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else if ( (!BG_InSpecialJump( legsAnim )//not in a special jump anim
||BG_InReboundJump( legsAnim )//we're already in a rebound
||BG_InBackFlip( legsAnim ) )//a backflip (needed so you can jump off a wall behind you)
//&& pm->ps->velocity[2] <= 0
&& pm->ps->velocity[2] > -1200 //not falling down very fast
&& !(pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_JUMP_HELD)//have to have released jump since last press
&& (pm->cmd.forwardmove||pm->cmd.rightmove)//pushing in a direction
//&& pm->ps->forceRageRecoveryTime < pm->cmd.serverTime //not in a force Rage recovery period
&& pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_2//level 3 jump or better
//&& WP_ForcePowerAvailable( pm->gent, FP_LEVITATION, 10 )//have enough force power to do another one
&& BG_CanUseFPNow(pm->gametype, pm->ps, pm->cmd.serverTime, FP_LEVITATION)
&& (pm->ps->origin[2]-pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart) < (forceJumpHeightMax[FORCE_LEVEL_3]-(BG_ForceWallJumpStrength()/2.0f)) //can fit at least one more wall jump in (yes, using "magic numbers"... for now)
//&& (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_JUMP1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_INAIR1 ) )//not in a flip or spin or anything
{//see if we're pushing at a wall and jump off it if so
if ( allowWallGrabs )
//FIXME: make sure we have enough force power
//FIXME: check to see if we can go any higher
//FIXME: limit to a certain number of these in a row?
//FIXME: maybe don't require a ucmd direction, just check all 4?
//FIXME: should stick to the wall for a second, then push off...