1. Python / Говнокод #24297


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    def sql_select_filter(sql, flt, order=None, limit=None, offset=None, group_by=None, lock=None, withSelectWrapper=True):
        if withSelectWrapper and group_by is None:
            if re.search(r'^\s*select\s+', sql, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE):
                sql = "SELECT * FROM ( " + sql + " ) as z99 "
                sql = "SELECT * FROM " + sql + " "
        sql = sql.replace("%", '%%')
        where, vals = _make_where_conditions(flt)
        if where is not None:
            sql += " WHERE " + where
        if group_by is not None and len(group_by):
            sql += " GROUP BY " + ",".join(group_by)
        if order is not None and len(order):
            order_fields = []
            for field, direction in order.items():
                order_fields.append(field + " " + direction)
            sql += " ORDER BY " + ",".join(order_fields)
        if limit is not None:
            sql += " LIMIT %s"
        if offset is not None:
            sql += " OFFSET %s"
        if lock is not None:
            sql += " FOR " + lock
        return sql, vals

    Конструктор SQL запроосов, все очень секурно!

    Запостил: agent-0007, 21 Мая 2018

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