1. PHP / Говнокод #16223


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    class Router
        /** @var array */
        protected static $routeTable = array(
            'default'                         => 'index.php',
            'dashboard'                       => 'task.php',
            'user'                            => 'user.php',
            'location'                        => 'location.php',
            'ship'                            => 'ship.php',
            'task'                            => 'task.php',
            'subtask'                         => 'subtask.php',
            'view-task-list'                  => 'view-task-list.php',
            'completed-task'                  => 'completed-task.php',
            'view-completed-task-list'        => 'view-completed-task-list.php',
            'view-question-list'              => 'view-question-list.php',
            'user-report-problem'             => 'user-report-problem.php',
            'view-report-problem-list'        => 'view-report-problem-list.php',
            'view-direct-report-problem-list' => 'view-direct-report-problem-list.php',
            'reviewer'                        => 'reviewer.php',
            'report-direct'                   => 'report-direct.php',
            'report-to-task'                  => 'report-to-task.php',
            //TODO theme forest related (not used in application) remove
            'charts'                          => 'charts.php',
            'calendar'                        => 'calendar.php',
            'files'                           => 'files.php',
            'form_layouts'                    => 'form_layouts.php',
            'form_elements'                   => 'form_elements.php',
            'form_wizard'                     => 'form_wizard.php',
            'table'                           => 'table.php',
            'widgets'                         => 'widgets.php',
            'typography'                      => 'typography.php',
            'grids'                           => 'grids.php',
            'gallery'                         => 'gallery.php',
            'error'                           => 'error.php',
            'icons'                           => 'icons.php'
         * Map route to page controller file.
         * Route represented as $_GET param 'p'
         * @param string $route The route
         * @return string Path to page controller file
        public static function dispatch($route)
            $route = (string)$route;
            if (array_key_exists($route, self::$routeTable)) {
                return self::$routeTable[$route];
            header('Location: index.php');

    Запостил: __proto__, 25 Июня 2014

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