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# POST /register
Public Function Register(){
foreach((array)$_POST as $k=>$v)
$_POST[$k] = addslashes(strip_tags($v));
$login = $_POST['Login'];
$password = $_POST['Password'];
$email = $_POST['Email'];
$firstname = $_POST['FirstName'];
$lastname = $_POST['LastName'];
$errors = array();
IF(strlen($login) > 3 && strlen($login) <= 12 && String::Check('([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', $login) ){
IF(strlen($password) > 5 && $password == $_POST['RePassword']){
$users = Collection::Get('users')->Select(Query::Equal('login', $login));
$user = new User;
$user->login = strtolower($login);
$user->password = md5($password);
$user->regtime = time();
$photo = UploadedFiles::Get('Photo');
$photoHash = md5('photo_'.$user->login);
$photosPath = APPLICATION_DIR.'/assets/uploads/photos';
$photo->Path = $photosPath.'/tmp/'.$photoHash;
ImageProcessing::MakeThumb($photo->Path, $photosPath.'/300/'.$photoHash.'.jpg', 100, 300, 500);
ImageProcessing::MakeThumb($photo->Path, $photosPath.'/100/'.$photoHash.'.jpg', 100, 100);
ImageProcessing::MakeThumb($photo->Path, $photosPath.'/50/'.$photoHash.'.jpg', 100, 50);
$user->photo = $photoHash;
Session::Link($login, $password);
return Router::Redirect('/profile');
else $errors[] = l('This username is already taken');
else $errors[] = l('Password length must be more than 3');
else $errors[] = l('Login length must be more than 3, and less than 13 characters and contain only Latin characters');
else $errors[] = l('Your email address must be in the format of [email protected]');
else $errors[] = l("You are already registered");
$view = new View('main.php');
return $view->Set('Content', 'registration.php')->Set('login', $login)->Set('email', $email)->Set('firstname', $firstname)->Set('lastname', $lastname)->Set('errors', $errors);
Не, передаётся.
Я не имел ввиду что он передается или нет
Я имел ввиду что массив всегда будет содержать 1 элемент
поэтому не вижу смысла делать его массивом.