1. PHP / Говнокод #8284


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    if (strpos($_SERVER[HTTP_REFERER], "chocobo.us")) {
    	echo("Go away kids.");
    if (strpos($_SERVER[REMOTE_HOST], "midmich.net")) { echo("Dry your eyes son, not everyone can be funny."); }
    if (strpos($_SERVER[REMOTE_HOST], "rima-tde.net")) { echo("spam == permban"); }
    #if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("Cheap sluts need not apply.");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {die(0);}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {die(0); }
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {die(0);}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("bye bye");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("flooding the queue with nonsense == ban");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("there is but one qdb.  ripoff artists need not apply.");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("Blaxthos: yeah so, however many quotes us bash mods reject is how many cocks we suck -- take it easy");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") die("No.");
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("you == idiot");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("Go away.");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("Fuck off.");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("Fuck off.");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("*fuckx* bash.org is for niggers.");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("Fuck off.");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("Fuck off.");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("Fuck off.");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("your access has been revoked");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("Flooding the submission queue.  (Banned)");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("Thanks for your letter.  --Blaxthos (you can all thank Lunch Box Prime (some fuckchop on AIM)");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("No more.");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("No more.");exit;}
    if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") {echo("No more.");exit;}


    Crazy_penguin, 24 Октября 2011

    Комментарии (19)
  2. PHP / Говнокод #8283


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    <script src=scripts.js></script>
        if (isset($remove) && $user1 !="selectuser"):  //to remove user from DB
    	print "Was updated sucsessfully: user '$user1' was removed<br>";
    	print "<font color=red>If You want to reload this page use <u>our 'Reload' button only</u></font>";
    	$query="delete from users where login=\"$user1\"";
       if (!isset($reloadme) ):
       //decremet when registered users removed users.txt
    	chmod ($file_loc,0755);
    	$newfile = fopen($file_loc, "r");
    	$file_contents = fread($newfile, filesize($file_loc));
            $file_contents=$file_contents-1;   //value contains how many users
    	$newfile = fopen($file_loc, "w+");
    	fwrite($newfile, "$file_contents");
    	chmod ($file_loc,0700);       // end of adding data to file
       endif;   //end of reloadme
    //counting of users
    	$file_loc = "users.txt";
    //	chmod ($file_loc,0644);
    	$whattoread = fopen($file_loc, "r");
    	$file_contents = fread($whattoread, filesize($file_loc));
    //	chmod ($file_loc,0755);       // end of adding data to file
    //end of counting
        $query="select * from users order by id";
        $result=mysql_query($query);     // for first while	
        $result1=mysql_query($query);   // for second while
    	print "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bordercolor=#007898><tr><td>";   //external table
    	print "<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 width=590><tr><td>
    	<form action=$PHP_SELF method=post><select name=\"user1\" class=select1><option value=\"selectuser\"> Select user ";
    	print"<option value=\"$row->login\" style=\"background-color:#FFFFFF;\">$row->login";	
    	print "</select><br>
    	<input type=hidden name=remove>
    	<input type=hidden name=show>
    	<input type=hidden name=admin_login value=$admin_login_compare>";   // to enter one more time to login.php
    	print "<input type=hidden name=admin_password value=$admin_password_compare>"; // if ($admin_password!=$admin_password_compare) etc....
    	print "<input type=submit value=\"Remove User\" class=button1></form>";
    //reload this page
    	print "<form action=$PHP_SELF method=post>
    	<input type=hidden name=show>
    	<input type=hidden name=admin_login value=$admin_login_compare>";   // to enter one more time to login.php
    	print "<input type=hidden name=admin_password value=$admin_password_compare>"; // if ($admin_password!=$admin_password_compare) etc....
    	print "<input type=hidden name=reloadme ><input type=submit value=Reload  class=button1></form>";
    	print "Counter: $file_contents users
    	print "<td>
    	<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 bordercolor=#007898><tr><td>ID</td><td>Login</td><td>Password</td><td>Email</td><td>Last visit (Y/M/D)</td></tr></tr>";
            print "<tr>";
    	print "<td>$row->id</td>";
    	print "<td><a href=\"javascript:showuserdata('$row->login','$row->address','$row->fax','$row->tel','$row->site')\" title=\"Show about $row->login\">$row->login</td>";
    	print "<td>$row->password </td>";
    	print "<td><a href=\"mailto:$row->email\" title=\"Email to $row->login\">$row->email</td>";
    	print "<td>$row->last_date</td>";
    	print "</tr>";
    	print "</table></td></tr></table>";
    	print "	</table>";  //end of external table
    	print "<br>&nbsp; Click user name to view data about him";

