1. Список говнокодов пользователя kerberos

    Всего: 3

  2. PHP / Говнокод #20249


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    $php1 = "<";
    $php2= "?php";
    $php3 = " require_once $";
    $php4 = "_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].\"/gen/admin/Debugger.php\"; ?";
    $php5 = "";
    $php6 = ">\r\n";
    $php_debuger = $php1 .$php2 .$php3 .$php4 .$php5 .$php6;

    Даже трудно предположить нахрен так.

    kerberos, 22 Июня 2016

    Комментарии (3)
  3. JavaScript / Говнокод #20216


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    function load_err_count()
    	var theUrl ='http://<?php print $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?>/gen/err/error_count.php';
    	var xmlHttp = null;
    	xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xmlHttp.open( "GET", theUrl, false );
        xmlHttp.send( null );
    	var text = xmlHttp.responseText;
    	if(   parseInt(text)>0)
    		document.getElementById('id_err_count').innerHTML  = '<a target=\'_blank\' href=http://<?php print $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?>/gen/err/error_log.php>'+text+'</a>';
    		document.getElementById('id_err_count').innerHTML  = '';
    	catch (ex){document.getElementById('id_err_count').innerHTML  = '';}
    	var theUrl ='http://<?php print $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?>/gen/err/util_count.php';
    	var xmlHttp = null;
    	xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xmlHttp.open( "GET", theUrl, false );
        xmlHttp.send( null );
    	var text = xmlHttp.responseText;
    	if(   parseInt(text)>0)
    		document.getElementById('id_util_count').innerHTML  = '<a target=\'_blank\' href=http://<?php print $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?>/gen/err/util_log.php>'+text+'</a>';
    		document.getElementById('id_util_count').innerHTML  = '';
    	catch (ex){document.getElementById('id_util_count').innerHTML  = '';}

    Внимание на: var theUrl

    kerberos, 16 Июня 2016

    Комментарии (11)
  4. SQL / Говнокод #15698


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    ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[ObjectTrade]
    ON [dbo].[packets] 
    @id_key int,
    @id_th int,
    @date_end datetime,
    @date_beg datetime
    SET @id_key = (SELECT id_key FROM inserted)
    SET @id_th = (SELECT id_th FROM inserted WHERE id_key = @id_key)
    SET @date_end = (SELECT date_end FROM inserted WHERE id_key = @id_key)
    SET @date_beg = (SELECT date_beg FROM inserted WHERE id_key = @id_key)
    IF @id_th = 183 
    UPDATE packets 
    SET packets.date_end = CAST('12-05-2014' AS DATE) 
    WHERE id_key =@id_key
    IF (CAST(@date_end AS DATE) BETWEEN '08-03-2014' and '10-03-2014') SET @date_end = '07-03-2014'
    IF (CAST(@date_end AS DATE) BETWEEN '01-05-2014' and '04-05-2014') SET @date_end = '30-04-2014'
    IF (CAST(@date_end AS DATE) BETWEEN '09-05-2014' and '11-05-2014') SET @date_end = '08-05-2014'
    IF (CAST(@date_end AS DATE) BETWEEN '12-06-2014' and '15-06-2014') SET @date_end = '11-06-2014'
    IF (CAST(@date_end AS DATE) BETWEEN '02-11-2014' and '04-11-2014') SET @date_end = '01-11-2014'
    IF (CAST(@date_end AS DATE) BETWEEN '01-01-2015' and '08-01-2015') SET @date_end = '31-12-2014'
    IF DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @date_end) = 7 SET @date_end = DATEADD(DAY, -1, @date_end)
    UPDATE packets SET packets.date_end = @date_end WHERE id_key =@id_key

    kerberos, 07 Апреля 2014

    Комментарии (20)