1. Лучший говнокод

    В номинации:
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  2. PHP / Говнокод #8684


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    public function selectItems( $id, $withStrictment = 'no' /* $withStrictment = no, retail, discount */ ) {
    		if( $withStrictment == 'discount' ) $onlyWithRetailPriceSql = " and items.articul in ( select articul from items_discount ) ";
    		if( $withStrictment == 'retail' ) $onlyWithRetailPriceSql = " and items.articul in ( select articul from retailPrice ) ";
    		$a = database::select("	SELECT items.* FROM items WHERE items.id = '$id' and items.deleted = 'no' ");
    		$a = $a[0];
    		$this->data = database::select("SELECT items.*, 
    										IF(DATEDIFF(now(),created) <= 30, 'Новинка! ', '') as fresh,
    										( items.quantity - coalesce(view_pendeditemsquantity.sum,0) ) as quantity,
    										items_comments.comment as dopDescr, items_comments.comment as comment, items_discount.priceAsUSD as discountPrice,
    										concat(items.name, ' - ', items.quantity) as name
    										FROM items 
    										LEFT JOIN view_pendeditemsquantity ON items.articul = view_pendeditemsquantity.articul
    										LEFT JOIN items_comments ON items.articul = items_comments.articul
    										left join items_discount on items.articul = items_discount.articul
    										left join items_packing on items.articul = items_packing.articul
    										WHERE items.group_id in ( select articul from items where is_group = '1' and name = '{$a['name']}' and group_id = '' )
    										  and items.deleted = 'no' 
    										order by items.quantity desc, items.name asc

    guzik, 30 Ноября 2011

    Комментарии (10)
  3. C++ / Говнокод #8666


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    AnsiString DateArray = "";
    int DaysBetween = 0;
    DaysBetween = DateTimePicker2->Date - DateTimePicker1->Date;
    for (int i = 0; i <= DaysBetween; i++ )
     if (i != 0)
     DateArray = DateArray + " OR ";
     DateArray =  DateArray + " date_made = '"+DateToStr(DateTimePicker1->Date + i)+"'";

    Очевидно, подготавливаем запрос для отбора по диапазону дат :)

    labutinpa, 29 Ноября 2011

    Комментарии (7)
  4. PHP / Говнокод #8657


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    <? include "../o-proekte/connect.php";?>
    <ul id="nav">
    <li><a class=" link" href="citaty-i-aforizmy/">А</a>
    <?$a =  iconv('utf8', 'cp1251', "А");
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM authors WHERE name LIKE "'.$a.'%"'; 
    $query = mysql_query($sql) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
    While ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($query))
    {$results[] = $row;};?>
    <? foreach ($results as $num=> $result ) {
    echo iconv("cp1251", "utf8", "<li><a href=".$result['id']." id=".$result['name'].">".$result['name']."</a></li>");
    <li><a class=" link" href="citaty-i-aforizmy/">Б</a>
    <?$b =  iconv('utf8', 'cp1251', "Б");
    $sqlb = 'SELECT * FROM authors WHERE name LIKE "'.$b.'%"'; 
    $queryb = mysql_query($sqlb) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
    While ($rowb = mysql_fetch_array ($queryb))
    {$resultsb[] = $rowb;};?>
    <? foreach ($resultsb as $numb=> $resultb ) {
    echo iconv("cp1251", "utf8", "<li><a href=\"\">".$resultb['name']."</a></li>");
    <li><a class=" link" href="citaty-i-aforizmy/">В</a>
    <?$v =  iconv('utf8', 'cp1251', "В");
    $sqlv = 'SELECT * FROM authors WHERE name LIKE "'.$v.'%"'; 
    $queryv = mysql_query($sqlv) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
    While ($rowv = mysql_fetch_array ($queryv))
    {$resultsv[] = $rowv;};?>
    <? foreach ($resultsv as $numv=> $resultv ) {
    echo iconv("cp1251", "utf8", "<li><a href=\"\">".$resultv['name']."</a></li>");
    <li><a class=" link" href="citaty-i-aforizmy/">Г</a>
    <?$g =  iconv('utf8', 'cp1251', "Г");
    $sqlg = 'SELECT * FROM authors WHERE name LIKE "'.$g.'%"'; 
    $queryg = mysql_query($sqlg) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
    While ($rowg = mysql_fetch_array ($queryg))
    {$resultsg[] = $rowg;};?>
    <? foreach ($resultsg as $numg=> $resultg ) {
    echo iconv("cp1251", "utf8", "<li><a href=\"\">".$resultg['name']."</a></li>");
    <li><a class=" link" href="citaty-i-aforizmy/">Д</a>
    <?$d =  iconv('utf8', 'cp1251', "Д");
    $sqld = 'SELECT * FROM authors WHERE name LIKE "'.$d.'%"'; 
    $queryd = mysql_query($sqld) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
    While ($rowd = mysql_fetch_array ($queryd))
    {$resultsd[] = $rowd;};?>
    <? foreach ($resultsd as $numd=> $resultd ) {
    echo iconv("cp1251", "utf8", "<li><a href=\"\">".$resultd['name']."</a></li>");
    <li><a class=" link" href="citaty-i-aforizmy/">Е</a>
    <?$e =  iconv('utf8', 'cp1251', "Е");
    $sqle = 'SELECT * FROM authors WHERE name LIKE "'.$e.'%"'; 
    $querye = mysql_query($sqle) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
    While ($rowe = mysql_fetch_array ($querye))
    {$resultse[] = $rowe;};?>
    <? foreach ($resultse as $nume=> $resulte ) {
    echo iconv("cp1251", "utf8", "<li><a href=\"\">".$resulte['name']."</a></li>");
    <li><a class=" link" href="citaty-i-aforizmy/">Ж</a>
    <?$j =  iconv('utf8', 'cp1251', "Ж");
    $sqlj = 'SELECT * FROM authors WHERE name LIKE "'.$j.'%"'; 
    $queryj = mysql_query($sqlj) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
    While ($rowj = mysql_fetch_array ($queryj))
    {$resultsj[] = $rowj;};?>
    <? foreach ($resultsj as $numj=> $resultj ) {
    echo iconv("cp1251", "utf8", "<li><a href=\"\">".$resultj['name']."</a></li>");
    <li><a class=" link" href="citaty-i-aforizmy/">З</a>
    <?$z =  iconv('utf8', 'cp1251', "З");
    $sqlz = 'SELECT * FROM authors WHERE name LIKE "'.$z.'%"'; 
    $queryz = mysql_query($sqlz) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
    While ($rowz = mysql_fetch_array ($queryz))
    {$resultsz[] = $rowz;};?>
    <? foreach ($resultsz as $numz=> $resultz ) {
    echo iconv("cp1251", "utf8", "<li><a href=\"\">".$resultz['name']."</a></li>");

