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// В одном файле
// Getting gif by url
const getGifUrl = (searchQuery, gifRating) => {
const fullUrl = `${giphyUrl}${giphyApiKey}&tag=${searchQuery}&rating=${gifRating}`;
let gifSource;
let girSourceOriginal;
fetch(fullUrl).then(response => {
return response.json();
}, networkError => {
}).then(jsonResponse => {
if (!jsonResponse)
gifSource = '';
else {
gifSource = jsonResponse.data.images.preview_gif.url;
gifSoucreOriginal = jsonResponse.data.image_original_url;
renderGif(gifSource, gifSoucreOriginal);
// Где-то в другом файле
// incapsulating image
const incapsulateImage = (gifUrl, gifUrlOriginal) => {
// creating gif preview tile
const image = document.createElement('img');
image.src = gifUrl;
// create link to the original gif
const linkOriginal = document.createElement('a');
linkOriginal.href = gifUrlOriginal;
// incapsulating gif tile into link
// create container-tile
const tile = document.createElement('div');
tile.className = "container-tile";
// incapsulating linked gif into tile
return tile;
// Rendering one gif image
const renderGif = (gifUrl, gifUrlOriginal) => {
if (gifUrl) {
const imageTile = incapsulateImage(gifUrl, gifUrlOriginal);
} else if (!$gifContainer.html()) {
const notFoundHeading = document.createElement('h1');
notFoundHeading.innerHTML = NOT_FOUND_TEXT;
const render = () => {
// Rendering whole block of gifs
const renderContainer = (searchQuery, gifCount, gifRating) => {
for (let i = 0; i < gifCount; i++) {
getGifUrl(searchQuery, gifRating);
const heading = $gifContainer.find('h1');
if (heading && heading.text() == NOT_FOUND_TEXT) {
// ...Сетап всяких обработчиков событий на элементы...
Когда толком не знал про промисы (а уж тем более про модули), городил такую дичь.
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