1. Список говнокодов пользователя laMer007

    Всего: 74

  2. C++ / Говнокод #20371


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    SoftwareCommon::params::IParamLoader::TypeDb SettingsProxy::getTypeDb() const
    			auto type = Locator::Services::Locator->Resolve<ISettings^>()->Type;
    			switch (type)
    			case decltype(type)::Firebird: return IParamLoader::Firebird;
    			case decltype(type)::MSSQL: return IParamLoader::MSSQL;
    				throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported db type");
    		catch (Exception ^ex)
    			throw std::runtime_error(marshal_1251(ex->ToString()));

    laMer007, 13 Июля 2016

    Комментарии (5)
  3. C++ / Говнокод #20354


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    #include <iostream>
    #include <stdexcept>
    using namespace std;
    class Exception : std::runtime_error
        Exception( std::string const & what ) : std::runtime_error(what)
    int main( )
            throw Exception("Exception");
        catch ( std::exception const & e )
            std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
            std::cerr << "..." << std::endl;
        return 0;

    laMer007, 08 Июля 2016

    Комментарии (38)
  4. Куча / Говнокод #20311


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    laMer007, 01 Июля 2016

    Комментарии (8)
  5. C++ / Говнокод #20275


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    Мне остаётся только спросить:

    laMer007, 26 Июня 2016

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  6. Куча / Говнокод #20248


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    Тут недавно оказия вышла. В одном чатике, где были несколько программистов и математик, задали вопрос:
    В каком порядке наследование верное целые числа -> рациональные или наоборот?

    laMer007, 22 Июня 2016

    Комментарии (92)
  7. SQL / Говнокод #20211


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    create procedure [dbo].[GetXML] (
    	@ExternalId		varchar(255)
    	declare @Contained int = 2;
    	declare @Sent int = 3;
    	declare @ResultAdmissionSubmissionNO int = 76;
    	declare @dcStateSent int = 7;
    	declare @dcStateInProgress int = 1;
    	declare @dcStateFinishedWithError int = 2;
    	declare @dcStateFinished int = 3;
    with ExternalIdMain as (
    	ExternalId as ExternalId,
    	dc.DocCircId as GroupId,
    	dc.DocCircId as DocCircId
    	[dbo].[gate_DocCirculations] as gdc
    	inner join [dbo].[DocCirculations] as dc on dc.DocCircId = gdc.DocCircId and not exists 
    		(select TOP 1 1 from [dbo].[DocCircConnection] as dcci where dcci.Parent = dc.DocCircId or dcci.Child = dc.DocCircId )
    	where ExternalId = @ExternalId and 
    		dc.StateId in (@dcStateSent, @dcStateInProgress, @dcStateFinishedWithError, @dcStateFinished)
    	union all
    	ExternalId as ExternalId,
    	dcc0.Parent as GroupId,
    	dcc0.Child as DocCircId
    	--dcc0.Child is leaf
    	[dbo].[DocCircConnection] as dcc0 
    	inner join [dbo].[DocCircConnection] as dcc1 on dcc0.Parent = dcc1.Child and dcc0.ConnectionType = @Contained and dcc1.ConnectionType = @Sent
    	inner join [dbo].[gate_DocCirculations] as gdc on dcc1.Parent = gdc.DocCircId
    	where ExternalId = @ExternalId
    ExternalIdStates as (
    		eim.ExternalId as ExternalId,
    		eim.GroupId as GroupId, 
    		dcsg.StateId as GroupState, 
    		dcsg.[Description] as GroupStateDescription, 
    		eim.DocCircId as DocCircId, 
    		dcs.StateId as DocCircState, 
    		dcs.[Description] as DocCircStateDescription, 
    		dc.timeUpdate as [Date] 
    	ExternalIdMain as eim
    	inner join dbo.DocCirculations as dc on eim.DocCircId = dc.DocCircId
    	inner join dbo.DocCirculations as dcg on eim.GroupId = dcg.DocCircId
    	inner join dbo.DocCircStates as dcs on dcs.StateId = dc.StateId
    	inner join dbo.DocCircStates as dcsg on dcsg.StateId = dcg.StateId
    ExternalIdFull as (
    	ExternalId as ExternalId,
    	GroupId as GroupId,
    	GroupState as GroupState,
    	GroupStateDescription as GroupStateDescription,
    	eis.DocCircId as DocCircId,
    	DocCircState as DocCircState,
    	DocCircStateDescription as DocCircStateDescription,
    	[Date] as [Date],
    	[Filename] as [Filename]
    ExternalIdStates as eis
    left join dbo.Transactions as t on eis.DocCircId = t.DocCircId and t.idTranstype = @ResultAdmissionSubmissionNO
    left join dbo.Docs as d on t.idTransaction = d.idTransaction
    left join dbo.Contents as c on d.idContent = c.idContent
    select ExternalId as "@Value",
    	select GroupId as "@GroupId", Max(GroupState) as "@GroupState", Max(GroupStateDescription) as "@GroupStateDescription",
    		select DocCircId as "@DocCircId", Max(DocCircState) as "@DocCircState", Max(DocCircStateDescription) as "@DocCircStateDescription", Max([Date]) as "@Date",
    			--"case when" for null filenames
    			case when 
    						(exists (select TOP 1 [Filename] from ExternalIdFull as eif3 where eif3.DocCircId = eif2.DocCircId and [Filename] is not null))
    				then (select [Filename] as "@Value" from ExternalIdFull as eif3 where eif3.DocCircId = eif2.DocCircId FOR XML PATH('Filename'), type) 
    				else N'' end
    		from ExternalIdFull as eif2 where eif2.GroupId = eif1.GroupId group by DocCircId FOR XML PATH('DocCirc'), type
    	from ExternalIdFull as eif1 where eif1.ExternalId = eif0.ExternalId group by GroupId FOR XML PATH('Group'), type
    from ExternalIdFull as eif0 group by ExternalId FOR XML PATH('ExternalId'), Root('Root')