    ITdocer, 23 Октября 2011

    Комментарии (4)
  3. PHP / Говнокод #8271


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    $searchCondition1 = ''; 
     $searchCondition2 = ''; 
     $searchCondition3 = ''; 
     $flag = false; 
     $sql = 'SELECT f.flight_id,
                   (SELECT city
                    FROM airports
                    WHERE airport_id = f.from) as _from,
                   (SELECT city
                    FROM airports
                    WHERE airport_id = f.to) as _to,
                    f.flight_date as fdate,
                    p.plain_name as plain
            FROM flight f JOIN planes p
                ON f.plain_id = p.plain_id
            WHERE '; 
     $fields = 0; 
         if($_POST['txtFrom'] != ''){ 
             $searchCondition1 = " city = '".$_POST['txtFrom']."'"; 
             $flag = true; // set flag to TRUE
         if($_POST['txtTo'] != ''){ // if To field is not empty
             $searchCondition2 = " city = '".$_POST['txtTo']."'"; 
             $flag = true;  // set flag to TRUE
         if ($_POST['txtDate'] != ''){ // if Date field is not empty
             $searchCondition3 = " DATE(f.flight_date) = '".$_POST['txtDate']."'";
             $fields++; // and inc 
         if($fields == 0){                             
             echo "<br/><div style=\"color:red\">Please, enter at least one filed to search</div>"; 
             if($searchCondition1 != '' && $searchCondition2 == ''){ 
             $sql .= " f.from IN (SELECT airport_id
                                        FROM airports
                                        WHERE ".$searchCondition1.")"; 
             if($searchCondition1 == '' && $searchCondition2 != ''){ 
                 $sql .= " f.to IN (SELECT airport_id
                                            FROM airports
                                            WHERE ".$searchCondition2.")"; 
             if($searchCondition1 != '' && $searchCondition2 != ''){ 
                 $sql .= " f.from IN (SELECT airport_id
                                            FROM airports
                                            WHERE ".$searchCondition1.")
                                 AND f.to IN (SELECT airport_id
                                            FROM airports
                                            WHERE ".$searchCondition2.")"; 
             if($searchCondition3 != ''){ 
                     $sql .= " AND ".$searchCondition3; 
                     $sql .= $searchCondition3; 
             $db = createPDO();
             $result = $db->query($sql);
             echo '<table>
                        Flight Date
                        Flight Time
                </tr>'; // create an HTML table with headers
             while($row = $result->fetch()){...}

    Ищем в табличке в зависимости от заполненных полей в форме

    denis90, 22 Октября 2011

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  4. PHP / Говнокод #8267


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      public function getLocations($fresh = 0)
            $tld =& $this->varGet('tld');
            $domain =& $this->varGet('domain');
            // if website is viewed via IP
            $noWWWButIP =& $this->varGet('noWWWButIP');
            $memCacheKey = 'getLocations';
            if (!$fresh) {
                // already fetched and stored in vars?
                if (is_array($this->varGet('arrLocations')))
                    $arrLocations = $this->varGet('arrLocations');
                // lets try fetching from memcache
                    $arrLocations = kd()->lib('kdCache')->get($memCacheKey);
            // regenerate
            if (!is_array($arrLocations)) {


    kovel, 21 Октября 2011

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  5. PHP / Говнокод #8264


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    if (asdfadfsdf != 1) {
    // всякий код
    define ('asdfadfsdf',1);

    Типа проверка чтобы "всякий код" исполнялся только 1 раз...

