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procedure drawGird( var image1: TImage; needAxisLines: Boolean = True );
xP, yP: Integer;
xC, yC: Double;
h, w, tx, ty: Integer;
Text: String;
image1.Canvas.FillRect( image1.ClientRect );
accuracy := 1 / cellSize;
image1.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
xC := p2cX( 0 );
while forC( xC, p2cX( image1.Width ), accuracy ) do
if floor( xC * cellSize ) mod cellSize = 0 then
xP := c2pX( xC );
image1.Canvas.Pen.Color := clSilver;
image1.Canvas.MoveTo( xP, 0 );
image1.Canvas.LineTo( xP, image1.Height );
if ( needaxislines ) and ( abs( xC ) > 0.5 ) and
( xP > 30 ) and ( xP < image1.Width - 30 ) then
image1.Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
image1.Canvas.MoveTo( xP, c2pY( -0.5 ) );
image1.Canvas.LineTo( xP, c2pY( 0.5 ) );
yC := p2cY( 0 );
while forC( yC, p2cY( image1.Height ), accuracy ) do
if floor( yC * cellSize ) mod cellSize = 0 then
yP := c2pY( yC );
image1.Canvas.Pen.Color := clSilver;
image1.Canvas.MoveTo( 0, yP );
image1.Canvas.LineTo( image1.Width, yP );
if ( needaxislines ) and ( abs( yC ) > 0.5 ) and
( yP > 30 ) and ( yP < image1.Height - 30 ) then
image1.Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
image1.Canvas.MoveTo( c2pX( -0.5 ), yP );
image1.Canvas.LineTo( c2pX( 0.5 ), yP );
xC := p2cX( 0 );
while forC( xC, p2cX( image1.Width ), accuracy ) do
if floor( xC * cellSize ) mod cellSize = 0 then
xP := c2pX( xC );
if ( needaxislines ) and ( abs( xC ) > 1.5 ) and
( xP > 30 ) and ( xP < image1.Width - 30 ) then
image1.Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
Text := IntToStr( floor( xC ) );
h := image1.Canvas.TextHeight( Text ) div 2;
w := image1.Canvas.TextWidth( Text ) div 2;
image1.Canvas.TextOut( xP - w, c2pY( -0.5 ) + ( h + 3 ) *
( ( floor( abs( xC ) ) mod ( ( ( w * 2 + 8 ) div cellSize ) +
1 ) ) ), Text );
yC := p2cY( 0 );
while forC( yC, p2cY( image1.Height ), accuracy ) do
if floor( yC * cellSize ) mod cellSize = 0 then
yP := c2pY( yC );
if ( needaxislines ) and ( abs( yC ) > 1.5 ) and
( yP > 30 ) and ( yP < image1.Height - 30 ) then
image1.Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
Text := IntToStr( floor( yC ) );
h := image1.Canvas.TextHeight( Text ) div 2;
w := image1.Canvas.TextWidth( Text ) div 2;
image1.Canvas.TextOut( c2pX( -0.5 ) - w * 2 - 2, yP - h, Text );
image1.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
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