1. Си / Говнокод #24553


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    #ifdef DEBUG
    static int (*printfn)(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...) = fprintf;
    static void (*printfn)(int priority, const char *format, ...) = syslog;
    /* somewhere in getopt() options */
    #ifdef DEBUG
        printfn = noprintf;
        printfn = nosyslog;
    /* elsewhere in a common header file */
    #ifdef DEBUG
    #undef LOG_ERR
    #undef LOG_WARNING
    #undef LOG_INFO
    #define LOG_ERR stderr
    #define LOG_WARNING stderr
    #define LOG_INFO stderr
    void nosyslog(int priority, const char *format, ...)
    int noprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...)
        return 0;

    А попроще способа для --quiet / -DDEBUG нету?

    codemonkey, 29 Июля 2018

    Комментарии (5)
  2. Си / Говнокод #24550


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    copy(v) char *v; {	/* copy ctokn to v */
    	char *p;
    	while( *v++ = *p++ );
    compare(v) char *v; {	/* compare ctokn with v */
    	char *p;
    	for( p=ctokn; ; ++p ){
    		if( *p != *v++ ) return( 0 );
    		if( *p == 0 ) return(1);
    int *yalloc(n){ /* allocate n+1 words from vector mem */
    	int *omem;
    	omem = mem;
    	mem =+ n+1;
    	if(mem-mem0 >= memsiz) error("memory overflow");
    aryfil( v, n, c ) int *v,n,c; { /* set elements 0 through n-1 to c */
      int i;
      for( i=0; i<n; ++i ) v[i] = c;
    union( a, b, c ) int *a, *b, *c; {
      /* set a to the union of b and c */
      /* a may equal b */
      /* return 1 if c is not a subset of b, 0 otherwise */
      _REGISTER int i, x, sub;
      sub = 0;
      for( i=0; i<tbitset; ++i ){
        x = b[i] | c[i];
        if( x != b[i] ) sub=1;
        a[i] = x;
      return( sub );
    prlook( pp ) int *pp;{
    	int j;
    	pp = pp->lset;
    	if( pp == 0 ) printf("\tNULL");
    	else {
    		printf(" { " );
    		for( j=1; j<=nterms; ++j ){
    			if( (pp[j>>4]>>(j&017) )&01 != 0 ) printf( "%s ", symnam(j) );
    		printf( "}" );



    Для любителей обмазываться несвежим сишкокодом. Research Unix

    j123123, 28 Июля 2018

    Комментарии (15)
  3. Си / Говнокод #24539


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    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void) {
        int a, b;
        int *p = &a;
        int *q = &b + 1;
        printf("%p %p %d\n", (void *)p, (void *)q, p == q);
        return 0;


    0x7fff4a35b19c 0x7fff4a35b19c 0

    кто понимает почему?

    guestinxo, 25 Июля 2018

    Комментарии (34)
  4. Си / Говнокод #24517


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    // https://github.com/Qqwy/raii_with/blob/74e4c66a821fba6a483d62a8c583b3fab06e3443/raii/raii.h#L60
     * Custom Control Structure Macro to provide Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (and Resource Relinquishment is Destruction).
     * Use this to run a block of code with `var_decl` initialized to `init`, where at the end of the block (or at an earlier `safe_return`),
     * the passed `destr`-function will automatically be called with the given resource.
     * Gotcha's:
     * 1. Do not use `return` from within `raii_with`, but only `safe_return`, because otherwise the destructors will not be run.
     * 2. Do not perform pointer-swaps with `var_decl`; the destructor will still be run on the original structure, because `raii` keeps its own reference to the resource.
    #define raii_with(var_decl, init, destr)                                \
      while(1) /* i.c.m. break on l.4, so we can jump past the user-supplied block */ \
        if(0)                                                               \
        raii_glue(__raii_with_finished, __LINE__):                              \
          break;                                                            \
        else                                                                \
          /* initialize _tmp lifetime list elem so replacement `raii_lifetime_list` can have previous one as tail. */ \
          for(struct raii_lifetime_list_t _tmp = {.elem.resource = init, .elem.destructor = destr, .next = raii_lifetime_list};;) \
            /* initialize user-supplied variable name */                    \
            for(var_decl = _tmp.elem.resource;;)                            \
              if (1) {                                                      \
                /* Fill `_tmp`'s tail before `raii_lifetime_list` is shadowed */ \
                _tmp.next = raii_lifetime_list;                             \
                goto raii_glue(__raii_with_setup, __LINE__);                    \
              } else                                                        \
              raii_glue(__raii_with_setup, __LINE__):                           \
                /* Shadow `raii_lifetime_list` with inner version */        \
                for(struct raii_lifetime_list_t *raii_lifetime_list = &_tmp;;) \
                  if(1){                                                    \
                    goto raii_glue(__raii_with_body, __LINE__);                 \
                  } else                                                    \
                    while (1) /* so break works as expected */              \
                      while (1) /*so continue works as expected */          \
                        if (1){                                             \
                          /*after the else-block (or break or continue), destruct and finish */ \
                          destruct_raii_lifetime(raii_lifetime_list->elem); \
                          goto raii_glue(__raii_with_finished, __LINE__);       \
                        } else                                              \
                        raii_glue(__raii_with_body, __LINE__):
    #endif // RAII_WITH_H