    laMer007, 15 Июня 2016

    Комментарии (6)
  8. C++ / Говнокод #19502


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    unsigned int FileScanner::smartBruteForce(QByteArray &haystack, QByteArray &needle)
        unsigned int count = 0;
        unsigned int dataSize = haystack.size();
        unsigned int needleSize = needle.size();
        unsigned int needleSizeCut = needleSize - 1;
        char* dp = haystack.data();
        char* np = needle.data();
        char lastNeedle = *(np + needleSize - 1);
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < dataSize - needleSize + 1; i++)
            if(*(dp + (i + needleSizeCut)) != lastNeedle) //This is smart technology ))))
            unsigned int j;
            for(j = 0; j < needleSize; j++)
                if(*(dp + (i + j)) != *(np + j))
            if(j == needleSize)
        return count;

    laMer007, 20 Февраля 2016

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  9. C++ / Говнокод #19382


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    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    auto print(auto arg)
    	return (cout<<arg);
    	//return cout;
    auto print(auto arg, auto... args)
    	return (print(args...)<<arg);
    	//return cout;
    int main() {
    	return 0;

    ГЦЦ так и не научился в возвращаемые значения с авто

    laMer007, 02 Февраля 2016

    Комментарии (12)
  10. Куча / Говнокод #19350


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    -- Few Scum
    import Data.Char
    import Text.Read
    import Control.Applicative
    import Data.Ratio
    import Numeric
    import Data.List
    import Data.Maybe
    data Token
        =TLetter Char
        |TNumf Rational
        |TOp Char
        deriving (Show, Eq)
    data Expr
        =Letter Char
        |Numf Rational
        |Op Char Expr Expr
        |Diff Expr
    instance Show Expr where
        show (Letter c)     = [c]
        show (Op c el er)   = '(' : show el ++ ')' :
            c : '(' : show er ++ ")"
        show (Numf v)       = show $ toDouble v
        show (Diff e)       = '(' : show e ++ ")'"
    toDouble r = fromRational r :: Double
    readUnsignedRationalMaybe f = getParseResult $ parseValue f where
        parseValue f = {- readSigned -} readFloat f :: [(Rational, String)]
        getParseResult [(value, "")] = Just value
        getParseResult _ = Nothing
    -- Разбиваем строку на элементы, возаращает перевернутый список токенов
    tokenize ""                     = Nothing
    tokenize sourceExpressionString = tok [] sourceExpressionString where
        tok [] (c:s)
            | c == '-'                  = tok [TOp '-', TNumf 0] s
        tok r@(LBrace:_) (c:s)
            | c == '-'                  = tok (TOp '-':TNumf 0:r) s
        tok r (c:s)
            | c == '('                  = tok (LBrace:r) s
            | c == ')'                  = tok (RBrace:r) s
            | isLetter c                = tok (TLetter c:r) s
            | isOperation c             = tok (TOp c:r) s
            | isNumber c                = parseNumf r (c:s)
        tok r ""                        = Just r
        tok resultParsedTokens sourceExpressionString = Nothing
        isOperation     = (`elem` "+-*/")
        isNumf c        = isNumber c || c == '.'
        parseNumf r s   = maybeNumber >>= makeResult where
            (numberString, tail) = span isNumf s
            maybeNumber = readUnsignedRationalMaybe numberString--readMaybe numberString
