1. Список говнокодов пользователя FAKYOUINTIRNEAT

    Всего: 1

  2. Куча / Говнокод #11568


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    15. 15
    16. 16
    rotate n xs = b ++ a
        where n'     = n `mod` (length xs)
          (a, b) = splitAt ((length xs) - n') xs
    rotateAmount xs = _ra 0 ((length xs) - 1) (listArray (0, ((length xs) - 1)) xs)
        where _ra s e ys = if (e - s) == 1 
                           then (if ((ys ! s) &lt (ys ! e)) then s else e)  -- base case
                           else let h  = ys ! s                  -- first item
                                    l  = ys ! e                  -- last item
                                    mi = s + ((e - s) `div` 2)   -- middle index
                                    m  = ys ! mi                 -- middle item
                                in if (h &lt l)
                                   then s                        -- return start index
                                   else if (h &gt m)
                                        then _ra s  mi ys
                                        else _ra mi e  ys

    A “rotated array” is an array of integers in ascending order, after which for every element i, it has been moved to element (i + n) mod sizeOfList. Write a function that takes a rotated array and, in less-than-linear time, returns n (the amount of rotation). http://techguyinmidtown.com/2008/07/05/my-answers-to-the-microsoft-interview-questions

    FAKYOUINTIRNEAT, 10 Августа 2012

    Комментарии (31)