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# -*- coding: cp1251 -*-
import socket
import time
import httplib
from datetime import date
import winamp
import thread
import threading
def winamps():
while 1:
sendm('[+] Larocca Play :'+ str(wins.getCurrentTrackName()))
def tpars(txt):
q=txt.split('<span class="temp">') [1]
temp=q.split(' C') [0]
qq=txt.split('<span>') [1]
wind=qq.split('</span>') [0]
return temp, wind
def sendm(msg):
irc.send('PRIVMSG '+ channel + ' :' + str(msg) + '\r\n')
irc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
irc.connect((host, 6667))
irc.send('USER py host servname : Python Bot\r\n')
irc.send('NICK '+ str(nicks) +'\r\n')
while 1:
if not text:
if text.find('Message of the Day') != -1:
irc.send('JOIN '+ channel +'\r\n')
if text.find('+iwR') != -1:
irc.send('NS IDENTIFY '+ str(password) +'\r\n')
if text.find('PING') != -1:
irc.send('PONG ' + text.split() [1] + '\r\n')
if text.find('[email protected] PRIVMSG #DragStyle^ :!quit') != -1:
irc.send('QUIT :python bot\r\n')
if text.find(':KICK') != 1:
irc.send('JOIN '+ channel +'\r\n')
if text.find(':!date') != -1:
sendm('[+] Date: '+ time.strftime("%a, %b %d, %y", time.localtime()))
if text.find(':!time') != -1:
sendm('[+] Time: '+ time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
if text.find(':!weather') != -1:
tmp = text.split(':!weather')
city = tmp[1].strip()
reqest_str = '/laika_zinas/?city=' + city
c = httplib.HTTPConnection("www.1188.lv")
c.request("GET", reqest_str)
ra = c.getresponse()
datas = ra.read()
temp, wind = tpars(datas)
sendm('[+] Temp: '+ temp +' C | Wind: '+ wind +' m/s')
if text.find(':!irclv') != -1:
tmps = text.split(':!irclv')
irclvs = tmps[1].strip()
if len(irclvs) < 1:
sendm('[+] Error ! Wrote !irclv nick')
website = 'http://irc.lv/?nick=' + irclvs
sendm('[+] Home: '+ website)
sendm('[+] Perl: http://irc.lv/perl?nick=' + irclvs)
sendm('[+] Blog: http://irc.lv/blogs?nick=' + irclvs)
if text.find(':!say') != -1:
says = text.split(':!say')
sayse = says[1].strip()
sendm('.:: '+ str(sayse) +' ::.')
if text.find(':!join') != -1:
joins = text.split(':!join')
das = joins[1].strip()
irc.send('JOIN '+ str(das) +'\r\n')
if text.find(':!nick') != -1:
nickname = text.split(':!nick')
if len(nickname) < 2:
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