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<div class="comment-content">
<% if comment.body.include?('[/quote]') %>
<% @text = Array.new %>
<% summ = '' %>
<% @text = simple_format(comment.body).split(' ') %>
<% namecheck = false %>
<% contentcheck = false %>
<% quotestart = false %>
<% donothing = true %>
<% quotecount = 0 %>
<% count_quotes = 0 %>
<% @text.each do |t| %>
<% if t.include?('[/quote]') %>
<% count_quotes ||= 0 %>
<% count_quotes += 1 %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% @text.each do |t| %>
<% if t.include?('[/quote]') %>
<% contentcheck = false %>
<% namecheck = false %>
<% t = t.gsub('[/quote]', '</div></div>') %>
<% elsif t.include?('[quote=') %>
<% namecheck = true %>
<% donothing = false %>
<% t = t.gsub('[quote=', '') %>
<% elsif t.include?(']') %>
<% t = t.gsub(']', '') %>
<% end %>
<% if donothing == false %>
<% if contentcheck == true and namecheck == true and t != '' and t != '<p>' and t != '</p>' %>
<% t = '<div class=quotecontent>' + '<div class=quotestart>' + '<div class=quotename>' + 'Цитата - ' + t + '</div>' %>
<% contentcheck = true %>
<% namecheck = false %>
<% elsif contentcheck == true and t != '' and t != '<p>' and t != '</p>' %>
<% t = '<div class=quotecontent>' + t %>
<% contentcheck = false %>
<% elsif namecheck == true and t != '' and t != '<p>' and t != '</p>' %>
<% t = '<div class=quotestart>' + '<div class=quotename>' + 'Цитата - ' + t + '</div>' %>
<% namecheck = false %>
<% contentcheck = true %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% summ = summ + t + ' ' %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<% summ = comment.body %>
<% end %>
<%=raw simple_format(summ) %>
Вьюха списка комментариев. Когда это попало к верстальщику - он был мягко говоря шокирован.