1. Си / Говнокод #17892


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    fi = fopen("kokoko.tmp", "rb");
            fseek(fi, 0, SEEK_END);
            file_size = ftell(fi);
            fseek(fi, 0, SEEK_SET);

    rewind? system call? Не, не слышали.

    codemonkey, 30 Марта 2015

    Комментарии (96)
  2. Си / Говнокод #17823


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    #define LIFMT(X) (long int) (X)

    Всё тот же квантовохимический пакет. Что характерно, от обычных кастов дальше никто не отказывается.

    dxd, 20 Марта 2015

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  3. Си / Говнокод #17821


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    #include "mono-math.h"
    #ifndef HAVE_SIGNBIT
    mono_signbit_float (float x)
    	union { float f; int i; } u;
    	u.f = x;
    	return u.i < 0;
    mono_signbit_double (double x)
    	union { double d; int i[2]; } u;
    	u.d = x;
    	return u.i [1] < 0;
    	return u.i [0] < 0;

    Говно тут в том, что int далеко не везде будет 32 бит.
    https://github.com/mono/mono/blob/master/mono/utils/mono-math.c оттуда

    j123123, 19 Марта 2015

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  4. Си / Говнокод #17808


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     * BIG UGLY WARNING! This is so damn ugly I wanna puke.  Unfortunately, some
     * macros that use ASN1_const_CTX still insist on writing in the input
     * stream.  ARGH! ARGH! ARGH! Let's get rid of this macro package. Please? --
     * Richard Levitte      


    bormand, 17 Марта 2015

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  5. Си / Говнокод #17804


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    #define poff    acurp + curp * (nSQs+2)        /*probs: offset*/
    long psum() {return  c(poff+ 1);}    long pmax()    {return c(poff+2);}
    long pn     (long n)                {return          c(poff+2+n);   }
    void setp   (long n, long x){set    (poff+2+n, x);} /*prob changes:*/ 
    void setmax         (long x){set    (poff+2,   x);} /*metasearching*/
    void setsum         (long x){set    (poff+1,   x);}
    long get2ndmax()    {long n= poff+2, x=pmax(), m=n,  s=0,end=n+nSQs;   
         do     {n++;}   while  (c(n) != x);  /*find 2nd-highest <=pmax*/     
         do     {m++;    if (s < c(m) && m !=n) s= c(m);}/*jue tncheck?*/
                 while      (s < x    && m < end);       return  s;}
    void addtoSQ(long i, long val) {long x;   /*increase prob of ith SQ*/
         if  (val < 1 || i >nSQs || i<1) return;        /*not possible!*/
         x =  psum()+val;if (x > maxint) return;   /*has max normalizer*/
         setsum (x);    /*normalizer +*/ x =  pn(i)+val; setp(i, x); 
         if (x > pmax()) setmax (x);}   /*maximal SQprob has increased */    
    void subofSQ(long i, long val) {long x;   /*decrease prob of ith SQ*/
         if  (val < 1 || i >nSQs || i<1) return;        /*not possible!*/
         x =  pn(i)-val; if (x < 0)      return;/*no neg probabilities!*/
         setsum (psum()- val);           setp(i,x);/*don't check if =0!*/   
         if (x + val  == pmax()) setmax (get2ndmax());} /*change of max*/
    void incSQ()        {long i= top();  addtoSQ(i,1);} /*top, not pop!*/
    void decSQ()        {long i= top(),  x,y,z; /*decrem prob of the SQ*/
         if  (i> nSQs   || i< 1) return;/*no such search Q number known*/
         x =  pn(i);     if     (x==0)   return;        /*SQ: already 0*/
         y  = psum();    z =     pmax();              
         if  (x == 1 &&  y    <= z+1)    stop    /*leave at least 2 SQs*/
         if  (x == z)    setmax         (get2ndmax());  /*change of max*/
         setp(i, x-1);   setsum (y-1);}                 /*normalizer -1*/
    long upSQ;          /*SQ probability:enumerator  +=  upSQ: increase*/
    void oldSQ()   {long a=pop()+ndecl,  n,i; if(a<0||a> oldp)stop/*bad*/
         n=old[a].size;  a=old[a].start;/*all SQs of old nondecl: +upSQ*/
         tncheck  n+=a;  for(i=a;i<n;i++)addtoSQ(SQ[q[i].Q],     upSQ);}
    void setpat()       {long i= pop(); /*instantiate my search pattern*/
         if  (i<0 || i > patp)     stop /*no such search pattern exists*/
         set (acurp,i);}/*next SQ-search defined via new probabilities!*/
    void pupat()        {long    i  =    apatp;   /*push search pattern*/ 
         if  (i>maxpat)  stop    i++;    set(apatp,i);  /*not too many?*/
         cpabn  (poff+1, acurp + 1 + i *(2+ nSQs),       2 + nSQs,  
                                         acurp + 1,      aendpats);     }  
    void popat()        {long i= apatp;  if(i==0)   stop
         set(apatp,i-1); push(i); }                /*pop search pattern*/