    Tairesh, 21 Октября 2011

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  6. PHP / Говнокод #8262


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    echo "<center><br><br><form method=\"POST\" action=\"\">
      <select name=\"Data\">";
    $query="SELECT dtDate FROM Energo ORDER BY dtDate Desc"; 
    $res=mssql_query($query) or die("Ошибка запроса!"); 
    while($row = mssql_fetch_array($res))
    echo "
    echo "</select>
      <input value=\"OK\" type=\"submit\">
    	echo "<br><br><center><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Справка</span><br style=\"font-weight: bold;\">
            <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">по ..... по состоянию на $Data г.<br><br>";
    		require_once ("tablebuh.lpd");
    		echo "<center><br><br>
    Начальник %Отдел% <img style=\"width: 50%;\"
     alt=\"\" src=\"podpis.gif\" align=\"middle\">
    К***в Н.А.<br><br>
    	echo "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"\">";
    	echo "<br><br><center><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Справка</span><br style=\"font-weight: bold;\">
            <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">по .... по состоянию на ";
    	$query="SELECT dtDate FROM Energo WHERE id='1'"; 
    	$res=mssql_query($query) or die("Ошибка запроса!"); 
    	while($row = mssql_fetch_array($res)) 
    			echo $row['dtDate']."<br><br>";
    			require_once ("tablebuh.lpd");
    			echo "</center>"; 
    	echo "<center><br>
    Начальник %Отдел% <img style=\"width: 50%;\"
     alt=\"\" src=\"podpis.gif\" align=\"middle\">
    К***в Н.А.<br><br>
    //А вот и сам tablebuh.php
    require_once ("t2.php");
    require_once ("t1.php");

    Хах, первый вопрос который задал себе, не пьян ли я был тогда=)
    Самое забавное, в течении 4 месяцев директор не имел никаких претензий по поводу одной и той же информации ежедневно=)

    LazyPiG, 21 Октября 2011

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  7. PHP / Говнокод #8257


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    if ( 1 ) { 
     //километровый говнокод 
    } else {

    Чуть со смеху не умер когда else увидел

    airrussia, 20 Октября 2011

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          $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*)'
          .' FROM #__datsogallery'
          .' WHERE (0 != 0';
          while (list($key, $cat) = each($queue)) {
            $query .= ' OR catid = '.$cat;
          $query = $query
          .') AND published = 1'
          .' AND approved = 1';
          $result = $db->query();

    Очень возбуждает строка 4.
    Это в официальном релизе компонента com_datsogallery к Joomla 1.5

    airrussia, 20 Октября 2011

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  9. PHP / Говнокод #8252


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    function get_uri()
    	// Path corrector //
    	$path_correct = str_replace("http://","",$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    	if (($path_correct[strlen($path_correct)-1] != "/") and (!preg_match("#[\.|\?]#i",$path_correct))) {
    	        header("Location: {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}/"); exit;
    	// Path parser //
    	$request = str_replace("http://","",$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    	$params = strpos($request,"?");
    	if ($params>0) { $request = substr($request,0,$params); }
    	@list($ignore,$path) = @explode("/",$request,2);
    	$CRT['PATH'] = @explode("/",$path);
    	if ($CRT['PATH'][count($CRT['PATH'])-1] == "") { unset($CRT['PATH'][count($CRT['PATH'])-1]); }
    	return $CRT['PATH'];

    Думаю, какого хрена я отсылаю форму постом, а приходит гет.
    Такое только на пиэйчпи могли написать.

    Nicklasos, 20 Октября 2011

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  10. PHP / Говнокод #8251


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    if (!empty($query['date_act_start']) && !empty($query['date_act_end'])) {
                    if ($query['date_act_start'] && $query['date_act_end']) {
                        $sphinx->setFilterRange('startdate', $query['date_act_start'], $query['date_act_end']);

    Вот такая проверка встретилась. Железная =)

    shatzibitten, 20 Октября 2011

    Комментарии (15)