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<script src=scripts.js></script>
if (isset($remove) && $user1 !="selectuser"): //to remove user from DB
print "Was updated sucsessfully: user '$user1' was removed<br>";
print "<font color=red>If You want to reload this page use <u>our 'Reload' button only</u></font>";
$query="delete from users where login=\"$user1\"";
if (!isset($reloadme) ):
//decremet when registered users removed users.txt
chmod ($file_loc,0755);
$newfile = fopen($file_loc, "r");
$file_contents = fread($newfile, filesize($file_loc));
$file_contents=$file_contents-1; //value contains how many users
$newfile = fopen($file_loc, "w+");
fwrite($newfile, "$file_contents");
chmod ($file_loc,0700); // end of adding data to file
endif; //end of reloadme
//counting of users
$file_loc = "users.txt";
// chmod ($file_loc,0644);
$whattoread = fopen($file_loc, "r");
$file_contents = fread($whattoread, filesize($file_loc));
// chmod ($file_loc,0755); // end of adding data to file
//end of counting
$query="select * from users order by id";
$result=mysql_query($query); // for first while
$result1=mysql_query($query); // for second while
print "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bordercolor=#007898><tr><td>"; //external table
print "<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 width=590><tr><td>
<form action=$PHP_SELF method=post><select name=\"user1\" class=select1><option value=\"selectuser\"> Select user ";
print"<option value=\"$row->login\" style=\"background-color:#FFFFFF;\">$row->login";
print "</select><br>
<input type=hidden name=remove>
<input type=hidden name=show>
<input type=hidden name=admin_login value=$admin_login_compare>"; // to enter one more time to login.php
print "<input type=hidden name=admin_password value=$admin_password_compare>"; // if ($admin_password!=$admin_password_compare) etc....
print "<input type=submit value=\"Remove User\" class=button1></form>";
//reload this page
print "<form action=$PHP_SELF method=post>
<input type=hidden name=show>
<input type=hidden name=admin_login value=$admin_login_compare>"; // to enter one more time to login.php
print "<input type=hidden name=admin_password value=$admin_password_compare>"; // if ($admin_password!=$admin_password_compare) etc....
print "<input type=hidden name=reloadme ><input type=submit value=Reload class=button1></form>";
print "Counter: $file_contents users
print "<td>
<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 bordercolor=#007898><tr><td>ID</td><td>Login</td><td>Password</td><td>Email</td><td>Last visit (Y/M/D)</td></tr></tr>";
print "<tr>";
print "<td>$row->id</td>";
print "<td><a href=\"javascript:showuserdata('$row->login','$row->address','$row->fax','$row->tel','$row->site')\" title=\"Show about $row->login\">$row->login</td>";
print "<td>$row->password </td>";
print "<td><a href=\"mailto:$row->email\" title=\"Email to $row->login\">$row->email</td>";
print "<td>$row->last_date</td>";
print "</tr>";
print "</table></td></tr></table>";
print " </table>"; //end of external table
print "<br> Click user name to view data about him";
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