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TagsTree ParseXML(const char file_name[])
ifstream input_file(file_name, std::ios::in);
string content;
throw "can't open xml";
char buffer[256];
input_file.read(buffer, 256);
streamsize read_count = input_file.gcount();
content.append(buffer, buffer+read_count);
auto Cleanup = [&content](const string& what_to_del) -> void
string::size_type pos = content.find(what_to_del);
while(pos != string::npos)
content.erase(pos, what_to_del.size());
pos = content.find(what_to_del, pos);
Cleanup(" ");
string::size_type comment_begin = 0;
string::size_type comment_end = 0;
string::size_type comment_begin = content.find("<!--", comment_end);
if(comment_begin == string::npos)
string::size_type comment_end = content.find(">", comment_begin+3);
if(comment_end == string::npos)
throw "invalid xml: no comment closing brace";
content.erase(comment_begin, comment_end-comment_begin+1);
comment_end = comment_begin;
string::size_type header_begin = content.find("<?xml");
if(header_begin == string::npos)
throw "invalid xml: no header";
string::size_type header_end = content.find(">", header_begin+4);
if(header_end == string::npos)
throw "invalid xml: no header closing brace";
content.erase(comment_begin, header_end-header_begin+1);
auto CutTagAndContent = [](string& from, string& tag, string& content) -> void
string::size_type position = from.find('>');
if(position == string::npos)
throw "invalid xml: no tag closing brace";
tag = from.substr(1, position-1);
position = from.find("</"+tag+'>', position);
if(position == string::npos)
throw "invalid xml: no closing tag";
content = from.substr(tag.size()+2, position-tag.size()-2);
from.erase(0, position+tag.size()+3);
if(content[0] != '<')
throw "invalid xml: to root tag";
TagsTree result;
CutTagAndContent(content, result.Node.name, result.Node.content);
TagsTree::children_vectorT children;
for(auto i = children.begin(); i!= children.end(); i++)
TAG temporary;
CutTagAndContent((**i).Node.content, temporary.name, temporary.content);
children = EnlistChildren(children);
return result;
Говнонедопарсер недоговноXML. Дерево тэгов - отдельная кучка.
absolut 20.04.2011 11:46 # +3
Xom94ok 20.04.2011 12:02 # 0
JeremyW 20.04.2011 14:06 # +1
bugmenot 20.04.2011 16:27 # +2
как они произносятся
нечто весьма неприличное
JeremyW 20.04.2011 16:45 # 0
Lure Of Chaos 21.04.2011 10:20 # 0
gegMOPO4 21.04.2011 21:40 # +1
Lure Of Chaos 21.04.2011 21:42 # 0
gegMOPO4 21.04.2011 21:47 # 0
Lure Of Chaos 21.04.2011 21:48 # −2