1. Java / Говнокод #20161


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    // can only do five hundred at a time. can't find documentation
        // for this number, but if I do more than that I get an error
        // message
    	for (five_hundred <- pageranks.grouped(500))
    	    // the datastore is not entirely reliable. for less than 1% of the
    	    // calls it seems to fail randomly. which is a bit annoying if
    	    // you're uploading a lot of data and don't want to stop when half of
    	    // it is already stored
    	    case ex : Throwable =>
    	        // try a second time
    	        // don't try a third time. just continue
    	        case ex : Throwable => ex.printStackTrace()

    Наткнулся на пост, в котором некий Ph. D рекламировал scala в качестве замены питону

    Запостил: Fike, 09 Июня 2016

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