1. PHP / Говнокод #27034


    1. 1

    MAPTbIwKA, 16 Октября 2020

    Комментарии (91)
  2. PHP / Говнокод #27003


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    $output_desc_name_num= $output;
        $desc_name_ar = array(
            "1" => "<a href='http:\\test.com'>link</a>",
            "2" => "Описание.. 2",
            "3" => "Описание.. 3",
            if($output_desc_name_num == 1){
                $desc_name = $desc_name_ar[1];
            elseif($output_desc_name_num == 2){
                $desc_name = $desc_name_ar[2];
            elseif($output_desc_name_num == 3)
                $desc_name =  $desc_name_ar[3];
                $desc_name ='';              
            return $response;

    Слишком мало переменных для каждого действия... + условии

    MouseZver, 04 Октября 2020

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  3. PHP / Говнокод #26989


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    $userId = getUser(); //получаем список всех пользователей 
        $valueArray = array(); 
        $keyArray = array(); 
        $valueArray1 = array();
        $keyArray1 = array();
        $resultArray = array();
        $resultArray1 = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i<count($keyArray); $i++) {
            $resultArray[$valueArray[$i]] = $keyArray[$i];
        for ($i = 0; $i<count($keyArray1); $i++) {
            $resultArray1[$valueArray1[$i]] = $keyArray1[$i];
        $array = array();
        foreach ($resultArray as $key => $value){

    Получаем массив пользователей у которых завершен звонок.

    Антон, 30 Сентября 2020

    Комментарии (5)
  4. PHP / Говнокод #26950


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    Trying to get property '%s' of non-object:   Notice -> Warning
    Undefined property: %s::$%s                  Notice -> Warning

    тут брейкинг ченджес подвезли


    Fike, 14 Сентября 2020

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  5. PHP / Говнокод #26948


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    public function getFlagCode()
        $code = $this->_storeManager->getStore()->getCode();
        switch ($code) {
            case 'us':
                return 'us';
            case 'eu':
                return 'eu';
                return 'ww';

    denistrator, 14 Сентября 2020

    Комментарии (7)
  6. PHP / Говнокод #26940


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    foreach ($properties->xml->ЗначенияСвойства as $property) {


    hrustbb2, 10 Сентября 2020

    Комментарии (12)
  7. PHP / Говнокод #26939


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    # Alternative mysql_real_escape_string without mysql connection
    function escape_string($param) {
            return array_map(__METHOD__, $param);
        if(!empty($param) && is_string($param)) {
            return str_replace(array('\\', "\0", "\n", "\r", "'", '"', "\x1a"), array('\\\\', '\\0', '\\n', '\\r', "\\'", '\\"', '\\Z'), $param);
        return $param;
    #Using example
    $name       = @trim(escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['name'])));


    real_escape_string, 09 Сентября 2020

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  8. PHP / Говнокод #26931


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    $DI_WName = Array('ѕн','¬т','—р','„т','ѕт','—б','¬с');
    	$DI_MName = Array('январь','‘евраль','ћарт','јпрель','ћай','»юнь','»юль','јвгуст','—ент¤брь','ќкт¤брь','Ќо¤брь','ƒекабрь');
    	$today = TodayDate();
    	$today = explode(".",$today);
    	$today = $today[2]*10000+$today[1]*100+$today[0];
    	$DI_Date = TodayDate();
    	if (isset($_GET["p0"])) $DI_Date = $_GET["p0"];
    	$DI_Date = explode(".",$DI_Date);
    	$DI_YY = $DI_Date[2];
    	$DI_LYY = $DI_YY;
    	$DI_NYY = $DI_YY;
    	$DI_MM = $DI_Date[1]-1;
    	$DI_LMM = $DI_MM-1;
    	if ($DI_LMM<0) $DI_LMM = 11;
    	$DI_NMM = $DI_MM+1;
    	if ($DI_NMM>11) $DI_NMM = 0;
    	if ($DI_MM==0) $DI_LYY = $DI_YY-1;
    	if ($DI_MM==11) $DI_NYY = $DI_YY+1;
    	$DI_DD = $DI_Date[0];
    	$lastM = $DI_MM-2;
    	$yy = $DI_YY;
    	if ($lastM<1) {
    		$lastM = 12+$lastM;
    		$yy = $yy - 1;
    	$lastM = $DI_DD.".".$lastM.".".$yy;
    	$nextM = $DI_MM+4;
    	$yy = $DI_YY;
    	if ($nextM>12) {
    		$nextM = $nextM-12;
    		$yy = $yy + 1;
    	$nextM = $DI_DD.".".$nextM.".".$yy;
    	$lastY = $DI_DD.".".($DI_MM+1).".".($DI_YY-1);
    	$nextY = $DI_DD.".".($DI_MM+1).".".($DI_YY+1);

