1. Си / Говнокод #27294


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    // https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-10.1.0/gcc/Common-Function-Attributes.html
    access (access-mode, ref-index)
    access (access-mode, ref-index, size-index)
    // примеры:
    __attribute__ ((access (read_only, 1))) int puts (const char*);
    __attribute__ ((access (read_only, 1, 2))) void* memcpy (void*, const void*, size_t);
    __attribute__ ((access (read_write, 1), access (read_only, 2))) char* strcat (char*, const char*);
    __attribute__ ((access (write_only, 1), access (read_only, 2))) char* strcpy (char*, const char*);
    __attribute__ ((access (write_only, 1, 2), access (read_write, 3))) int fgets (char*, int, FILE*);

    В GCC 10 какой-то новый атрибут access появился, чтоб более строго что-то там гарантировать:

    The access attribute enables the detection of invalid or unsafe accesses by functions to which they apply or their callers, as well as write-only accesses to objects that are never read from. Such accesses may be diagnosed by warnings such as -Wstringop-overflow, -Wuninitialized, -Wunused, and others.

    The access attribute specifies that a function to whose by-reference arguments the attribute applies accesses the referenced object according to access-mode. The access-mode argument is required and must be one of three names: read_only, read_write, or write_only. The remaining two are positional arguments.

    The required ref-index positional argument denotes a function argument of pointer (or in C++, reference) type that is subject to the access. The same pointer argument can be referenced by at most one distinct access attribute.

    The optional size-index positional argument denotes a function argument of integer type that specifies the maximum size of the access. The size is the number of elements of the type referenced by ref-index, or the number of bytes when the pointer type is void*. When no size-index argument is specified, the pointer argument must be either null or point to a space that is suitably aligned and large for at least one object of the referenced type (this implies that a past-the-end pointer is not a valid argument). The actual size of the access may be less but it must not be more.

    j123123, 14 Марта 2021

    Комментарии (242)
  2. Си / Говнокод #27292


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    unsigned three = 1;
    unsigned five = 5;
    unsigned seven = 7;


    MAKAKA, 12 Марта 2021

    Комментарии (210)
  3. Си / Говнокод #27285


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    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    double emit_fmadd(double a, double b, double c) __attribute ((noinline));
    double emit_fmadd(double a, double b, double c)
      return a*b+c;
    int main(void)
      double a = 10.0000;
      double b = 1.00001;
      double c = 1.001;
      double res = emit_fmadd(a,b,c);
      unsigned char arr[sizeof(res)];
      memcpy(arr, &res, sizeof(res));
      for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(res); i++)
        printf("%.2x ", arr[i]);
    gcc -O3 -march=skylake
            vfmadd132sd     xmm0, xmm2, xmm1
    gcc -O3 -march=x86-64
            mulsd   xmm0, xmm1
            addsd   xmm0, xmm2

    Вот к чему плавучий питух приводит!

    j123123, 06 Марта 2021

    Комментарии (11)
  4. Си / Говнокод #27266


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    // https://deadlockempire.github.io/
    // Игра, где надо играть за планировщик чтоб вызвать дедлок
    // https://deadlockempire.github.io/#2-flags
    // First Army
    while (true) {
      while (flag != false) {
      flag = true;
      flag = false;
    // Second Army
    while (true) {
      while (flag != false) {
      flag = true;
      flag = false;

    The day finally came. The Deadlock Empire opened its gates and from them surged massive amounts of soldiers, loyal servants of the evil Parallel Wizard. The Wizard has many strengths - his armies are fast, and he can do a lot of stuff that we can't. But now he set out to conquer the world, and we cannot have that.

