1. PHP / Говнокод #19851


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    public function get($userId = null, $advense = false) {
            if ($userId === null) $userId = $this->currentId;
            $user = DB::table('users')
                            DB::raw('IF(email IS NOT NULL AND email_confirm IS NULL, 1, 0) AS email_confirm'),
                            DB::raw('IF(phone IS NOT NULL AND phone_confirm IS NULL, 1, 0) AS phone_confirm'),
                            DB::raw('IF(birthday IS NOT NULL, TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,birthday,CURDATE()), NULL) AS age'),
                            DB::raw('IF(phone IS NOT NULL AND phone_confirm IS NULL AND email IS NOT NULL AND email_confirm IS NULL AND (new_first_name IS NOT NULL OR new_last_name IS NOT NULL OR new_status_text IS NOT NULL OR new_image_url IS NOT NULL), 1, 0) AS on_moderate'))
                    ->where('id', $userId)->first();
            if ($user === null) throw new Exception ('User is not found', 404);
            $user->locality           = Geo::get($user->locality_id);
            $rating = $this->rating($userId);
            $user->rating           = (float)$rating->avg;
            $user->rating_counter   = (int)$rating->cnt;
            $user->counters        = $this->getCounters($userId);
            $contact = $this->contacts->isMyContact($userId);
            if ($userId != $this->currentId) {
                $user->created = null;
                $user->updated = null;
                $user->birthday = null;
                $user->email_confirm = null;
                $user->phone_confirm = null;
                $user->subscribed = null;
                $user->organizations = null;
                $contact = $this->contacts->isMyContact($userId);
                // Если пользователь не контакт авторизованного, сотрем контактную информацию
                if ( $contact === null || $contact === 'declined') {
                    $user->phone = null;
                    $user->email = null;
                    $user->last_name = mb_substr($user->last_name, 0, 1, 'UTF-8');
            } else {
                if($user->new_first_name !== null) {
                    $user->first_name = $user->new_first_name;
                if($user->new_last_name !== null) {
                    $user->last_name = $user->new_last_name;
                if($user->new_image_url !== null) {
                    $user->image_url = $user->new_image_url;
                if($user->new_status_text !== null) {
                    $user->status_text = $user->new_status_text;
                $user->organizations = Organizations\Organizations::getByUserId($userId);
                $user->is_followed     = null;
                $user->is_my_contact   = null;
                $user->has_my_contact  = null;
                $user->has_my_opinion  = null;
            $user->is_followed     = $this->followers->isFollowed($userId);
            $user->is_my_contact   = $this->contacts->isMyContact($userId);
            $user->has_my_contact  = $this->contacts->hasMyContact($userId);
            return $user;

    Тыдыдыдыдыыыц, laravel code О_О
    Что же тут вообще происходит?

    lemax, 20 Апреля 2016

    Комментарии (10)
  2. PHP / Говнокод #19848


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    // Авторизация
    $app->post('/action/login', function(Request $request, Response $response)
    	global $connection, $hash;
    	$data = $request->getParsedBody('login');
    	$login = $data['login'];
    	$password = md5($data['password']);
    	$result = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT `password` FROM `users` WHERE `login` = '$login'");
    	$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
    	if(!empty($login) and !empty($password))
    		if($password === $row['password'])
    			$_SESSION['auth'] = $hash;
    			echo "<script>location.href='/log';</script>";

    st55, 19 Апреля 2016

    Комментарии (32)
  3. Куча / Говнокод #19845


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    if (0) {
      unserialize ("");
      is_bool ("");
      is_array ("");
      is_string ("");
      is_integer ("");
      is_float ("");


