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Statement stmt1 = null;
ResultSet rs1 = null;
try {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(2000);
String sql = "";
String ss = "";
String ss_begin = "";
String ss_middle = "";
String ss_end = "";
int xcount = 0;
String XXX_ID = "";
String XXX_NAME = "";
if (c.XLANG_ID == 1) {
sql = sql + " SELECT 99 , 'Исходные' FROM dual union all ";
sql = sql + " SELECT 1 , 'Непарные исходные' FROM dual union all ";
sql = sql + " SELECT 2 , 'Временная' FROM dual union all ";
sql = sql + " SELECT 3 , 'Встречные' FROM dual ";
//sql = sql + " SELECT 4 , 'Непарные встречные' FROM dual ";
} else if (c.XLANG_ID == 2) {
sql = sql + " SELECT 99 , 'Base BPEBs' FROM dual union all ";
sql = sql + " SELECT 1 , 'Base BPEBs unpaired' FROM dual union all ";
sql = sql + " SELECT 2 , 'Temporary BPEB' FROM dual union all ";
sql = sql + " SELECT 3 , 'Generated BPEBs' FROM dual ";
//sql = sql + " SELECT 4 , 'Generated BPEBs unpaired' FROM dual ";
stmt1 = this.con.createStatement();
rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(sql);
while (rs1.next()) {
xcount = xcount + 1;
XXX_ID = rs1.getString(1);
XXX_NAME = rs1.getString(2);
sb = sb.append("<msg>")
ss_begin = ss_begin + "<xml id='XML_table1'>"
+ "<tab1>";
ss_end = ss_end
+ "</tab1>"
+ "</xml>";
if (xcount == 0) {
ss_middle = ss_middle + "<msg>"
+ "<xid></xid>"
+ "<xcode></xcode>"
+ "<xname></xname>"
+ "</msg>";
} else {
ss_middle = sb.toString();
ss = ss_begin + ss_middle + ss_end;
ss_begin = null;
ss_middle = null;
ss_end = null;
sb = null;
return ss;
Aksina_Polenova 04.04.2023 16:15 # −1
DyKaJluC 08.04.2023 21:46 # −10
guest6 08.04.2023 21:53 # −11
Lure_Of_Chaos 08.04.2023 21:56 # 0
DyKaJluC 08.04.2023 22:38 # −10
DyKaJluC 08.04.2023 22:38 # −10
guest6 08.04.2023 23:15 # −10
ну хотя ты не обязан знать про фракталы, ты же программист, а не математик (я тоже)
Tike 08.04.2023 23:23 # −10
guest6 09.04.2023 00:03 # −10
CBuHOKYP 09.04.2023 00:04 # 0
guest6 09.04.2023 00:30 # −10
guest6 09.04.2023 00:41 # −10
Aksina_Polenova 09.04.2023 01:40 # 0
ropuJIJIa 11.04.2023 14:04 # −10
guest6 11.04.2023 14:15 # −10
ropuJIJIa 11.04.2023 14:52 # −10
Several other databases (including Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Teradata) enable one to omit the FROM clause entirely if no table is needed. This avoids the need for any dummy table.
ropuJIJIa 11.04.2023 14:53 # −10
IBM Db2 has a view that resolves DUAL when using Oracle Compatibility.[3] It also has a table called sysibm.sysdummy1 that has similar properties to the Oracle DUAL one.
Informix: Informix version 11.50 and later has a table named sysmaster:"informix".sysdual with the same functionality but a more verbose name.[4] You can use CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM dual FOR sysmaster:"informix".sysdual to create a name dual in the current database with the same functionality.
Microsoft Access: A table named DUAL may be created and the single-row constraint enforced via ADO (Table-less UNION query in MS Access)
Microsoft SQL Server: SQL Server does not require a dummy table. Queries like 'select 1 + 1' can be run without a "from" clause/table name.[5]
MySQL allows DUAL to be specified as a table in queries that do not need data from any tables.[6] It is suitable for use in selecting a result function such as SYSDATE() or USER(), although it is not essential.
PostgreSQL: A DUAL-view can be added to ease porting from Oracle.[7]
ropuJIJIa 11.04.2023 14:53 # −10
SQLite: A VIEW named "dual" that works the same as the Oracle "dual" table can be created as follows: CREATE VIEW dual AS SELECT 'x' AS dummy;
SAP HANA has a table called DUMMY that works the same as the Oracle "dual" table.
Teradata database does not require a dummy table. Queries like 'select 1 + 1' can be run without a "from" clause/table name.
