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#!/usr/bin/env escript
main(["-p"|Filenames]) ->
put(pretend, true),
main(Filenames) ->
case get(pretend) of
true -> ok;
_ -> put(pretend, false)
Albums = lists:filtermap(fun parse_name/1, Filenames),
lists:foreach(fun process_album/1, Albums).
process_album({Zip, Artist, Album}) ->
Dir = filename:absname(filename:join(Artist, Album)),
case filelib:wildcard(Dir ++ "/cover.*") of
[] ->
io:format("Will create ~p~n", [Dir]),
get(pretend) orelse do_process_album(Dir, Zip, Album);
_ ->
io:format("Ignoring ~p : ~p~n", [Artist, Album])
do_process_album(Dir, Zip, Album) ->
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Dir ++ "/fake"),
0 = exec(Dir, "/usr/bin/unzip", [Zip, "-d", Dir]),
postprocess(Album, Dir).
postprocess(Album, Dir) ->
Files = filelib:wildcard(Dir ++ "/*-*[0-9]*.flac"),
lists:foreach(fun(I) -> rename_flac(Album, I) end, Files).
rename_flac(Album, OldFile) ->
Dir = filename:dirname(OldFile),
OldName = filename:basename(OldFile),
Options = [{capture, all_but_first, list}],
{ok, RE} = re:compile(Album ++ " - ([0-9]+.*\\.flac)", [unicode]),
case re:run(OldName, RE, Options) of
{match, [NewName]} ->
io:format("New name: ~p~n", [NewName]),
NewFile = filename:join(Dir, NewName),
ok = file:rename(OldFile, NewFile);
nomatch ->
parse_name(Filename) ->
Opts = [{capture, ['band', album], list}],
case re:run(filename:basename(Filename), "(?<band>[^-]+) - (?<album>.*)\\.zip", Opts) of
{match, [Band, Album]} ->
{true, {filename:absname(Filename), Band, Album}};
nomatch ->
-spec exec(file:filename(), file:filename(), [string() | binary()]) -> integer().
exec(Dir, CMD, Args) ->
Port = open_port( {spawn_executable, CMD}
, [ exit_status
, binary
, stderr_to_stdout
, {args, Args}
, {cd, Dir}
, {line, 300}
collect_port_output(Port, filename:basename(CMD)).
-spec collect_port_output(port(), string()) -> integer().
collect_port_output(Port, CMD) ->
{Port, {data, {_, Data}}} ->
io:format("~s: ~s~n", [CMD, Data]),
collect_port_output(Port, CMD);
{Port, {exit_status, ExitStatus}} ->