    d_fomenok, 19 Апреля 2016

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  4. Куча / Говнокод #19841


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    m =: 256$0
    index =: 0
    output =: 0$0
    input =: 0$0
    code =: 0$0
    cycles =: 0$0
    codeIndex =: 0
    setCode =: 3 : 'code =: transform y'
    transform =: '><+-.,[]'&i.
    preset =: 3 : 'cycles =: 0$0 [ codeIndex =: 0 [ output =: 0$0 [ m =: 256$0 [ index=:0'
    returnOutput =: 3 : 'output { a.'
    changeValue =: 3 : 'm =: (index&{.,y,(>:index)&}.) m'  
    addCodeIndex =: 3 : 'codeIndex =: (>: codeIndex)'
    setCodeIndex =: 3 : 'codeIndex =: {: cycles'
    deleteCycle =: 3 : 'cycles =: }: cycles'
    func_1 =: 3 : 'index =:256&|@>:index'
    func_2 =: 3 : 'index =:256&|@<:index'
    func_3 =: 3 : 'changeValue@(256&|)@>:@(index&{) m'
    func_4 =: 3 : 'changeValue@(256&|)@<:@(index&{) m'
    func_5 =: 3 : 'output=:output, ((index&{) m)'
    func_6 =: 3 : '(input =: }.input)[ changeValue(256&|@{.input)'
    func_7 =: 3 : 'cycles =: cycles&, codeIndex'
    func_8 =: 3 : '(setCodeIndex`deleteCycle@.(0&=))@(index&{) m'
    doAction =: func_1`func_2`func_3`func_4`func_5`func_6`func_7`func_8@.]  
    doInstuction =: 3 : '(doAction[addCodeIndex)@{.@(codeIndex&{) code'
    ExitCond =: 3 : 'codeIndex = (# code)'
    interpreter =: 3 : '(((,&1 [ doInstuction )`0: @. ExitCond)^:_) 0'
    brainFuck =: returnOutput [ interpreter [ setCode [ preset
    brainFuck '++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.'

    интерпретатор брейнфака на J

    kegdan, 19 Апреля 2016

    Комментарии (102)
  5. C++ / Говнокод #19840


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    namespace raytracing
        struct Scene::Implementation
            std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RenderObject>> renderObjects;
            std::vector<Light> lights;
            Camera camera;
    Scene::Scene() :
    void Scene::insertObject(RenderObject* renderObject) noexcept
    const RenderObject* Scene::getIntersectedObject(Ray ray, vec3f* intersectionPoint) const noexcept
        const auto& renderObjects = implementation->renderObjects;
        if (renderObjects.empty())
            return nullptr;
        struct IntersectionData
            const RenderObject* renderObject;
            float t;
            bool isIntersect;
            vec3f intersectionPoint;
        } temp{};
        for (decltype(implementation->renderObjects)::const_iterator iter = renderObjects.cbegin();
                iter != renderObjects.cend(); ++iter)
            IntersectionData intersectionData;
            intersectionData.renderObject = (*iter).get();
            intersectionData.isIntersect = (*iter)->isIntersect(ray, intersectionData.t,
            if (intersectionData.isIntersect)
                if (temp.isIntersect)
                    if (temp.t > intersectionData.t)
                        temp   = intersectionData;
                    temp = intersectionData;
        if (intersectionPoint)
            *intersectionPoint = temp.intersectionPoint;
        return temp.renderObject;
    namespace raytracing
        struct Renderer::Implementation
            vec3f trace(const Scene& scene, Ray ray) const noexcept
                vec3f intersectionPoint;
                const RenderObject* const renderObject = scene.getIntersectedObject(ray, &intersectionPoint);
                vec3f color{};
                if (!renderObject)
                    return color;
                for (Light l : scene.getLights())
                    const Ray lightRay{intersectionPoint, (l.position - intersectionPoint).normalize()};
                    float brightness = renderObject->getNormal(intersectionPoint).dot(lightRay.direction);
                    if (brightness < 0.0F)
                        brightness = 0.0F;
                    color += renderObject->getColor(intersectionPoint) * 255.0F * brightness;
                return color;

    Сумеете ли вы найти ошибку?

    jangolare, 18 Апреля 2016

    Комментарии (88)
  6. JavaScript / Говнокод #19839


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    var pricerawjson = "%7B%22price%22%3A%226973.00%22%2C%22status%22%3A%22active%22%2C%22sell_status%22%3A%22available%22%2C%22old_price%22%3A%227607.0000%22%2C%22price_formatted%22%3A%226%20973%22%2C%22old_price_formatted%22%3A%227%20607%22%7D";
    if (pricerawjson.length == 0) {
          pricerawjson = '%7B%22price%22%3A%226973%22%2C%22price_formatted%22%3A%226%20973%22%2C%22old_price%22%3A7607%2C%22old_price_formatted%22%3A%227%20607%22%2C%22status%22%3A%22active%22%2C%22sell_status%22%3A%22available%22%7D';

    kyzi007, 18 Апреля 2016

    Комментарии (2)
  7. C# / Говнокод #19838


    1. 1
    Code = string.Concat(Code1 + '/' + Code1);

