- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
PETUH = PITUH.replace('I', 'E')
Нашли или выдавили из себя код, который нельзя назвать нормальным, на который без улыбки не взглянешь? Не торопитесь его удалять или рефакторить, — запостите его на говнокод.ру, посмеёмся вместе!
PETUH = PITUH.replace('I', 'E')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./prog.py", line 4, in <module>
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'replace'
(set-logic UF)
; https://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/logics.shtml
; UF for the extension allowing free sort and function symbols
(set-option :produce-proofs true)
(declare-sort M_list)
(declare-fun m_node (M_list M_list) M_list)
; один хер какой порядок, можно переписать (a, b) на (b, a)
(forall ( (a M_list) (b M_list) )
(m_node a b)
(m_node b a)
; если есть (a (b c)) то можно переписать на (с (a b))
(forall ( (a M_list) (b M_list) (c M_list) )
(m_node a (m_node b c) )
(m_node c (m_node a b) )
; Можно создавать или удалять повторы, (a a) <=> a
(forall ( (a M_list))
(m_node a a)
; Чтоб узнать, выводима ли такая-то хернь
(declare-fun m_node_select (M_list M_list) Bool)
(forall ( (a M_list) (b M_list) )
a (m_node a b)
; проверяем, можно ли сконструировать (a a) из (c ((b d) a))
(not (forall ( (a M_list) (b M_list) (c M_list) (d M_list) )
(m_node a a)
(m_node c (m_node (m_node b d) a) )
Вот вам немного гомоикон SMT-солвера. Эта вот хренотень сама доказывает, не то что какой-то там Coq.
Понятно что по тем вот говноправилам можно чтоб всплыло 'a' и потом его удвоить "(a a) <=> a"
потом через m_node_select вытащить этот дубликат
X = data.frame(x=x, y=x^2, col=ifelse(x > 0, 1, 2))
ggplot(X, aes(x, y)) + geom_point(aes(colour=col))
Очевидный и понятный интерфейс, да?
var object = {a: 123, b:"abc"};
var newObject = ko.observableProps(object);
newObject.a(); => 345
newObject.b(); => "def"
import math
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--principal", type=int)
parser.add_argument("--periods", type=int)
parser.add_argument("--interest", type=float)
parser.add_argument("--payment", type=float)
args = parser.parse_args()
choose = args.type
p = args.principal
n = args.periods
i = args.interest
a = args.payment
if i is None or p is None and a is None:
print("Incorrect parameters.")
i = (i * 0.01) / (12 * 1)
if choose == "diff":
m = 1
overpayment_all = 0
while m <= n:
d = math.ceil(p / n + i * (p - ((p * (m - 1)) / n)))
m += 1
overpayment_all += d
print(f"Month {m - 1}: payment is {d}")
print(f"Overpayment = {overpayment_all - p}")
elif choose == "annuity" and a is None:
a = math.ceil(p * (i * math.pow((1 + i), n)) / (math.pow((1 + i), n) - 1))
print(f"Your monthly payment = {a}!")
over = a * n - p
print(f"Overpayment = {math.ceil(over)}")
elif choose == "annuity" and p is None:
p = int(a / (i * math.pow(1 + i, n) / (math.pow(1 + i, n) - 1)))
print(f"Your loan principal = {p}!")
m = 1
over = a * n - p
print(f"Overpayment = {math.ceil(over)}")
elif choose == "annuity":
n = math.ceil(math.log(a / (a - i * p), 1 + i))
zxc = math.ceil(math.log(a / (a - i * p), 1 + i))
years = 0
while n >= 12:
n -= 12
years += 1
if years == 0:
print(f"It will take {n} months to repay this loan!")
over = a * zxc - p
print(f"Overpayment = {math.ceil(over)}")
elif n == 0:
print(f"It will take {years} years to repay this loan!")
over = a * zxc - p
print(f"Overpayment = {math.ceil(over)}")
print(f"It will take {years} years and {n} months to repay this loan!")
over = a * zxc - p
print(f"Overpayment = {math.ceil(over)}")
Ебучий универ и ебучее задание на питоне. Всё было бы збс, если бы не математика.
Прога считает проценты, бабки, переплаты и чёт ещё, наверное
var utils = require('util');
module.exports = class Client {
constructor(Socket) {
this.Socket = Socket;
this.TLSSocket = require('tls');
this.XmlParser = new require('xml2js').Parser();
this.XmlBuilder = require('xmlbuilder');
this.Client = this;
this.Authorized = false;
this.OnlineId = '1';
this.Socket.on('data', (Packet) => this.OnData(Packet));
this.Player = null;
this.Status = 0;
// Авторизация.
