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sResult:= '';
select code||' '||h.longname into sResult
from tbl1 mo, tbl2 ob, g_cli c, tbl3 h
where mo.m_dep_id = ob.obj_dep_id and mo.m_id = ob.obj_id
and ob.dep_id = nDepId and ob.id = nId
and mo.cli_dep_id = c.dep_id and mo.cli_id = c.id
and c.id = h.id and c.dep_id = h.dep_id and p_operday between h.FROMDATE and h.TODATE;
return sResult;
when NO_DATA_FOUND then return null;
when TOO_MANY_ROWS then
for rec in( select distinct code as cli_code, h.longname as cli_name
from tbl1 mo, tbl2 ob, g_cli c, tbl3 h
where mo.m_dep_id = ob.obj_dep_id and mo.m_id = ob.obj_id
and ob.dep_id = nDepId and ob.id = nId
and mo.cli_dep_id = c.dep_id and mo.cli_id = c.id
and c.id = h.id and c.dep_id = h.dep_id and dT between h.FROMDATE and h.TODATE)
if nvl(length(sResult),0) = 0 then
sResult:= rec.cli_code||' '||rec.cli_name;
sResult:= sResult||', '||rec.cli_code||' '||rec.cli_name;
end if;
end loop;
return sResult;
when others then return null;