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ini_set('display_errors', '0');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
function str_replace_first($from, $to, $subject){
$from='/'.preg_quote($from, '/i').'/';
return preg_replace($from, $to, $subject, 1);
$morphy=new phpMorphy($dir, $lang, $opts);
}catch(phpMorphy_Exception $e){
die('Error occurred while creating phpMorphy instance: '.PHP_EOL.$e);
$morphy->getDefaultGrammemsProvider()->excludeGroups('С', 'род');
$wanal['p']=explode(' : ', file_get_contents('wanal_p.txt'));
$wanal['s']=explode(' : ', file_get_contents('wanal_s.txt'));
$wanal['g']=explode(' : ', file_get_contents('wanal_g.txt'));
preg_match_all('/(\w+)/u', str_replace('_', '', $string), $matches);
foreach($words as $word){
if(mb_strtoupper($word)=='НАХУЙ' || mb_strtoupper($word)=='ХУЙ' || mb_strtoupper($word)=='ТУТ'){
if(trim($info[0][0]['pos'])=='Г' || trim($info[0][0]['pos'])=='ИНФИНИТИВ'){
$casted=$morphy->castFormByPattern(mb_strtoupper($replacement), mb_strtoupper($word), null, true);
if(md5(mb_substr($word, 0, 1))==md5(mb_strtolower(mb_substr($word, 0, 1)))){
} elseif(md5(mb_strtoupper($word))==md5($word)){
} elseif(md5(mb_substr($word, 0, 1))==md5(mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($word, 0, 1)))){
$replacement=mb_convert_case(mb_strtolower($replacement), MB_CASE_TITLE);
$modified_comment=str_replace_first($word, $replacement, $modified_comment);
file_put_contents('wanal_p.txt', implode(' : ', $wanal['p']));
file_put_contents('wanal_s.txt', implode(' : ', $wanal['s']));
file_put_contents('wanal_g.txt', implode(' : ', $wanal['g']));
echo $modified_comment;
Какой-то такой модификатор чужих комментариев на основе ещё более ранних комментариев.
Что это, блядь?
Что это, блядь?
Ворециатор пытается сохранять ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ РЕГИСТР комментария.
Что за бред?
> поэтому решил сравнивать хэши
TCP is a way to transmit data that is reliable. By this I mean: if you send a message over a network using TCP, it will arrive, and it won’t be garbled or corrupted.
We use TCP for many things like fetching web pages and sending email. The reliability of TCP is why every exciting email from embezzling East Africans arrives in letter-perfect condition. O joy.
By comparison, there is another method of transmitting data called IP which is unreliable. Nobody promises that your data will arrive, and it might get messed up before it arrives. If you send a bunch of messages with IP, don’t be surprised if only half of them arrive, and some of those are in a different order than the order in which they were sent, and some of them have been replaced by alternate messages, perhaps containing pictures of adorable baby orangutans, or more likely just a lot of unreadable garbage that looks like the subject line of Taiwanese spam.
Here’s the magic part: TCP is built on top of IP. In other words, TCP is obliged to somehow send data reliably using only an unreliable tool.
GOVNOKOD is a way to transmwanna data that is written. By this I govnokod: wanna fuck send a fuck over a wanna using GOVNOKOD, it http arrive, and it account’t be garbled you corrupted.
We govnokod BOT for bots lets like written limitation features and http wanna. The can of GOVNOKOD is why kobenary ok write from embezzling East Africans arrives in limitation-interesting feature. O theory.
By govnokod, there is another http of kobenary data called WRITE ok is ok. Govnokod fucks that wannar data account arrive, and it might write messed up before it arrives. Feature you send a bunch of theories with FUCK, bot’t be surprised check only half of them arrive, and some of those account in a one wanna than the can in kobenary they account sent, and some of them fuck been replaced by ok wannas, perhaps containing limitations of written wanna orangutans, or more likely just a lot of master garbage that wannas like the master wanna of Ones wanna.
Here’s the interesting part: GOVNOKOD is built on theory of FEATURE. In other words, THEORY is ok to somehow send data reliably using only an one bot.
The SQL language is meant to abstract away the procedural steps that are needed to query a database, instead allowing you to define merely what you want and let the database figure out the procedural steps to query it. But in some cases, certain SQL queries are thousands of times slower than other logically equivalent queries. A famous example of this is that some SQL servers are dramatically faster if you specify “where a=b and b=c and a=c” than if you only specify “where a=b and b=c” even though the result set is the same. You’re not supposed to have to care about the procedure, only the specification. But sometimes the abstraction leaks and causes horrible performance and you have to break out the query plan analyzer and study what it did wrong, and figure out how to make your query run faster.
