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function parce($string)
{//function open
$breaktags=array ("<"," ","=","","т");
for ($pos=0;$pos<strlen($string);$pos++)
{//for text
if (substr($string,$pos,1)=="{" and substr($string,$pos+1,1)=="%")
{// if open symbols finded
while($tagopened==1){//while opened
for($inpos=$pos+2;$inpos<10000;$inpos++){// =)
if ( (substr($string,$inpos,1)=="%" and substr($string,$inpos+1,1)=="}") or in_array(substr($string,$inpos,1),$breaktags)) {break 2;$tagopened=0;}//br
}//for inpos
}//while opened closing
echo("$intag[0] with $intag[1] action!<br>");
} else {//if symbols finded
}//for all text closing
}//function end;