    You are our best Scheduler, commander! We have fewer troops and simpler ones, so we will need your help. Already two armies of the Deadlock Empire are approaching our border keeps. They are poorly equipped and poorly trained, however. You might be able to desync them and break their morale.

    j123123, 20 Февраля 2021

    Комментарии (60)
  5. Си / Говнокод #27259


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    static int callback_from_db_message(void *data, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName) {
        int *userSocket = data;
        long time = atol(argv[1]);
        bool edit = atoi(argv[2]);
        char *sTime = mx_strnew(26);
        ctime_r(&time, sTime);
        char *buffer = new_messageClient1(argv[0], argv[3],sTime,edit);
        int receive = send(*userSocket, buffer, mx_strlen(buffer), 0);
        return argc - argc + mx_strlen(azColName[0] ? "" : "0") - mx_strlen(azColName[0] ? "" : "0");

    Компилятор жалуется, что не используется переменная?
    И при быстром отправке в сокет, сообщения соединяются в один?
    Вот решение!

    lord_c, 17 Февраля 2021

    Комментарии (18)
  6. Си / Говнокод #27255


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    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <inttypes.h>
    int main(void)
      uint32_t uint32max = UINT32_MAX;
      int32_t int32_minus_one = -1;
      printf("uint32_max = %" PRIu32 "\n", uint32max);
      printf("int32_minus_one = %" PRIi32 "\n", int32_minus_one);
      if (uint32max > int32_minus_one)
        puts("uint32max > int32_minus_one");
      else if (uint32max < int32_minus_one)
        puts("uint32max < int32_minus_one");
        puts("uint32max == int32_minus_one");
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    Почему в Си нет особого правила при сравнении signed и unsigned типов, ну типа если значение в signed типе отрицательно, то он полюбасу будет меньше любого unsigned значения? А то говно какое-то.

    (нет, я понимаю почему так происходит, но все равно говно)

