1. Си / Говнокод #15638


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    /* A C statement or statements which output an assembler instruction
       opcode to the stdio stream STREAM.  The macro-operand PTR is a
       variable of type `char *' which points to the opcode name in its
       "internal" form--the form that is written in the machine description.
       GAS version 1.38.1 doesn't understand the `repz' opcode mnemonic.
       So use `repe' instead.  */
    {									\
      if ((PTR)[0] == 'r'							\
          && (PTR)[1] == 'e'						\
          && (PTR)[2] == 'p')						\
        {									\
          if ((PTR)[3] == 'z')						\
    	{								\
    	  fputs ("repe", (STREAM));					\
    	  (PTR) += 4;							\
    	}								\
          else if ((PTR)[3] == 'n' && (PTR)[4] == 'z')			\
    	{								\
    	  fputs ("repne", (STREAM));					\
    	  (PTR) += 5;							\
    	}								\
        }									\
      else									\

    Костыль из GCC. Ассемблер GAS версии 1.38.1 не переваривает мнемоники repz и repnz. Эта макрохрень перекодирует их в repe и repne соответственно

    Запостил: j123123, 02 Апреля 2014

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