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public static void replaceChild (AstNode parent, AstNode child, AstNode newChild) {
try {
parent.replaceChild(child, newChild)
} catch (NullPointerException e1) {
// this is one of those shitty nodes with default children handling broken
try {
// maybe it was assignment
Assignment ass = (Assignment)parent
if (ass.left == child) {
ass.left = newChild
} else {
ass.right = newChild
} catch (Throwable e2) {
// not assignment :S
try {
// maybe it's (...)
ParenthesizedExpression pae = (ParenthesizedExpression)parent
pae.expression = newChild
} catch (Throwable e3) {
// not (...) either :S
try {
// Function call?
FunctionCall fuc = (FunctionCall)parent
for (int i = 0; i < fuc.arguments.size(); i++) {
if (fuc.arguments.get(i) == child) {
fuc.arguments.set(i, newChild)
} catch (Throwable e4) {
try {
// Expression statement?
ExpressionStatement est = (ExpressionStatement)parent
est.expression = newChild
} catch (Throwable e5) {
try {
// var foo = bar?
VariableInitializer vin = (VariableInitializer)parent
if (vin.initializer == child) {
vin.initializer = newChild
} else {
// should not happen in our useage
vin.target = newChild
} catch (Throwable e6) {
try {
// what if?
IfStatement ifs = (IfStatement)parent
if (ifs.condition == child) {
ifs.condition = newChild
} else if (ifs.thenPart == child) {
ifs.thenPart = newChild
} else {
ifs.elsePart = newChild
} catch (Throwable e7) {
try {
// while loop?
WhileLoop whl = (WhileLoop)parent
if (whl.condition == child) {
whl.condition = newChild
} else {
whl.body = newChild
} catch (Throwable e8) {
try {
// Infix expression?
InfixExpression iex = (InfixExpression)parent
if (iex.left == child) {
iex.left = newChild
} else {
iex.right = newChild
} catch (Throwable e9) {
try {
// do loop?
DoLoop dol = (DoLoop)parent
if (dol.condition == child) {
dol.condition = newChild
} else {
dol.body = newChild
} catch (Throwable e10) {
try {
// for loop?
ForLoop fol = (ForLoop)parent
if (fol.condition == child) {
fol.condition = newChild
} else if (fol.initializer == child) {
fol.initializer = newChild
} else if (fol.increment == child) {
fol.increment = newChild
} else {
fol.body = newChild
} catch (Throwable e11) {
try {
ConditionalExpression cex = (ConditionalExpression)parent
if (cex.testExpression == child) {
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