1. Python / Говнокод #21168


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    # my_first_calculator.py by AceLewis
    # TODO: Make it work for all floating point numbers too
    if 3/2 == 1:  # Because Python 2 does not know maths
        input = raw_input  # Python 2 compatibility
    print('Welcome to this calculator!')
    print('It can add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers from 0 to 50')
    num1 = int(input('Please choose your first number: '))
    sign = input('What do you want to do? +, -, /, or *: ')
    num2 = int(input('Please choose your second number: '))
    if num1 == 0 and sign == '+' and num2 == 0:
        print("0+0 = 0")
    if num1 == 0 and sign == '+' and num2 == 1:
        print("0+1 = 1")
    if num1 == 0 and sign == '+' and num2 == 2:
        print("0+2 = 2")
    if num1 == 0 and sign == '+' and num2 == 3:
        print("0+3 = 3")
    if num1 == 0 and sign == '+' and num2 == 4:
        print("0+4 = 4")
    if num1 == 0 and sign == '+' and num2 == 5:
        print("0+5 = 5")
    if num1 == 0 and sign == '+' and num2 == 6:
        print("0+6 = 6")

    https://github.com/AceLewis/my_first_calculator.py/blob/master/my_first_calculator.py оптимизация!

    Запостил: j123123, 11 Сентября 2016

    Комментарии (7) RSS

    • if 3/2 == 1:  # Because Python 2 does not know maths
          input = raw_input  # Python 2 compatibility

      Говно. А так для лабы пойдет.
      • Такой маленький кусок кода, а как наглядно демонстрирует разницу между вторым и третьим Питоном!
    • Царь пошёл напитон?
    • "Python" и "Ruby" - говно ёбаное.
    • ...
      print("Thanks for using this calculator, goodbye :)")

      Ne za chto, suka, blyad'!

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