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<?php echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>';?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="ru">
<title>День Победы! 66 лет со дня победы! 9 Мая!</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<style type="text/css">body{background:#000;}h1{color:#ff5500;}</style>
<div style="text-align:center">
<div style="padding-top:28%"><h1><?php
class Main
var $timex;
var $month;
var $day;
var $year;
function win2uni($s)
$s = convert_cyr_string($s,'w','i');
for ($result='', $i=0; $i<strlen ($s); $i++) {
$charcode = ord($s[$i]);
$result .= ($charcode>175)?"&#".(1040+($charcode-176)).";":$s[$i];
return $result;
function Main()
if ($this->GetDate())
return true;
function GetDate()
$this->month = '05';
$this->day = '09';
$this->year = '2011';
return true;
function TimeTo()
$m = $this->month;
$d = $this->day;
$y = $this->year;
$mn = date("m");
$dn = date("d");
$yn = date("y");
$hh = date("H");
$mm = date("i");
$ss = date("s");
$diff = mktime(23,59,59,$m,$d,$y)-mktime($hh,$mm,$ss,$mn,$dn,$yn);
$days = $diff/60/60/24;
$hours = $diff/60/60 - intval($days)*24;
$minutes = $diff/60 - intval(intval($days*24)*60);
$seconds = $diff - intval(intval(intval($days*24*60))*60);
$text = "До Дня Победы (9 мая) осталось<br/>\n";
$text.= round($days);
$mins = round($days)."";
if ($mins == "11" or $mins == "12" or $mins == "13" or $mins == "14") $text.= " дней "; else
if (
$mins[strlen($mins)-1] == "2"
or $mins[strlen($mins)-1] == "3"
or $mins[strlen($mins)-1] == "4")
$text.= " дня "; else
if($mins[strlen($mins)-1] == "1")
$text.= " день "; else
$text.= " дней ";
$text.= round($hours);
if (round($hours) == 1 or round($hours == 21)) $text.= " час "; else
if (round($hours) == 2 or round($hours) == 3 or round($hours) == 4 or round($hours) == 22 or round($hours) == 23) $text.= " часа ";
else $text.= " часов ";
$text.= round($minutes);
$mins = round($minutes)."";
if ($mins == "11" or $mins == "12" or $mins == "13" or $mins == "14") $text.= " минут "; else
if (
$mins[strlen($mins)-1] == "2"
or $mins[strlen($mins)-1] == "3"
or $mins[strlen($mins)-1] == "4")
$text.= " минуты "; else
if($mins[strlen($mins)-1] == "1")
$text.= " минута "; else
$text.= " минут ";
$text.= round($seconds);
$mins = round($seconds)."";
if ($mins == "11" or $mins == "12" or $mins == "13" or $mins == "14") $text.= " секунд "; else
if (
$mins[strlen($mins)-1] == "2"
or $mins[strlen($mins)-1] == "3"
or $mins[strlen($mins)-1] == "4")
$text.= " секунды "; else
if($mins[strlen($mins)-1] == "1")
$text.= " секунда "; else
$text.= " секунд ";
echo $text;
return true;
$X = new Main();
Lure Of Chaos 04.06.2011 17:57 # 0
bugmenot 04.06.2011 18:09 # −1
SmackMyBitchUp 05.06.2011 08:01 # 0
bugmenot 05.06.2011 11:12 # −1
я не этнолог и поэтому не особо в курсе
Lure Of Chaos 05.06.2011 10:36 # 0
rO_ot 04.06.2011 18:27 # 0
Lure Of Chaos 04.06.2011 20:57 # 0
конкретно, в сабже, я бы сказал, что тут модульное программирование (те же процедуры, только в своем "неймспейсе"класса )
rO_ot 04.06.2011 21:35 # +4
bugmenot 04.06.2011 22:09 # 0
Lure Of Chaos 04.06.2011 22:42 # +1
Lure Of Chaos 04.06.2011 22:41 # 0
rO_ot 05.06.2011 15:55 # +2
guest8 08.04.2019 20:53 # −999
guest8 09.04.2019 10:53 # −999