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class CSVSave
char separator = ';';
public void SaveCSV(string pathfile, IEnumerable<Product> list )
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(pathfile, false, Encoding.GetEncoding(1251)))
foreach (var prod in list)
string line =
prod.Manufacturer + separator +
prod.Name + separator +
prod.Type + separator +
prod.Url + separator +
prod.Imgurl + separator +
prod.Sex + separator +
prod.Volume + separator +
prod.Box + separator +
prod.Price + separator +
prod.availability + separator +
if ((prod.Family != null) || (prod.QuantityPurchased != null) || (prod.Application != null) || (prod.Flavornotes != null) || (prod.Production != null)) line += separator;
if (prod.QuantityPurchased != null) line += prod.QuantityPurchased + separator;
if (prod.Family != null) line += prod.QuantityPurchased + separator;
if (prod.Production != null) line += prod.QuantityPurchased + separator;
if (prod.Application != null) line += prod.QuantityPurchased + separator;
if (prod.Flavornotes != null) line += prod.QuantityPurchased + separator;
>"CSV" is not a single, well-defined format (although see RFC 4180 for one definition that is commonly used). Rather, in practice the term "CSV" refers to any file that:
>with the records divided into fields separated by delimiters (typically a single reserved character such as comma, semicolon, or tab; sometimes the delimiter may include optional spaces)
Короче, все забили на название.
Мудачье не знает про join?