            makeResult number = tok (TNumf number:r) tail
    -- Дерево выражений из списка токенов
    parse reversedTokens             = reversedTokens >>= makeTree where
        priorityOps         = ["+-","/*"]
        subExpr             = splitIntoOperationAndSubExpressions
        splitIntoOperationAndSubExpressions reversedTokens =
            id =<< find isJust (map (findOp reversedTokens [] 0) priorityOps)
        findOp (LBrace:_) _ 0 _         = Nothing -- dont checked on left expression, probably can safety removed
        findOp (RBrace:l) r b ops       = findOp l (RBrace:r) (b+1) ops
        findOp (LBrace:l) r b ops       = findOp l (LBrace:r) (b-1) ops
        findOp (TOp c:l) r 0 ops
            | c `elem` ops              = Just (c, l, reverse r)
            | otherwise                 = findOp l (TOp c:r) 0 ops
        findOp leftSubExpression [] b operationsForFind
            | b > 0                     = Nothing
        findOp (c:l) r b ops            = findOp l (c:r) b ops
        findOp [] rightSubExpression braceAmount operationsForFind = Nothing
        makeTree reversedTokens     = mt reversedTokens $ subExpr reversedTokens
        mt t@(RBrace:tt) Nothing
            | last t == LBrace      = mt (init tt) $ subExpr (init tt)
        mt [TLetter v] Nothing      = Just $ Letter v
        mt [TNumf v] Nothing        = Just $ Numf v
        mt _ Nothing                = Nothing
        mt _ (Just (o, l, r))       = makeOperationExpression leftExpressionTree rightExpressionTree o where
            leftExpressionTree          = mt l $ subExpr l
            rightExpressionTree         = mt r $ subExpr r
            makeOperationExpression = moe
            moe Nothing _ _         = Nothing
            moe _ Nothing _         = Nothing
            moe (Just leftExpressionTree) (Just rightExpressionTree) operation = Just $ Op operation leftExpressionTree rightExpressionTree
    -- Простейшее упрощение выражений
    firstSimplify e     = simplifyTreeHeightTimes <$> e where
        stepSimplify = fs
        fs (Op '*' e (Numf 1))           = e
        fs (Op '*' (Numf 1) e)           = e
        fs (Op '+' e (Numf 0))           = e
        fs (Op '+' (Numf 0) e)           = e
        fs (Op '/' e (Numf 1))           = e
        fs (Op '-' e (Numf 0))           = e
        fs (Op '*' (Numf 0) _)           = Numf 0
        fs (Op '*' _ (Numf 0))           = Numf 0
        fs (Op '/' (Numf 0) _)           = Numf 0
        fs (Op '/' (Letter l) (Letter r))
            | l == r                     = Numf 1
        fs (Op '-' (Letter l) (Letter r))

    Новая Специальная Олимпиада объявляется открытой.


    Реализовать поиск производной по выражению на любом языке. У кого получится компактнее, правильнее и больше функционала, тот и победил. Заявлять кандидата в победители (код и его автора) можно несколько раз если код улучшил или написал на другом языке. Призов, кроме почета и приятного времяпрепровождения, - не будет

    Если кто-то что-нибудь поломает, то я буду очень рад.

    Пока упрощение не работает на полную катушку и из функций производных только +-*/

    Мой друг обещает ещё версию на крестах подогнать.

    laMer007, 26 Января 2016

    Комментарии (79)
  11. C++ / Говнокод #18836


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    std::string CryptoOperations::getLastError()
    		return "Произошла неизвестная ошибка при выполнении криптооперации";

    laMer007, 08 Октября 2015

    Комментарии (6)