    j123123, 15 Февраля 2021

    Комментарии (31)
  7. Си / Говнокод #27240


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    // https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbedtls/blob/a0832d47f7eb859f75301ae321be5dea4ccb17f3/library/aes.c#L128
     * Forward tables
    #define FT \
        V(A5,63,63,C6), V(84,7C,7C,F8), V(99,77,77,EE), V(8D,7B,7B,F6), \
        V(0D,F2,F2,FF), V(BD,6B,6B,D6), V(B1,6F,6F,DE), V(54,C5,C5,91), \
        V(50,30,30,60), V(03,01,01,02), V(A9,67,67,CE), V(7D,2B,2B,56), \
        V(19,FE,FE,E7), V(62,D7,D7,B5), V(E6,AB,AB,4D), V(9A,76,76,EC), \
        V(45,CA,CA,8F), V(9D,82,82,1F), V(40,C9,C9,89), V(87,7D,7D,FA), \
        V(15,FA,FA,EF), V(EB,59,59,B2), V(C9,47,47,8E), V(0B,F0,F0,FB), \
        V(EC,AD,AD,41), V(67,D4,D4,B3), V(FD,A2,A2,5F), V(EA,AF,AF,45), \
        V(BF,9C,9C,23), V(F7,A4,A4,53), V(96,72,72,E4), V(5B,C0,C0,9B), \
        V(C2,B7,B7,75), V(1C,FD,FD,E1), V(AE,93,93,3D), V(6A,26,26,4C), \
        V(5A,36,36,6C), V(41,3F,3F,7E), V(02,F7,F7,F5), V(4F,CC,CC,83), \
        V(5C,34,34,68), V(F4,A5,A5,51), V(34,E5,E5,D1), V(08,F1,F1,F9), \
        V(93,71,71,E2), V(73,D8,D8,AB), V(53,31,31,62), V(3F,15,15,2A), \
        V(0C,04,04,08), V(52,C7,C7,95), V(65,23,23,46), V(5E,C3,C3,9D), \
        V(28,18,18,30), V(A1,96,96,37), V(0F,05,05,0A), V(B5,9A,9A,2F), \
        V(09,07,07,0E), V(36,12,12,24), V(9B,80,80,1B), V(3D,E2,E2,DF), \
        V(26,EB,EB,CD), V(69,27,27,4E), V(CD,B2,B2,7F), V(9F,75,75,EA), \
        V(1B,09,09,12), V(9E,83,83,1D), V(74,2C,2C,58), V(2E,1A,1A,34), \
        V(2D,1B,1B,36), V(B2,6E,6E,DC), V(EE,5A,5A,B4), V(FB,A0,A0,5B), \
        V(F6,52,52,A4), V(4D,3B,3B,76), V(61,D6,D6,B7), V(CE,B3,B3,7D), \
        V(7B,29,29,52), V(3E,E3,E3,DD), V(71,2F,2F,5E), V(97,84,84,13), \
        V(F5,53,53,A6), V(68,D1,D1,B9), V(00,00,00,00), V(2C,ED,ED,C1), \
        V(60,20,20,40), V(1F,FC,FC,E3), V(C8,B1,B1,79), V(ED,5B,5B,B6), \
        V(BE,6A,6A,D4), V(46,CB,CB,8D), V(D9,BE,BE,67), V(4B,39,39,72), \
        V(DE,4A,4A,94), V(D4,4C,4C,98), V(E8,58,58,B0), V(4A,CF,CF,85), \
        V(6B,D0,D0,BB), V(2A,EF,EF,C5), V(E5,AA,AA,4F), V(16,FB,FB,ED), \
        V(C5,43,43,86), V(D7,4D,4D,9A), V(55,33,33,66), V(94,85,85,11), \
        V(CF,45,45,8A), V(10,F9,F9,E9), V(06,02,02,04), V(81,7F,7F,FE), \
        V(F0,50,50,A0), V(44,3C,3C,78), V(BA,9F,9F,25), V(E3,A8,A8,4B), \
        V(F3,51,51,A2), V(FE,A3,A3,5D), V(C0,40,40,80), V(8A,8F,8F,05), \
        V(AD,92,92,3F), V(BC,9D,9D,21), V(48,38,38,70), V(04,F5,F5,F1), \
        V(DF,BC,BC,63), V(C1,B6,B6,77), V(75,DA,DA,AF), V(63,21,21,42), \
        V(30,10,10,20), V(1A,FF,FF,E5), V(0E,F3,F3,FD), V(6D,D2,D2,BF), \
        V(4C,CD,CD,81), V(14,0C,0C,18), V(35,13,13,26), V(2F,EC,EC,C3), \
