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// Both set_time_limit(...) and ini_set('max_execution_time',...); won't count the time cost of sleep,
// file_get_contents,shell_exec,mysql_query etc, so i build this function my_background_exec(),
// to run static method/function in background/detached process and time is out kill it:
// my_exec.php:
function my_background_exec($function_name, $params, $str_requires, $timeout=600)
{$map=array('"'=>'\"', '$'=>'\$', '`'=>'\`', '\\'=>'\\\\', '!'=>'\!');
$str_requires=strtr($str_requires, $map);
$my_target_exec="/usr/bin/php -r \"chdir('{$path_run}');{$str_requires} \\\$params=json_decode(file_get_contents('php://stdin'),true);call_user_func_array('{$function_name}', \\\$params);\"";
$my_target_exec=strtr(strtr($my_target_exec, $map), $map);
$my_background_exec="(/usr/bin/php -r \"chdir('{$path_run}');{$str_requires} my_timeout_exec(\\\"{$my_target_exec}\\\", file_get_contents('php://stdin'), {$timeout});\" <&3 &) 3<&0";//php by default use "sh", and "sh" don't support "<&0"
my_timeout_exec($my_background_exec, json_encode($params), 2);
// ...
какая переносимость ))