    kib0rg, 08 Сентября 2020

    Комментарии (3)
  9. PHP / Говнокод #26930


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    function DI_MNum($Mon, $Year) {
    		$nn = Array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
    		$x = 28;
    		$y = (Round($Year/4))*4;
    		if ($y==$Year) $x = 29;
    		$ret = $nn[$Mon];
    		if ($Mon==1) $ret = $x;
    		return $ret;
    	function DI_FirstDay($Mon,$Year) {
    		$x0 = 365;
    		$Y = $Year-1;
    		$days = $Y*$x0+floor($Y/4)+6;
    		for ($j=0; $j<$Mon; $j=$j+1) {
    			$days = $days+DI_MNum($j,$Year);
    		$week = $days-(7*Round(($days/7)-0.5));
    		return $week;
    	function even_week($Day,$Mon,$Year) {
    		$x0 = 365;
    		$Y = $Year-1;
    		$days = $Y*$x0+floor($Y/4)+6;
    		for ($j=0; $j<$Mon; $j=$j+1) {
    			$days = $days+DI_MNum($j,$Year);
    		$days = $days + $Day;
    		$weeks = ceil($days/7);
    		$res = false;
    		if (2*ceil($weeks/2) == $weeks) $res = true;
    		return $res;

    kib0rg, 08 Сентября 2020

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  10. PHP / Говнокод #26903


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    public function index()
            $items = CartManager::getAllItems();
            $couponCode = Coupon::getFromSession()->implode('code', ', ');
            $address = auth()->user()->address;
            $user = auth()->user();
            $userDetails = auth()->user() ? auth()->user()->fields : null;
            $fields = [
                'promo_code' => $couponCode,
                'email' => $user->email,
                'first_name' => $userDetails->firstname,
                'last_name' => $userDetails->lastname,
                'phone' => $userDetails->phone,
            if ($address) {
                $field = [
                    'value' => $address->city->title
                if ($address->city->type === \App\Address::TYPE_CITY) {
                    $field ['data']['city_fias_id'] = $address->city->id;
                    $field ['data']['city'] = $address->city->title;
                } elseif ($address->city->type === \App\Address::TYPE_SETTLEMENT) {
                    $field ['data']['settlement_fias_id'] = $address->city->id;
                    $field ['data']['settlement'] = $address->city->title;
                $fields ['delivery_city'] = $field;
            if ($address->street) {
                $fields ['delivery_street'] = [
                    'value' => $address->street->title,
                    'data' => [
                        'street_fias_id' => $address->street->id,
            if ($address->street_number) {
                $fields ['delivery_house_number'] = [
                    'value' => $address->street_number,
            if ($address->flat) {
                $fields ['delivery_flat_number'] = $address->flat;
            $fields = (object)$fields;
            $actions = [
                'remove' => route('shop.cart.remove'),
                'remove_gift_card' => route('shop.cart.gift-cards.remove'),
                'change' => route('shop.cart.update'),
                'promo' => route('shop.coupon.apply'),
                'checkout' => route('orders.store'),
                'get_pickups' => route('delivery_points.index'),
                'check_email' => route('check_email'),
            return view('shop.cart.index', compact(

    this is MVC, baby !

    hrustbb2, 31 Августа 2020

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