    A simple library to provide RAII in standard-compliant C99, using raii_with(resource, initializer, destructor) { ... }-syntax:

    j123123, 19 Июля 2018

    Комментарии (242)
  5. Си / Говнокод #24499


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    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <inttypes.h>
    int main(void) {
    	uint64_t a = 1<<31;
    	uint64_t b = 1<<32;
    	uint64_t c = (uint64_t)1<<32;
    	printf("a:%llx\n", a);
    	printf("b:%llx\n", b);
    	printf("c:%llx\n", c);
    	return 0;


    Занимался битоёбством и не сразу понял откуда в алгоритме мусор.

    govnokod3r, 16 Июля 2018

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  6. Си / Говнокод #24496


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    void sort3(uint32_t a[static 3])
      //                   0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
      uint32_t tmp[9] = {a[0], a[1], a[2], a[0], a[1], a[0], a[2], a[1], a[0]};
      uint8_t bits = (a[0] <= a[1]) | ((a[1] <= a[2]) << 1) | ((a[0] <= a[2]) << 2);
      static const uint8_t b[] =
        [0b000] = 6,
        [0b001] = 2,
        [0b010] = 1,
        [0b101] = 5,
        [0b110] = 4,
        [0b111] = 0,
      memcpy(a, tmp+b[bits], 3*sizeof(uint32_t));

    Новая инновационная сортировка на 3 элемента без if-ов

    j123123, 15 Июля 2018

    Комментарии (195)
  7. Си / Говнокод #24495


    1. 1

    Зачем нужен argc? Нельзя просто смотреть NULL-terminated argv?

    3_dar, 14 Июля 2018

    Комментарии (10)
  8. Си / Говнокод #24447


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    void check_manifest_line (int p) {
      static char c[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1];
      int l = p - START_MANIFEST_POSITION;
      if (l <= MAX_LINE_LEN && l > 4) {
        get_binlog_data (c, START_MANIFEST_POSITION, l);
        c[l] = 0;
        char *pp = c;
        int op = -1;
        if (l >= 6 && !memcmp (c, "start", 5)) {
          op = 1; 
          pp += 5;
        } else if (l >= 5 && !memcmp (c, "stop", 4)) {
          op = 2;
          pp += 4;
        } else if (l >= 8 && !memcmp (c, "version", 7)) {
          op = 3;
          pp += 7;
        if (is_whitespace (*pp) && op > 0) {      
          pp ++;
          pp = eat_whitespace (pp);
          if (!*pp) {
            START_MANIFEST_POSITION = p + 1;
          if (op == 1 || op == 2) {
            char *rr = pp;
            pp = eat_not_whitespace (pp);
            char *zz = pp;
            pp = eat_whitespace (pp);
            *zz = 0;
            if (pp == c + l && zz - rr > 0) {
              struct cluster *C = CC;
              int x = BINLOG_NAME_LEN - 1;
              while (x >= 0 && BINLOG_NAME[x] != '/') {
              add_cluster (BINLOG_NAME, x + 1, rr, (MAIN_REPLICA ? 2 : 0) + (op == 2 ? 4 : 0) + (1 << 30));
              CC = C;
          } else {
            assert (op == 3);
            char *rr = pp;
            pp = eat_not_whitespace (pp);
            char *rr_end = pp;
            pp = eat_whitespace (pp);
            *rr_end = 0;
            if (!*pp) {
              START_MANIFEST_POSITION = p + 1;
            int version = atoi (pp);
            pp = eat_not_whitespace (pp);
            pp = eat_whitespace (pp);
            if (!*pp) {
              START_MANIFEST_POSITION = p + 1;
            long long size = atoll (pp);
            pp = eat_not_whitespace (pp);
            pp = eat_whitespace (pp);
            if (pp == c + l && rr_end > rr && version > 0 && size >= 0) {
              struct cluster *C = CC;
              int x = BINLOG_NAME_LEN - 1;
              while (x >= 0 && BINLOG_NAME[x] != '/') {
                x --;
              int rrlen = rr_end - rr;
              int i;
              for (i = 0; i < max_cluster; i++) if (Clusters[i]) {
                //fprintf (stderr, "i = %d, binlog_name = %s, rr = %s, rrlen = %d\n", i, Clusters[i]->binlog_name, rr, rrlen);
                const char *s = Clusters[i]->binlog_name;
                int l = strlen (Clusters[i]->binlog_name) - 1;
                while (l >= 0 && s[l] != '/') { l --; }
                s = s + l + 1;
                if (!memcmp (s, rr, rrlen) && s[rrlen] == '.') {
                  int old = atoi (s + rrlen + 1);
                  if (old >= version) {
                    vkprintf (0, "New version %d, old %d. Skipping\n", version, old);
                    START_MANIFEST_POSITION = p + 1;
                  if (unlink (Clusters[i]->binlog_name) < 0) {
                    fprintf (stderr, "Can not delete old file %s: %m\n", Clusters[i]->binlog_name);
                  delete_cluster (i);
              static char name[1024];
              memcpy (name, rr, rrlen);
              name[rrlen] = '.';
              sprintf (name + rrlen + 1, "%06d", version);
              add_cluster (BINLOG_NAME, x + 1, name, (MAIN_REPLICA ? 2 : 0) + (1 << 30));
              LAST_SIZE = size;
              CC = C;


