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import os
import codecs
from xml.dom import minidom
dir = 'C:\\Users\\pee\\AppData\\Roaming\\Thunderbird\\Profiles\\your_profile_here.default\\extensions'
target = 'install.rdf'
TB_id = '{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}'
maxVer = '5.*'
# open file, parse xml, find Thunderbird ID, change maxVersion, save file
def verchanger(rdf):
found = False
xmldoc = minidom.parse(rdf)
idlist = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("em:id")
for i in idlist:
if i._get_firstChild().nodeValue == TB_id:
print('Thunderbird ID was founded in em:id node with index ', idlist.index(i)+1)
if i.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("em:maxVersion")[0]._get_firstChild().nodeValue == maxVer:
print('file already updated, skipping')
found = True
i.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("em:maxVersion")[0]._get_firstChild().nodeValue = maxVer
print('new value is: ', i.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("em:maxVersion")[0]._get_firstChild().nodeValue )
if found:
xmldoc.writexml(codecs.open(rdf,'w','utf-8'), encoding='utf-8')
# get list of files with full paths
filelist = [dir + '\\' + x + '\\' + target for x in os.listdir(dir)]
for i in filelist: