VisualBasic / Говнокод #6455


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    If Not Me.Opacity > 1 Then 'полный провал
          Opacity = Opacity + 0.02
         Timer1.Enabled = False
    End If

    Часть кода из функции таймера

    undiscovered, 22 Апреля 2011

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  4. VisualBasic / Говнокод #6216


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    Public Class Decoder
        Dim arr_en() As String = {"q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y", "u", "i", "o", "p", "[", "]", "a", "s", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", ";", "'", "z", "x", "c", "v", "b", "n", "m", ",", ".", "/", "?", "@"}
        Dim arr_ua() As String = {"й", "ц", "у", "к", "е", "н", "г", "ш", "щ", "з", "х", "ъ", "ф", "ы", "в", "а", "п", "р", "о", "л", "д", "ж", "є", "я", "ч", "с", "м", "и", "т", "ь", "б", "ю", ".", ",", "'"}
        Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
            Dim t As Char
            Dim ch As Char
            Dim vv As String
            For Each vv In TextBox1.Lines
                For Each t In vv
                    For i As Integer = 0 To arr_en.Count - 1
                        ch = arr_en.GetValue(i)
                        If t = ch Then
                            t = arr_ua.GetValue(i)
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text & t
                TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text & vbCrLf
        End Sub
    End Class

    Декодер с английской раскладки за 5 минут.

    undiscovered, 04 Апреля 2011

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  5. VisualBasic / Говнокод #6052


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    Dim num As Integer
        Dim inp As Integer
        Dim wrt As String
        Dim liv As Integer
        Sub Main()
            liv = 3
            Console.WriteLine("LIVES = " & liv)
            If liv = 0 Then GoTo st
            num = Fix(Rnd() * 5)
            Console.WriteLine("ENTER NUMBER:")
            inp = Console.ReadLine()
            If inp < num Then
                liv = liv - 1
                Console.WriteLine("LIVES = " & liv)
                GoTo pl
            End If
            If inp > num Then
                liv = liv - 1
                Console.WriteLine("LIVES = " & liv)
                GoTo pl
            End If
            If inp = num Then Console.WriteLine("YES!")
            Console.WriteLine("GAME OVER")
            Console.WriteLine("ENTER ANY NUMBER TO EXIT")
            inp = Console.ReadLine()
        End Sub

    Одна из моих первых "прог" на VB, написанная около 4х лет назад - "Угадай число".

    RaZeR, 21 Марта 2011

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  6. VisualBasic / Говнокод #6051


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    Public LettersB() As Char = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"}
        Public LettersM() As Char = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"}
        Public Numbers() As Char = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"}
        Public Function GenLetterB() As String
            GenLetterB = LettersB(rnd.Next(0, LettersB.Length - 1)).ToString
        End Function
        Public Function GenLetterM() As String
            GenLetterM = LettersM(rnd.Next(0, LettersB.Length - 1)).ToString
        End Function
        Public Function GenNumber() As String
            GenNumber = rnd.Next(0, 9).ToString
        End Function
    For i = 1 To numLen.Value
    RndGen:     curType = rnd.Next(0, 3)
                Select Case curType
                    Case 0
                        If chkB.Checked = True Then
                            pass += GenLetterB()
                            rnd.Next(0, LettersB.Length - 1)
                            GoTo RndGen
                        End If
                    Case 1
                        If chkM.Checked = True Then
                            pass += GenLetterM()
                            rnd.Next(0, LettersM.Length - 1)
                            GoTo RndGen
                        End If
                    Case 2
                        If chkNum.Checked = True Then
                            pass += GenNumber()
                            rnd.Next(0, LettersM.Length - 1)
                            GoTo RndGen
                        End If
                    Case Else
                        If chkNum.Checked = True Then
                            pass += GenNumber()
                            rnd.Next(0, LettersM.Length - 1)
                            GoTo RndGen
                        End If
                End Select

    Очень древний мой высер, ещё из тех времён, когда я писал на VB. Кстати, прога есть на сурсфордже, у неё достаточно много скачиваний и жалоб нету.

    RaZeR, 21 Марта 2011

    Комментарии (6)
  7. VisualBasic / Говнокод #5434


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                RichTextBox1.Text = int.OpenURL(adress & TextBox1.Text & units)
                tmpStr = RichTextBox1.Text.Split(">")
                Header = tmpStr(4).Split("<")
                lblHeader.Text = Header(0)
                CityName = Trim(Mid$(Header(0), 17, Len(Header(0)) - 16))
                outCName = CityName
                Codemass = tmpStr(43).Split(Chr(34))
                CodeNum = CInt(Codemass(3))
                tMass = tmpStr(43).Split(Chr(34))
                WCmass = tmpStr(17).Split(Chr(34))
                ATmass = tmpStr(18).Split(Chr(34))
                outWindC = "W: " & WCmass(3) & "o," & WCmass(5) & unSpd
                'outWCode = WCondition(CodeNum)
                outWState = tMass(1) & ","
                outTemp = tMass(5)
                outTemp = outTemp & Mid(units, 4, 1)
                outDate = tMass(7)
                outHum = ATmass(1) & "%, " & ATmass(5) & unPre
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try

    Мой старый парсер XML-погоды с Yahoo. System.Xml? Нет, не слышал.

    RaZeR, 28 Января 2011

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  8. VisualBasic / Говнокод #5378


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    Public Function CheckForError(ByVal sRes1 As String, ByVal sRes2 As String, Optional ByVal sRes3 As String = "", Optional ByVal sRes4 As String = "", Optional ByVal sRes5 As String = "", Optional ByVal sRes6 As String = "", Optional ByVal sRes7 As String = "", Optional ByVal sRes8 As String = "", Optional ByVal sRes9 As String = "", Optional ByVal sRes10 As String = "", Optional ByVal sRes11 As String = "") As Boolean
                Dim bRes As Boolean = True
                If Not CheckForError(sRes1) Then
                    If Not CheckForError(sRes2) Then
                        If Not CheckForError(sRes3) Then
                            If Not CheckForError(sRes4) Then
                                If Not CheckForError(sRes5) Then
                                    If Not CheckForError(sRes6) Then
                                        If Not CheckForError(sRes7) Then
                                            If Not CheckForError(sRes8) Then
                                                If Not CheckForError(sRes9) Then
                                                    If Not CheckForError(sRes10) Then
                                                        If Not CheckForError(sRes11) Then
                                                            bRes = False
                                                        End If
                                                    End If
                                                End If
                                            End If
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                Return bRes
            End Function

    Птицы летят на юг!

    adler, 24 Января 2011

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  9. VisualBasic / Говнокод #5206


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    Sub display(frm As Form)
        Dim lvl As Boolean
        Dim format As String
        If (frm.optSex(0).value) Then
            format = oI18n.translate("res_m")
            format = Replace(format, "\n", vbCrLf, 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
            format = Replace(format, "*", frm.cmbSchool.Text, 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
            format = Replace(format, "*", frm.txtForm.Text, 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
            format = Replace(format, "*", frm.txtName.Text, 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
            format = Replace(format, "*", frm.txtSurname.Text, 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
            lvl = False
            For Each optLvl In frm.chkLevel
                If (optLvl.value) Then
                    format = Replace(format, "*", oI18n.translate(optLvl.Tag & "_m"), 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
                    lvl = True
                End If
            Next optLvl
            If (Not lvl) Then format = Replace(format, "*", oI18n.translate("Bad" & "_m"), 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
        End If
        If (frm.optSex(1).value) Then
            format = oI18n.translate("res_f")
            format = Replace(format, "\n", vbCrLf, 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
            format = Replace(format, "*", frm.cmbSchool.Text, 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
            format = Replace(format, "*", frm.txtForm.Text, 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
            format = Replace(format, "*", frm.txtName.Text, 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
            format = Replace(format, "*", frm.txtSurname.Text, 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
            lvl = False
            For Each optLvl In frm.chkLevel
                If (optLvl.value) Then
                    format = Replace(format, "*", oI18n.translate(optLvl.Tag & "_f"), 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
                End If
            Next optLvl
            If (Not lvl) Then format = Replace(format, "*", oI18n.translate("Bad" & "_f"), 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
        End If
        Dim dalykai As String
        Dim first As Boolean
        dalykai = ""
        first = True
        For Each chkFavorite In frm.chkFavorites
            If (chkFavorite.value) Then dalykai = dalykai & IIf(first, vbCrLf, vbCrLf) & (chkFavorite.Caption)
            first = False
        Next chkFavorite
        If (frm.chkFavoriteOther.value) Then dalykai = dalykai & IIf(first, vbCrLf, vbCrLf) & (frm.txtFavoriteOther.Text)
        Dim b As Boolean
        b = dalykai = ""
        If (b) Then
            If (frm.optSex(0).value) Then dalykai = oI18n.translate("nores_m")
            If (frm.optSex(1).value) Then dalykai = oI18n.translate("nores_f")
        End If
        If (Not b) Then
            If (frm.optSex(0).value) Then dalykai = oI18n.translate("res2_m") & dalykai
            If (frm.optSex(1).value) Then dalykai = oI18n.translate("res2_f") & dalykai
        End If
        MsgBox (format & vbCrLf & dalykai)
    End Sub

    заполняем строку-шаблон, заменяя звездочки реальными данными
    вот не было в VB6 printf-подобной функции ((

    Lure Of Chaos, 10 Января 2011

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  10. VisualBasic / Говнокод #5205


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    Public Sub DBOpen(Optional sFullPath As String = "")
        If sFullPath = "" Then sFullPath = sPath
        Dim f As Integer
        Dim l As Integer
        Dim tmp As String
        Dim sName As String
        Dim sSurname As String
        Dim sSex As String
        Dim dBirthdate As Date
        Dim sCity As String
        Dim sStreet As String
        l = 0
        f = FreeFile
        Open sFullPath For Input As #f
            While Not EOF(f)
                Line Input #f, tmp
                l = l + 1
        Close #f
        If l > 0 Then
            ReDim asDB(0 To l - 1) As clsCitizen
            l = 0
            f = FreeFile
            Open sFullPath For Input As #f
                While Not EOF(f)
                    Input #f, sName, sSurname, sSex, dBirthdate, sCity, sStreet
                    Set asDB(l) = New clsCitizen
                    asDB(l).sName = sName
                    asDB(l).sSurname = sSurname
                    asDB(l).sSex = sSex
                    asDB(l).dBirthdate = dBirthdate
                    asDB(l).sCity = sCity
                    asDB(l).sStreet = sStreet
                    l = l + 1
            Close #f
        End If
        sPath = sFullPath
    End Sub

    за что я ненавижу VB6

    а ведь по-другому никак = (

    Lure Of Chaos, 10 Января 2011

    Комментарии (12)