        V(E1,5F,5F,BE), V(A2,97,97,35), V(CC,44,44,88), V(39,17,17,2E), \
        V(57,C4,C4,93), V(F2,A7,A7,55), V(82,7E,7E,FC), V(47,3D,3D,7A), \
        V(AC,64,64,C8), V(E7,5D,5D,BA), V(2B,19,19,32), V(95,73,73,E6), \
        V(A0,60,60,C0), V(98,81,81,19), V(D1,4F,4F,9E), V(7F,DC,DC,A3), \
        V(66,22,22,44), V(7E,2A,2A,54), V(AB,90,90,3B), V(83,88,88,0B), \
        V(CA,46,46,8C), V(29,EE,EE,C7), V(D3,B8,B8,6B), V(3C,14,14,28), \
        V(79,DE,DE,A7), V(E2,5E,5E,BC), V(1D,0B,0B,16), V(76,DB,DB,AD), \
        V(3B,E0,E0,DB), V(56,32,32,64), V(4E,3A,3A,74), V(1E,0A,0A,14), \
        V(DB,49,49,92), V(0A,06,06,0C), V(6C,24,24,48), V(E4,5C,5C,B8), \
        V(5D,C2,C2,9F), V(6E,D3,D3,BD), V(EF,AC,AC,43), V(A6,62,62,C4), \
        V(A8,91,91,39), V(A4,95,95,31), V(37,E4,E4,D3), V(8B,79,79,F2), \
        V(32,E7,E7,D5), V(43,C8,C8,8B), V(59,37,37,6E), V(B7,6D,6D,DA), \
        V(8C,8D,8D,01), V(64,D5,D5,B1), V(D2,4E,4E,9C), V(E0,A9,A9,49), \
        V(B4,6C,6C,D8), V(FA,56,56,AC), V(07,F4,F4,F3), V(25,EA,EA,CF), \
        V(AF,65,65,CA), V(8E,7A,7A,F4), V(E9,AE,AE,47), V(18,08,08,10), \
        V(D5,BA,BA,6F), V(88,78,78,F0), V(6F,25,25,4A), V(72,2E,2E,5C), \
        V(24,1C,1C,38), V(F1,A6,A6,57), V(C7,B4,B4,73), V(51,C6,C6,97), \
        V(23,E8,E8,CB), V(7C,DD,DD,A1), V(9C,74,74,E8), V(21,1F,1F,3E), \
        V(DD,4B,4B,96), V(DC,BD,BD,61), V(86,8B,8B,0D), V(85,8A,8A,0F), \
        V(90,70,70,E0), V(42,3E,3E,7C), V(C4,B5,B5,71), V(AA,66,66,CC), \
        V(D8,48,48,90), V(05,03,03,06), V(01,F6,F6,F7), V(12,0E,0E,1C), \
        V(A3,61,61,C2), V(5F,35,35,6A), V(F9,57,57,AE), V(D0,B9,B9,69), \
        V(91,86,86,17), V(58,C1,C1,99), V(27,1D,1D,3A), V(B9,9E,9E,27), \
        V(38,E1,E1,D9), V(13,F8,F8,EB), V(B3,98,98,2B), V(33,11,11,22), \
        V(BB,69,69,D2), V(70,D9,D9,A9), V(89,8E,8E,07), V(A7,94,94,33), \
        V(B6,9B,9B,2D), V(22,1E,1E,3C), V(92,87,87,15), V(20,E9,E9,C9), \
        V(49,CE,CE,87), V(FF,55,55,AA), V(78,28,28,50), V(7A,DF,DF,A5), \
        V(8F,8C,8C,03), V(F8,A1,A1,59), V(80,89,89,09), V(17,0D,0D,1A), \
        V(DA,BF,BF,65), V(31,E6,E6,D7), V(C6,42,42,84), V(B8,68,68,D0), \
        V(C3,41,41,82), V(B0,99,99,29), V(77,2D,2D,5A), V(11,0F,0F,1E), \
        V(CB,B0,B0,7B), V(FC,54,54,A8), V(D6,BB,BB,6D), V(3A,16,16,2C)
    #define V(a,b,c,d) 0x##a##b##c##d
    static const uint32_t FT0[256] = { FT };
    #undef V
    #if !defined(MBEDTLS_AES_FEWER_TABLES)
    #define V(a,b,c,d) 0x##b##c##d##a
    static const uint32_t FT1[256] = { FT };
    #undef V
    #define V(a,b,c,d) 0x##c##d##a##b
    static const uint32_t FT2[256] = { FT };
    #undef V
    #define V(a,b,c,d) 0x##d##a##b##c
    static const uint32_t FT3[256] = { FT };
    #undef V