OnData(Packet) {
if (Packet[0] == 0xad || Packet[1] == 0xde || Packet[2] == 0xed || Packet[3] == 0xfe) {
var PacketBuffer = Buffer.alloc(Number(Packet.readBigInt64LE(4)));
Packet.copy(PacketBuffer, 0, 12);
var Query = PacketBuffer.toString();
console.log('[CLIENT] ',Query);
this.XmlParser.parseString(PacketBuffer.toString(), (err, result) => {
if (result)
if (result.starttls && !this.TLSSocket.Authorized && !this.Authorized) {
proceed: {
'@xmlns': 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'
}, {
headless: true
pretty: false
this.TLSSocket = new this.TLSSocket.TLSSocket(this.Socket, {
cert: global.Cert,
key: global.CertKey,
ca: global.CertBundle,
minVersion: 'TLSv1',
isServer: true
this.TLSSocket.once('secure', () => {
this.TLSSocket.Authorized = true;
console.log('TLS Connection established!');
this.TLSSocket.on('data', (Packet)=>this.OnData(Packet));
else if (result.iq && result.iq.bind) {
iq: {
'@id': result.iq.$.id,
'@type': 'result',
bind: {
'@xmlns': 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind',
jid: this.OnlineId
}, {
headless: true
pretty: false
} else if (result.iq && result.iq.session) {
iq: {
'@id': result.iq.$.id,
'@type': 'result',
'@to': this.OnlineId,
session: {
'@xmlns': 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session'
}, {
headless: true
pretty: false
else if (result.iq && result.iq.query) {
var QueryName = Object.keys(result.iq.query[0]).filter(function (str) {
return str != '_' && str != '$'
var QueryFunction = global.PacketFactory[QueryName];
if (QueryFunction) {
var Stanza = result.iq.query[0][QueryName][0];
console.log(`\x1b[32mQueryname: ${QueryName} ${utils.inspect(Stanza.$)}\x1b[0m`);
global.PacketFactory[QueryName].handle(this, Stanza, result.iq.$.to, result.iq.$.id);
Nodejs вход пользователя
// -------------------------------------------
// 2.2. binary calls
// -------------------------------------------
combination table:
+- | c a n
c | C A N
a | A A N
n | N N N
* | c a n
c | C A N
a | A N N
n | N N N
/ | c a n
c | C N N
a | A N N
n | N N N
c : constant, as scalar, point, tensor, ect
l : affine homogeneous expr argument: as field, field_indirect or field_expr_node::is_affine_homogeneous
n : function, functor or ! field_expr_node::is_affine_homogeneous
C : constant : this combination is not implemented here
A,N : are implemented here
at least one of the two args is not of type "c"
when c: c value is embeded in bind_first or bind_second
and the operation reduces to an unary one
when a: if it is a field_convertible, it should be wrapped
in field_expr_v2_nonlinear_terminal_field
when c: no wrapper is need
The a and n cases are grouped, thanks to the wrapper_traits
and it remains to cases :
1) both args are field_expr_v2_nonlinear or a function
2) one arg is a field_expr_v2_nonlinear or a function and the second argument is a constant
#define _RHEOLEF_make_field_expr_v2_nonlinear_binary(FUNCTION,FUNCTOR) \
template<class Expr1, class Expr2> \
inline \
typename \
std::enable_if< \
details::is_field_expr_v2_nonlinear_arg<Expr1>::value \
&& details::is_field_expr_v2_nonlinear_arg<Expr2>::value \
&& ! details::is_field_expr_v2_constant <Expr1>::value \
&& ! details::is_field_expr_v2_constant <Expr2>::value \
,details::field_expr_v2_nonlinear_node_binary< \
,typename details::field_expr_v2_nonlinear_terminal_wrapper_traits<Expr1>::type \
,typename details::field_expr_v2_nonlinear_terminal_wrapper_traits<Expr2>::type \
> \
>::type \
FUNCTION (const Expr1& expr1, const Expr2& expr2) \
{ \
typedef typename details::field_expr_v2_nonlinear_terminal_wrapper_traits<Expr1>::type wrap1_t; \
typedef typename details::field_expr_v2_nonlinear_terminal_wrapper_traits<Expr2>::type wrap2_t; \
return details::field_expr_v2_nonlinear_node_binary <FUNCTOR,wrap1_t,wrap2_t> \
(FUNCTOR(), wrap1_t(expr1), wrap2_t(expr2)); \
} \
template<class Expr1, class Expr2> \
inline \
typename \
std::enable_if< \
details::is_field_expr_v2_constant <Expr1>::value \
&& details::is_field_expr_v2_nonlinear_arg<Expr2>::value \
&& ! details::is_field_expr_v2_constant <Expr2>::value \
,details::field_expr_v2_nonlinear_node_unary< \
details::binder_first< \
,typename details::field_promote_first_argument< \
IT Оффтоп #80
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echo 'ok';
echo 'error';
утверждают что сайт им писали лучшие из лучших
$ find ~ -name .git -type d -prune -printf "***\n%p\n***\n" -exec git -C '{}/..' status \;