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if ($_POST["cc"]["status"]==2 && (int)current (mysql_fetch_row (mysql_query ('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_vc_log LEFT JOIN test_cc ON test_cc.uid=test_vc_log.cc_id WHERE test_vc_log.event_id=2 AND test_cc.user_id='. $user->data["uid"]. ' AND test_vc_log.created>"'. date ("Y-m-d H:i:s", max (
strtotime (is_in (mysql_fetch_row (mysql_query ('SELECT test_vc_log.created FROM test_vc_log LEFT JOIN test_cc ON test_cc.uid=test_vc_log.cc_id WHERE test_vc_log.event_id=1 AND test_cc.user_id='. $user->data["uid"]. ' ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0,1')), 0)),
strtotime (is_in (mysql_fetch_row (mysql_query ('SELECT created FROM test_rating WHERE event_type=18 AND user_id='. $user->data["uid"]. ' ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0,1')), 0)),
strtotime ("2009-02-06")
)). '"'))) > 2){
Я бы этого любителя писать всю программу в if-ах... Да еще и с такими запросами... Урод.
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