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// -------------------------------------------
// 2.2. binary calls
// -------------------------------------------
combination table:
+- | c a n
c | C A N
a | A A N
n | N N N
* | c a n
c | C A N
a | A N N
n | N N N
/ | c a n
c | C N N
a | A N N
n | N N N
c : constant, as scalar, point, tensor, ect
l : affine homogeneous expr argument: as field, field_indirect or field_expr_node::is_affine_homogeneous
n : function, functor or ! field_expr_node::is_affine_homogeneous
C : constant : this combination is not implemented here
A,N : are implemented here
at least one of the two args is not of type "c"
when c: c value is embeded in bind_first or bind_second
and the operation reduces to an unary one
when a: if it is a field_convertible, it should be wrapped
in field_expr_v2_nonlinear_terminal_field
when c: no wrapper is need
The a and n cases are grouped, thanks to the wrapper_traits
and it remains to cases :
1) both args are field_expr_v2_nonlinear or a function
2) one arg is a field_expr_v2_nonlinear or a function and the second argument is a constant
#define _RHEOLEF_make_field_expr_v2_nonlinear_binary(FUNCTION,FUNCTOR) \
template<class Expr1, class Expr2> \
inline \
typename \
std::enable_if< \
details::is_field_expr_v2_nonlinear_arg<Expr1>::value \
&& details::is_field_expr_v2_nonlinear_arg<Expr2>::value \
&& ! details::is_field_expr_v2_constant <Expr1>::value \
&& ! details::is_field_expr_v2_constant <Expr2>::value \
,details::field_expr_v2_nonlinear_node_binary< \
,typename details::field_expr_v2_nonlinear_terminal_wrapper_traits<Expr1>::type \
,typename details::field_expr_v2_nonlinear_terminal_wrapper_traits<Expr2>::type \
> \
>::type \
FUNCTION (const Expr1& expr1, const Expr2& expr2) \
{ \
typedef typename details::field_expr_v2_nonlinear_terminal_wrapper_traits<Expr1>::type wrap1_t; \
typedef typename details::field_expr_v2_nonlinear_terminal_wrapper_traits<Expr2>::type wrap2_t; \
return details::field_expr_v2_nonlinear_node_binary <FUNCTOR,wrap1_t,wrap2_t> \
(FUNCTOR(), wrap1_t(expr1), wrap2_t(expr2)); \
} \
template<class Expr1, class Expr2> \
inline \
typename \
std::enable_if< \
details::is_field_expr_v2_constant <Expr1>::value \
&& details::is_field_expr_v2_nonlinear_arg<Expr2>::value \
&& ! details::is_field_expr_v2_constant <Expr2>::value \
,details::field_expr_v2_nonlinear_node_unary< \
details::binder_first< \
,typename details::field_promote_first_argument< \
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