1. Список говнокодов пользователя kkkoi8r

    Всего: 1

  2. PHP / Говнокод #3186


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    abstract class DataBaseConnection {
      static public  $user   = "root";
      static private $pass   = "";
      static private $host   = "localhost";
      static private $dbName = "example";
      //this method creates connection to server and selects data base    
      static public function dbConnect () {
            //initialize connection variables 
            $host   = self :: $host;
            $dbName = self :: $dbName;
            $pass   = self :: $pass;
            $user   = self :: $user;
            // connect to server
            $connection = mysql_connect ( $host, $user, $pass, TRUE ) or die ("DATA BASE CONNECTION FAIL : " . mysql_error());
            // select database
            mysql_select_db ( $dbName, $connection ) or die ("DATA BASE HAS NOT BEEN SELECT");
            //set query encoding
            mysql_query("set names utf8") or die("set names utf8 failed") ;  
            return $connection;
    DataBaseConnection :: $user = "root";
    $connection = DataBaseConnection :: dbConnect ();

    kkkoi8r, 08 Мая 2010

    Комментарии (43)