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# returns yesterday reports
def get_yesterday_reports(self):
def get_waterfall_sources(self, wf_id, active_only=False):
# TODO: check if meta property is equal to the number of items in the array
# return test.mock_waterfall_sources.get_sources()
status = '1' if active_only else urllib.quote('0,1') # '0%2C1&'
encoded = urllib.urlencode({'authorization': self.token})
url = BASE_URL + "/waterfall-ad-sources?advertiser=&itemsPerPage=9999&name=&page=1&sortAsc=true&sortBy=tier&status={}&tier=&waterfall={}&{}" \
.format(status, wf_id, encoded)
retries = 1
while retries <= 3:
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
logging.error('Failed GET request to StreamRail, status code {}, {} retries'
.format(response.status_code, retries))
retries += 1
assert response.status_code == 200
data = simplejson.loads(response.content)
waterfall_sources = data['waterfallAdSources']
assert int(data['meta']['total']) == len(waterfall_sources)
return waterfall_sources
logging.exception("Could not load ad sources for waterfall {} from StreamRail:\n"
"{}".format(wf_id, response.headers))
Хотя, с другой стороны, все эти рекламораспространители так выглядят. Но тут просто кучно так получилось.
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