    Конкат 100%

    andrew123, 18 Апреля 2016

    Комментарии (108)
  8. C# / Говнокод #19832


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    static void Alert(object text)

    d_fomenok, 17 Апреля 2016

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  9. C# / Говнокод #19831


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    static bool IsPalindrome( int value ) { 
    int reverseValue = 0; 
    if(value < 0) value = -value; 
    int tempValue = value; 
    int reverseValueTens = 1; 
    while(tempValue > 0) { 
    reverseValueTens *= 10; 
    tempValue /= 10; 
    reverseValueTens /= 10; 
    tempValue = value; 
    while(tempValue > 0) { 
    //Alert( reverseAbsValueAddition ); 
    reverseValue += (tempValue - (tempValue/10)*10) * reverseValueTens; 
    reverseValueTens /= 10; 
    tempValue /= 10; 
    //Alert( reverseAbsValue ); 
    return reverseValue == value; 

    d_fomenok, 17 Апреля 2016

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  10. C# / Говнокод #19830


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    private void CaretNormalize()  {
                if (Template.Terminals.Count == 0) { _sTermEnd = _sOffStart = _sOffEnd = _sTermStart = 0; return; }
                if (_sTermStart == _sTermEnd) {
                    if (_sTermStart < 0) _sTermEnd = _sOffStart = _sOffEnd = _sTermStart = 0;
                    else if (_sTermEnd > Template.Terminals.Count - 1) {
                        _sTermEnd = _sTermStart = Template.Terminals.Count - 1;
                        _sOffStart = _sOffEnd = Template.Terminals[Template.Terminals.Count - 1].Text.Length;
                    else  {
                        if (_sOffStart != _sOffEnd) {
                            var nos = Math.Min(_sOffStart, _sOffEnd);
                            _sOffEnd = Math.Max(_sOffStart, _sOffEnd);
                            _sOffStart = nos;
                            if (_sOffStart < 0)  {
                                _sTermEnd = --_sTermStart;
                                if (_sTermEnd < 0) _sTermStart = _sOffStart = 0; else _sOffStart = Template.Terminals[_sTermEnd].Text.Length - 1;
                            if (_sOffEnd > Template.Terminals[_sTermEnd].Text.Length - 1) {
                                _sTermEnd = ++_sTermStart;
                                if (_sTermEnd > Template.Terminals.Count - 1)
                                    _sTermEnd = Template.Terminals.Count - 1;
                                    _sOffEnd = Template.Terminals[_sTermEnd].Text.Length;
                                else _sOffEnd = 0;
                            if (_sOffStart < 0) {
                                _sTermEnd = --_sTermStart;
                                if (_sTermEnd < 0)  _sTermStart = _sOffEnd = _sOffStart = 0; else _sOffEnd = _sOffStart = Template.Terminals[_sTermEnd].Text.Length - 1;
                            if (_sOffEnd > Template.Terminals[_sTermEnd].Text.Length - 1) {
                                _sTermEnd = ++_sTermStart;
                                if (_sTermEnd > Template.Terminals.Count - 1) {
                                    _sTermEnd = Template.Terminals.Count - 1;
                                    _sOffEnd = _sOffStart = Template.Terminals[_sTermEnd].Text.Length;
                                } else _sOffEnd = _sOffStart = 0;
                } else {
                    if (_sTermStart > _sTermEnd) {
                        var t = _sTermStart;
                        _sTermStart = _sTermEnd;
                        _sTermEnd = t;
                        t = _sOffStart;
                        _sOffStart = _sOffEnd;
                        _sOffEnd = t;
                    if (_sTermStart < 0) _sOffStart = _sTermStart = 0;
                    if (_sTermEnd > Template.Terminals.Count - 1) {
                        _sTermEnd = Template.Terminals.Count - 1;
                        _sOffEnd = Template.Terminals[Template.Terminals.Count - 1].Text.Length;
                    if (_sOffStart < 0) {
                        if (_sTermStart < 0) _sTermStart = _sOffStart = 0; else _sOffStart = Template.Terminals[_sTermStart].Text.Length - 1;
                    if (_sOffEnd > Template.Terminals[_sTermEnd].Text.Length - 1) {
                        if (_sTermEnd > Template.Terminals.Count - 1) {
                            _sTermEnd = Template.Terminals.Count - 1;
                            _sOffEnd = Template.Terminals[_sTermEnd].Text.Length;
                        else _sOffEnd = 0;

    qwe345asd, 17 Апреля 2016

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