    Полный исходник http://www.idsia.ch/~juergen/oopscode.c

    j123123, 17 Марта 2015

    Комментарии (11)
  6. Си / Говнокод #17802


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    void print_tetral(int i){
        case 1:
            printf("      January                February                March\n");
            printf("Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su   Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su   Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su\n");
        case 2:
            printf("       April                   May                    June\n");
            printf("Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su   Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su   Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su\n");
        case 3:
            printf("        July                  August               September\n");
            printf("Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su   Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su   Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su\n");
        case 4:
            printf("      October                 November               December\n");
            printf("Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su   Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su   Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su\n");

    alobanov, 16 Марта 2015

    Комментарии (24)
  7. Си / Говнокод #17801


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    int weeks_in_month(int month, int year){
        int weeks=1, first, i=0;  //i - числа месяца
        first = weekday(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, month, year);
        i += 8 - first;
        while(i <= days_in_month(month, year)){
            i += 7;
        return weeks;

    alobanov, 16 Марта 2015

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  8. Си / Говнокод #17800


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    void calendar(int year){
        int i, j, k, frst=1, week, length, day = 0;
        printf("                               ");
        if(year < 1000) printf(" ");
        printf("%d\n\n", year);
        int first[3];   // число начала недели (первая неделя - любой день недели, следющие - понедельник)
        for(i = 1; i <= 4; ++i){
            first[1] = weekday(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, i*3-2, year);
            first[2] = weekday(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, i*3-1, year);
            first[3] = weekday(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, i*3, year);
            length = max(weeks_in_month(i*3-2, year), \
                         weeks_in_month(i*3-1, year), \
                         weeks_in_month(i*3, year));
            for(week = 0; week < length; ++week){
                for(j = 1; j <= 3; ++j){
                    frst = first[j];
                    if(week > 0) frst = 1;
                    if(week == 0)
                        for(k = 1; k < first[j]; ++k)
                            printf("   ");
                    k = frst;
                    day = 0;
                    while(k <= 7 && day < days_in_month(i*3-3+j, year) && week < weeks_in_month(i*3-3+j, year)){
                        day = 7*week + k - first[j] + 1;
                        if(day > days_in_month(i*3-3+j, year)) break;
                        if(day < 10) printf(" %d ", day);
                        else if(day >= 10) printf("%d ", day);
                    if(week == length - 1 || day >= days_in_month(i*3-3+j, year))
                        for(; k <= 7; ++k)
                            printf("   ");
                    printf("  ");

    Печатаем календарь.

    alobanov, 16 Марта 2015

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  9. Си / Говнокод #17799


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    int days_in_month(int month, int year){
        if(month == 2){
            if(is_leap_year(year)) return 29;
            else return 28;
        if(month < 8){
            if(month % 2 == 1) return 31;
            else return 30;
        if(month > 7){
            if(month % 2 == 1) return 30;
            else return 31;
        return 0;

    Количество дней в месяце. Моя первая кучка. Не судите строго ^_^

    alobanov, 16 Марта 2015

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  10. Си / Говнокод #17787


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    printf("Enter item code: ");                                        //Prompts user
    scanf ("%14s", codenew1);                                           //Read user input
    len = strlen(codenew1);                                             //Read each character into variable len
    while (len != strspn(codenew1, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))
        printf ("Name contains non-alphabet characters. Try again!: "); //Prompts user to try again
        scanf ("%14s", codenew1);                                       //Reads user input
        len = strlen(codenew1);                                         //Read each character into variable len
    }                                                                   //Endwhile
    strncpy(codenew, codenew1,2);                                       //Copy the first two characters from the variable codenew1
    codenew[2] = 0;                                                     //Store first two characters into variavle codenew
    for ( j = 0; j < num_items; j++)                                    //Loop for num_items times
    {                                                                   //Beginning of for loop
        if (strcmp(array[j].code1, codenew) == 0)                       //If codenew is found in file
        {                                                               //Beginning of if statement
            price[i] = item_qty[i] * array[j].price1;                   //Calculating the price of an item
            printf("Price : %d", price[i]);                             //Prints price
            printf("\nEnter '%s' to confirm: ", array[j].itemname1);    //Confirming the item
            scanf("%19s", item_name1[i]);
            while (strcmp(item_name1[i], array[j].itemname1 )!=0)       //Looping until both item names are the same
            {                                                           //Begin while loop
                printf("Item name is not %s ,Try Again!: ", array[j].itemname1);    //Prompt user to try again
                scanf ("%19s", item_name1[i]);                              //Reads item name into an array
                len = strlen(item_name1[i]);                                //Reads each character into variable len
            }                                                               //End while loop
            len = strlen(item_name1[i]);                                    //Read each character into variable len
            while (len != strspn(item_name1[i], "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))    //While len contains non alphabetic characters
            {                                                                       //Beginning while
                printf ("Name contains non-alphabet characters. Try again!: ");     //Prompts user to try again
                scanf ("%19s", item_name1[i]);                                      //Read user input
                len = strlen(item_name1[i]);                                        //Read each character into variable len
            }                                                                       //End while
            strncpy(item_name[i], item_name1[i], 20);                               //Copy the first two characters from the variable codenew1
            item_name[i][20] = 0;                                                   //Store first 20 characters in variable item_name[i]
            total_price+= price[i];                                     //Calculate total price
            break;                                                      //Terminates loop
        }                                                               //End of if statement
            if (strcmp(array[j].code1, codenew) != 0)                       //If codenew is found in file
                printf("Invalid input! Try again.");
                goto Here;
    }                                                           //End of for loop

    Бесценные комментарии!

    myaut, 14 Марта 2015

    Комментарии (34)