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"""ASCII art generator braille only.
To start, put this and the image (you need to rename it to input.jpg) in one folder.
The main problem of the algorithm:
Due to the fact that the 8 empty dots symbol and any other Braille symbol have different widths,
the picture may 'float'.
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
# Change scale of image.
scale = int(input('% of scale: ')) / 100
imgForScale = Image.open('input.jpg')
widthOldForScale, heightOldForScale = imgForScale.size
widthNewForScale, heightNewForScale = int(widthOldForScale * scale), int(heightOldForScale * scale)
scaleImg = imgForScale.resize((widthNewForScale, heightNewForScale), Image.ANTIALIAS)
# -------------
# Makes the image BW.
factor = int(input('factor: ')) # The more, the darker.
imgForBW = Image.open('inputScale.jpg')
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(imgForBW)
widthForBW, heightForBW = imgForBW.size
pix = imgForBW.load()
for i in range(widthForBW):
for j in range(heightForBW):
a = pix[i, j][0]
b = pix[i, j][1]
c = pix[i, j][2]
S = a + b + c
if S > (((255 + factor) * 3) // 2):
a, b, c = 255, 255, 255
a, b, c = 0, 0, 0
draw.point((i, j), (a, b, c))
# -------------
# The image should be divided by 2 horizontally, by 4 vertically. Otherwise, the extra pixels will be removed.
img = Image.open('inputScaleBW.jpg')
size = w, h = img.size
if (w % 2) == 0:
w -= 1
hCut = h % 4
if hCut == 0:
h -= hCut
# -------------
data = img.load()
yStart, yEnd = 0, 4
xStart, xEnd = 0, 2
valueOfPixNow = []
b = w // 2 # I don`t remember.
a = b - 1 # The same thing.
i = 0
while (yEnd <= h) and (xEnd <= w):
# Getting data from a image.
valueOfPixNow = []
for y in range(yStart, yEnd):
for x in range(xStart, xEnd):
if not ((230 <= data[x, y][0] <= 255) and (230 <= data[x, y][1] <= 255) and (230 <= data[x, y][2] <= 255)):
# -------------------
# Convert data from image.
normalBinaryReversed = [valueOfPixNow[0], valueOfPixNow[2], valueOfPixNow[4], valueOfPixNow[1], valueOfPixNow[3],
valueOfPixNow[5], valueOfPixNow[6], valueOfPixNow[7]]
normalBinary = list(reversed(normalBinaryReversed))
strBinary = ''.join(map(str, normalBinary))
strHex = hex(int(strBinary, 2))
twoLastNum = strHex[2:]
if len(twoLastNum) == 1:
twoLastNum = '0' + twoLastNum
hexStrBraille = '28' + twoLastNum
decimalBraille = int(hexStrBraille, 16)
answer = chr(decimalBraille)
# -------------------
if i == a:
a += b
print(answer, end='')
i += 1
if xEnd < w:
xStart += 2
xEnd += 2
xStart = 0
xEnd = 2
yStart += 4
yEnd += 4
Крутой синтаксис у языка, именно поэтому я за PHP
Какой «import argparse» (((