    Какая генерация )))
    Крестобляди б наверное тут какими-то констэкспрами делали нужные кобенации битиков. А тут прость через перегрузку переопределение дефайна можно по-разному байтики сшивать.

    j123123, 07 Февраля 2021

    Комментарии (9)
  8. Си / Говнокод #27230


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    function main()
    	assert(false, "defl0");
    // получаетм MLIR tsc.exe --emit=mlir C:\temp\2.ts
    module  {
      func @main() {
        %false = constant false
        typescript.assert %false, "defl0"
    // или MLIR-LLVM
    module  {
      llvm.mlir.global internal constant @f_7029868395233414505("C:\\temp\\2.ts\00")
      llvm.mlir.global internal constant @m_964876063036005986("defl0\00")
      llvm.func @_assert(!llvm.ptr<i8>, !llvm.ptr<i8>, i32)
      llvm.func @main() {
        %0 = llvm.mlir.constant(false) : i1
        llvm.cond_br %0, ^bb1, ^bb2
      ^bb1:  // pred: ^bb0
      ^bb2:  // pred: ^bb0
        %1 = llvm.mlir.addressof @m_964876063036005986 : !llvm.ptr<array<6 x i8>>
        %2 = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : index) : i64
        %3 = llvm.getelementptr %1[%2, %2] : (!llvm.ptr<array<6 x i8>>, i64, i64) -> !llvm.ptr<i8>
        %4 = llvm.mlir.addressof @f_7029868395233414505 : !llvm.ptr<array<13 x i8>>
        %5 = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : index) : i64
        %6 = llvm.getelementptr %4[%5, %5] : (!llvm.ptr<array<13 x i8>>, i64, i64) -> !llvm.ptr<i8>
        %7 = llvm.mlir.constant(5 : i32) : i32
        llvm.call @_assert(%3, %6, %7) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, !llvm.ptr<i8>, i32) -> ()
    // переводим в LLVM mlir-translate.exe --mlir-to-llvmir -o=out.il 1.mlir и получаем полный абзец
    ; ModuleID = 'LLVMDialectModule'
    source_filename = "LLVMDialectModule"
    @m_15759024501200700639 = internal constant [6 x i8] c"defl2\00"
    @f_7029868395233414505 = internal constant [13 x i8] c"C:\\temp\\2.ts\00"
    @m_9918845950589312633 = internal constant [6 x i8] c"defl0\00"
    declare i8* @malloc(i64)
    declare void @free(i8*)
    declare void @_assert(i8*, i8*, i32)
    define void @main() !dbg !3 {
      br i1 false, label %1, label %3, !dbg !7
    1:                                                ; preds = %0
      br i1 false, label %2, label %4, !dbg !9
    2:                                                ; preds = %1
      ret void, !dbg !10
    3:                                                ; preds = %0
      call void @_assert(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8], [6 x i8]* @m_9918845950589312633, i64 0, i64 0), i8* getelementptr inbounds ([13 x i8], [13 x i8]* @f_7029868395233414505, i64 0, i64 0), i32 5), !dbg !11
      unreachable, !dbg !12
    4:                                                ; preds = %1
      call void @_assert(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8], [6 x i8]* @m_15759024501200700639, i64 0, i64 0), i8* getelementptr inbounds ([13 x i8], [13 x i8]* @f_7029868395233414505, i64 0, i64 0), i32 12), !dbg !13
      unreachable, !dbg !14
    // компилим это говно и получаем EXE
    // llc.exe --filetype=obj -o=out.o out.il
    // lld.exe -flavor link out.o "libcmt.lib" "libvcruntime.lib" "kernel32.lib" "libucrt.lib" "uuid.lib" 
    // запускаем и вуаля
    // Output:
    // Assertion failed: defl0, file C:\temp\2.ts, line 5

    продолжаем говнокодить. что получается из одной строчки после компиляции когда в TypeScript (компайлером)

    ну все сказанно в говнокоде

    ASD_77, 02 Февраля 2021

    Комментарии (59)
  9. Си / Говнокод #27227


    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5
    char* to_str(int i) {
        char* s = malloc(12);
        sprintf(s, "%d", i);
        return s;

    Как в сишке без RAII принято жить? Пиздец какой-то. Буфер в функцию передавать?

    Что мешает завезти RAII в сишку?

    3_dar, 30 Января 2021

    Комментарии (28)
  10. Си / Говнокод #27215


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    includelib  C:\Irvine\User32.Lib
    includelib  C:\Irvine\Kernel32.Lib
    includelib  D:\masm32\lib\Irvine32.lib
    include     \masm32\include\Irvine32.inc
    data_1 dword  45
    data_2 dword 29
    msg byte ?
    main PROC
    xor ebx,  ebx
    xor eax,  eax
    xor edx,  edx
    xor esi,  esi
    mov cl ,31
    mov eax, data_1
    mov esi , data_2
    shl esi,   1
    jnc one
    cmp msg, 1
    je two
    shl eax,   cl
    mov   msg, 1
    mov ebx, data_1
    jmp one
    shl ebx, cl
    mov   msg, 0
    add eax, ebx
    add edx , eax
    mov eax, data_1
    loop lm
    mov eax , edx
    call WriteInt
    Call CrLf
    main ENDP
    END main

    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you
    Though I know that evening's empire has returned into sand
    Vanished from my hand
    Left me blindly here to stand, but still not sleeping
    My weariness amazes me, I'm branded on my feet
    I have no one to meet
    And the ancient empty street's too dead for dreaming
    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you
    Take me on a trip upon your magic swirling ship
    My senses have been stripped
    My hands can't feel to grip
    My toes too numb to step
    Wait only for my boot heels to be wandering
    I'm ready to go anywhere, I'm ready for to fade
    Into my own parade
    Cast your dancing spell my way, I promise to go under it
    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you

    Madhouse_camomile, 14 Января 2021

    Комментарии (2)