1. Куча / Говнокод #7464


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    	mysql_query("set @start=date_format(date_sub(from_unixtime($w), interval weekday(from_unixtime($w)) day), '%m%d'),
    		@end=date_format(date_add(from_unixtime($w), interval 6-weekday(from_unixtime($w)) day), '%m%d')");
    	$ste=mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('select @start as s,@end as e'));
    	 if($_SESSION['userinfo']['login']=='Stormsfb') echo "date_format(date_sub(from_unixtime($w), interval weekday(from_unixtime($w)) day), '%m%d') <br>date_format(date_add(from_unixtime($w), interval 6-weekday(from_unixtime($w)) day), '%m%d')<br>".
    							"select *,unix_timestamp(d) as u,
    							date_format(d,'%e %b') as dm,
    							date_format(d,'%m%d') as md,
    							date_format(d,'%d.%m.%y') as mdf from users where 
                        date_format(d, '%m%d') between 
    					date('m',$w).'01 and '.date('mt',$w):
    					($ste['s']>$ste['e']?' @start and 1231
    					or date_format(d, "%m%d") between '.date('m',$n).'01 and @end ':' @start and @end '))." order by ".($_POST['month']=='false'?'weekday(d)':'date_format(d,"%m%d")');
    	$q=mysql_query("select *,unix_timestamp(d) as u,
    							date_format(d,'%e %b') as dm,
    							date_format(d,'%m%d') as md,
    							date_format(d,'%d.%m') as mdf from users where 
                        date_format(d, '%m%d') between 
    					date('m',$w).'01 and '.date('mt',$w):
    					($ste['s']>$ste['e']?' @start and 1231
    					or date_format(d, "%m%d") between '.date('m',$n).'01 and @end ':' @start and @end '))." order by ".($_POST['month']=='false'?'md':'date_format(d,"%m%d")'),_LINK_) or die(mysql_error(_LINK_)); // || $ste['s']>$ste['e']
    					это пиздец
    					"select *,unix_timestamp(d) as u,
    							date_format(d,'%e %b') as dm,
    							date_format(d,'%m%d') as md,
    							date_format(d,'%d.%m') as mdf from users where 
                        date_format(d, '%m%d') between 
    					date('m',$w).'01 and '.date('mt',$w):
    					($ste['s']>$ste['e']?' @start and 1231
    					union select *,unix_timestamp(d) as u,
    							date_format(d,"%e %b") as dm,
    							date_format(d,"%m%d") as md,
    							date_format(d,"%d.%m") as mdf from users where 
                        date_format(d, "%m%d") 
    					between '.date('m',$n).'01 and @end ':' @start and @end '))." order by date_format(d, '%m%d')"

    после нас хоть трава не расти!

    Запостил: GoodTalkBot, 05 Августа 2011

    Комментарии (2) RSS

    • После нас хоть мускуль лежи!
    • пых в своем разделе уже не помещается лезет в кучу ? Во истину говнокод будет сайтом посвященным пхп. Во всех разделах php и даже небо и Аллах.

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