    Очередная порция вконтактового говнокода.

    j123123, 05 Июля 2018

    Комментарии (4)
  9. Си / Говнокод #24434


    1. 1
    main(){int i=0;char*c = "(5((((`+((((f(H+(P7(d(([)(/(`G(X)7d+(.X+d)X+d(_(d.GXA`gg/d(dggI7(dgg`+(dg7^)(dgKE((dGD/((d/K)(((((((((0X)(((7F(<(XK/H7(d`)`)(.D(F(H(G(/(D`7X(HOg+6(`YgX;(fd7d7//d+7X[+GHKgdX7gg77fcggYKgfg/";while(i++<1122)printf(i%34?(c[i/6]-40&1<<i%6)?"XX":" ":"\n");}

    Ёбаные обфускаторы.

    codemonkey, 02 Июля 2018

    Комментарии (24)
  10. Си / Говнокод #24409


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    int  removing_mask (int *x , int *y, int *lng  , char board[][Y], 
    					char *content[PL] , int select, void   (*write  )( int x , int y  ,char board[][Y],
    					char *content)  , int search_cross_pnt(char cross_point[LN] , int *point   ,char *content[PL] , int in_x , int in_y) , 
    					int (*chk_mask )(char board[][Y] , int mem ,int sh, int br )
    	char mask_word[LN] = {0}  ;
    	int sm = 1;
    	int lvl   =  0;
    	int shift =  0;
    	int brd = 0;
    	int mem = 0;
    	int stp = 0;
    	int mn = 0;
    	int bi = 0;
    	int rd = 0;
    	int gor = 0 ,vert = 0;
    	int pnt = 0;
    	int hg  = 15;
    	int	sr = 0;
    	int *one_value = 0  , *second_value = 0;
    	int ctr = 0;
    	if(select == 0 ){
    	  mem = *y;
    	  hg  = 	  *y < LN	 ?  *y : hg    ;
    	else   {
    		mem = *x;
    		hg  = 	  *x < LN	 ?  *x : hg    ;
    	for(   lvl = 0     ,rd = 0; lvl <= *lng  - 1    ;      lvl++  ,mem++	  ){
    			for(brd = 0  ;    brd  <= hg  ; brd++           ){
    			 select == 0 ? ( shift = *x ,    one_value = &sr ,   	second_value  =  &mem) :  (shift = *y       ,  one_value = &mem ,   	second_value  = &sr  ) ;
    	if(	 (select == 0 && board[ shift - 1][ *second_value ]  == 0  )  ||  (select == 1 && board[*one_value  ][shift  - 1 ]   == 0    )){
    		for(    pnt = 0, stp = 0;   stp  <= LN  ;stp++     ){
    			if ( 	 chk_mask  ( board  , mem    ,   shift ,  brd  )   == 1   ){
    						 pnt = 1;
    					sr = shift++ - brd ;
    					mask_word[stp] 	 = 	board[    	*one_value      ][ 	*second_value   ]  ;
    				if(pnt == 1 ){
    				sm =  search_cross_pnt( mask_word   ,&mn , content  ,*x, *y  ) ; 
    			 	if(  sm > bi   ){
    				    select == 0 ? (  gor   =	*x - brd, vert   = 	mem)	: (gor   =	    mem  ,vert   =  *y - brd) ; 
    					bi = 	sm   ;
    				    rd = mn; 
    			if(  (select == 1 &&  isalpha(board[gor][vert -  1]  ) ||
    				 (select == 0 &&  isalpha(board[gor - 1 ][vert] )) ||
    				 ( gor && vert  )   ==  0 
    							) ) { 
    			ctr = 1;
    		if(  ( (    content[rd]   != " " ) )  && 
    			( board[gor ][vert ]  ==  content[rd][0] || !isalpha (board[gor ][vert ]  )  ) 
    			&& !ctr 
    		) {
    			*x = gor  ;   
    			*y = vert ;
    			*lng =   strlen(content[rd ]); 
    			write( gor   , vert    ,  board ,     content[rd]     );
    					content[rd] = " ";
    					return 1 ;
    			return 0;

    полный аут кроссворду 3 ч.

    gne4do, 22 Июня 2018

    Комментарии (48)