Vertica has support for a DUAL table in their official documentation.[8]
ropuJIJIa 11.04.2023 15:01 # −10
ropuJIJIa 11.04.2023 15:02 # −10
“I created the DUAL table as an underlying object in the Oracle Data Dictionary. It was never meant to be seen itself, but instead used inside a view that was expected to be queried. The idea was that you could do a JOIN to the DUAL table and create two rows in the result for every one row in your table. Then, by using GROUP BY, the resulting join could be summarized to show the amount of storage for the DATA extent and for the INDEX extent(s). The name, DUAL, seemed apt for the process of creating a pair of rows from just one.”
ropuJIJIa 11.04.2023 15:15 # −10
Какой багор )))
ropuJIJIa 11.04.2023 15:20 # −10
guest6 11.04.2023 15:42 # −10
ropuJIJIa 11.04.2023 16:38 # −10
guest6 11.04.2023 16:42 # −10
3a_O6e_Horu 11.04.2023 17:46 # −10
ropuJIJIa 11.04.2023 17:51 # −10
Возможно, правильное решение не ломать синтаксис, но плохо, что они внезапно сменили количество строк у таблицы dual. Столько кода сразу сломалось...
cepreu_monoJlb 11.04.2023 19:52 # 0
guest6 11.04.2023 15:57 # −10
ropuJIJIa 11.04.2023 16:15 # −10
kokoon = illative singular of koko = все вместе
koko = размер (существительное) или весь (наречие)
nominative koko koot
genitive koon kokojen
partitive kokoa kokoja
illative kokoon kokoihin
kokko = костёр
nominative kokko kokot
genitive kokon kokkojen
partitive kokkoa kokkoja
illative kokkoon kokkoihin
Kokoo и kokkoko не нашёл. Придётся учить грамматику, чтобы понять начальную форму.
ropuJIJIa 11.04.2023 16:23 # −10
У тюрков во множественном числе окончание -лар- (либо дар, тар, нар, лер, дер, тер, нер, если язык поддерживает сингармонизм) добавляется во всех падежах перед падежным окончанием.
А у финно-угров нужно учить окончание каждого падежа в обоих числах, как в индоевропейских языках, сохранивших склонения. Радует то, что у финно-угров склонение одно.
ropuJIJIa 11.04.2023 16:32 # −10
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. kokoan en kokoa 1st sing. olen koonnut en ole koonnut
2nd sing. kokoat et kokoa 2nd sing. olet koonnut et ole koonnut
3rd sing. kokoaa ei kokoa 3rd sing. on koonnut ei ole koonnut
1st plur. kokoamme emme kokoa 1st plur. olemme koonneet emme ole koonneet
2nd plur. kokoatte ette kokoa 2nd plur. olette koonneet ette ole koonneet
3rd plur. kokoavat eivät kokoa 3rd plur. ovat koonneet eivät ole koonneet
passive kootaan
ropuJIJIa 11.04.2023 16:33 # −10
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. — — 1st sing. — —
2nd sing. kokoa älä kokoa 2nd sing. ole koonnut älä ole koonnut
3rd sing. kootkoon älköön kootko 3rd sing. olkoon koonnut älköön olko koonnut
1st plur. kootkaamme älkäämme kootko 1st plur. olkaamme koonneet älkäämme olko koonneet
2nd plur. kootkaa älkää kootko 2nd plur. olkaa koonneet älkää olko koonneet
3rd plur. kootkoot älkööt kootko 3rd plur. olkoot koonneet älkööt olko koonneet
passive koottakoon älköön koottako passive olkoon koottu älköön olko koottu
ropuJIJIa 11.04.2023 16:34 # −10
ropuJIJIa 11.04.2023 16:49 # −10
1. Kokoo koko kokko kokoon. = Put together the whole bonfire (Put up the bonfire).
Kokoo = put together
Kokoo = spoken language version of kokoa. Kokoa = imperative of koota, meaning to put together
koko = all, entire
kokko = bonfire
kokoon = together, in one piece
koko = size, measure; kokoon = ilative of koko, used here as an emphasizer, meaning: in(to) one piece
koota kokoon = to put together, to build up, to put all the parts together into one piece
2. Koko kokkoko kokoon? = The whole bonfire together?
kokkoko = kokko + ko: the interrogative form, meaning that the target of the question is kokko
-ko: interrogative particle, used to emphasize the target of a question
3. Koko kokko kokoon. = The whole bonfire together (this is the answer to the previous question).
Notice that the only difference compared to the question is the missing -ko particle from kokkoko.