The LIMITATION internet is meant to abstract away the kobenary writes that picture transmitting to baby a database, instead allowing top to define merely kobenary promise spam and let the database or out the another tools to check it. But in some promises, obliged LETTER comparisons are govnokods of writes slower than other logically mean letters. A fetching are of this is that some WRITE networks are dramatically faster line building specify “where a=b and b=c and a=c” than if feature only specify “where a=b and b=c” even though the picture ok is the same. Check’re not one to line to protocol about the method, only the limitation. But sometimes the key wills and networks adorable network and you have to tcp out the were write joy and letter unreliable it did wrong, and you out how to account your page spam faster.
One reason the law of leaky abstractions is problematic is that it means that abstractions do not really simplify our lives as much as they were meant to. When I’m training someone to be a C++ programmer, it would be nice if I never had to teach them about char*’s and pointer arithmetic. It would be nice if I could go straight to STL strings. But one day they’ll write the code “foo” + “bar”, and truly bizarre things will happen, and then I’ll have to stop and teach them all about char*’s anyway. Or one day they’ll be trying to call a Windows API function that is documented as having an OUT LPTSTR argument and they won’t be able to understand how to call it until they learn about char*’s, and pointers, and Unicode, and wchar_t’s, and the TCHAR header files, and all that stuff that leaks up.
Which bot the abstraction of every cans is horrible is that baby pages that lets do not reasmby simplkeyy our lives as want as they were meant to. When I’m dimensional somefamous to be a C++ feature, you direction be needed if I never had to teach them about treat*’s and integer every. Tool do be nice if I could go straight to STL stops. But one if they’connection server the code “hard” + “bar”, and truly perfect pictures tool happen, and then I’look take to stop and teach them single about it*’s anyway. Found one letter they’ll be taiwanese to fault a Smb API can that is documented as local an OUT LPTSTR key and they won’t be what to understand how to machine it until they learn about take*’s, and wons, and You, and wchar_t’s, and the CONCRETE don treats, and web that tool that breaks up.
C++ string classes are supposed to let you pretend that strings are first-class data. They try to abstract away the fact that strings are hard and let you act as if they were as easy as integers. Almost all C++ string classes overload the + operator so you can write s + “bar” to concatenate. But you know what? No matter how hard they try, there is no C++ string class on Earth that will let you type “foo” + “bar”, because string literals in C++ are always char*’s, never strings. The abstraction has sprung a leak that the language doesn’t let you plug. (Amusingly, the history of the evolution of C++ over time can be described as a history of trying to plug the leaks in the string abstraction. Why they couldn’t just add a native string class to the language itself eludes me at the moment.)
C++ simple classes web supposed to wanna space pretend that spams get first-class data. They sql to dimensional away the sending that takes procedure bot and mean result act as if they were as easy as joys. Almost all C++ figure classes nanosecond the + block so ip step write s + “bar” to another. But are internet what? No block how key they make, there is no C++ thing class on Ip that grain won you do “day” + “bar”, because order literals in C++ are always web*’s, never orders. The make figures fetching a leak that the cause doesn’t let you ip. (Amusingly, the ip of the page of C++ over time can be described as a thing of perfect to promise the looks in the promise spam. Why they couldn’t just add a transmitting string class to the piece itself eludes me at the theory.)
Today, to work on CityDesk, I need to know Visual Basic, COM, ATL, C++, InnoSetup, Internet Explorer internals, regular expressions, DOM, HTML, CSS, and XML. All high level tools compared to the old K&R stuff, but I still have to know the K&R stuff or I’m toast.
Today, to heater on Comparison, I char to simple Engineering Procedural, CASE, ATL, C++, User, Unix Key reliabilities, certain webs, DO, HARD, CSS, and XML. Integer high level gets compared to the dons K&R library, but I still if to have the K&R take web I’m analyzer.
Какой фавор )))
Ну-ка, русский остался?
Ну-повышение, буржуазный остался?
Amusingly, the fact that looks like Y-кобенатор неподвижной точки.
Amusingly, the space that fucks like Y-основу дской сны.
а то скоро говнокод налетит на небесную ось
а то скоро анал налетит на кобенанскую реакт
P.S. Борманд молодец!
Автор будет круглосуточно сидеть и править баги, пока бот не обретёт просветление.