1. Си / Говнокод #798


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                /* Copy the load line setting from user space */
                retval = copy_from_user ((void *)&data, (void *)arg, sizeof(data));
                /* If the copy failed, return an error */
                if (retval != 0)
                    retval = -EFAULT;
                /* Else, configure the hardware for the requested load line setting */
                    /* Acquire the lock to prevent changes to connected_accessories */
                    spin_lock (&connected_lock);
                    /* Verify that the 3G fast charger is connected */
                    if (ACCY_BITMASK_ISSET(connected_accessories, MOTO_ACCY_TYPE_CHARGER_FAST_3G))
                        /* This charger is the only charger that supports an adjustable load line */
                        /* TBD */
                    /* Else, the appropriate charger type is not connected */
                        /* Return error: No such device */
                        retval = -ENODEV;
                    /* Release the lock for connected_accessories */
                    spin_unlock (&connected_lock);

    Запостил: guest, 01 Апреля 2009

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