    нужно чтобы php выводил что то типа
    А Б
    август Брайан
    и т.д. (c)phpforum.ru

    hookman, 27 Ноября 2011

    Комментарии (13)
  5. PHP / Говнокод #8577


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     * Cleaning Input Script
     * Copyright 2009 - www.pgmr.co.uk - [email protected]
    function clean($str) {
    	if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
     	$str = addslashes($str);
    	$str = strip_tags(htmlspecialchars($str));
    	return $str;

    "Универсальная функция для защиты сайта от XSS, SQL и JS-инъекций."

    jokz, 19 Ноября 2011

    Комментарии (9)
  6. PHP / Говнокод #8569


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    function to_int_convert($num)
        $arr_num = str_split($num);
        $new_num = "";
        foreach($arr_num as $key => $value)
                if($value == intval($value))
                $new_num = $new_num.$value;
        return $new_num;

    korchasa, 18 Ноября 2011

    Комментарии (5)
  7. JavaScript / Говнокод #8546


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    <script language="JavaScript">
    <!-- hide
    function check(input) {
     var ok = true;
     for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
     var chr = input.charAt(i);
     var found = false;
     for (var j = 1; j < check.length; j++) {
     if (chr == check[j]) found = true;
     if (!found) ok = false;
     return ok;
    function test(input) {
     if (!check(input, "1", "2", "3", "4",
     "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "/", "-", " ")) {
     alert("Input not ok.");
     else {
     alert("Input ok!");
    // -->
    <input type="text" name="telephone" value=>
     <input type="button" value="Check"


    7ion, 17 Ноября 2011

    Комментарии (6)
  8. C++ / Говнокод #8537


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    // CFileFind ff;
    // ...
    bool IsNext = ff.FindNextFile();
    bool IsCurr = true;
    while (IsCurr)
        if(!ff.IsDirectory() && !ff.IsDots()) 
    	pTplList->InsertString(-1, ff.GetFileName());
            IsNext = ff.FindNextFile();
            IsCurr = false;

    IsNext и IsCurr - лишние переменные, которые запутывают код

    hayhay, 16 Ноября 2011

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  9. C++ / Говнокод #8532


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    #if DEBUG == 2
    	#define INFO(message) (util::debug::print(TYPE_INFO, (message), __func__, __LINE__))
    	#define WARNING(message) (util::debug::print(TYPE_WARNING, (message), __func__, __LINE__))
    	#define ERROR(message) (util::debug::print(TYPE_ERROR, (message), __func__, __LINE__))
    #elif DEBUG == 1
    	#define INFO(message) (util::debug::print(TYPE_INFO, (message), __func__))
    	#define WARNING(message) (util::debug::print(TYPE_WARNING, (message), __func__))
    	#define ERROR(message) (util::debug::print(TYPE_ERROR, (message), __func__))
    #elif DEBUG == 0
    	#define INFO(message) (util::debug::print(TYPE_INFO, (message)))
    	#define WARNING(message) (util::debug::print(TYPE_WARNING, (message)))
    	#define ERROR(message) (util::debug::print(TYPE_ERROR, (message)))
    	/* Default defines, uses if logging is disable */
    	#define INFO()
    	#define WARNING()
    	#define ERROR()

    rootick, 16 Ноября 2011

    Комментарии (10)
  10. PHP / Говнокод #8469


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    if ($_POST["SAVE"]!="OK")

    оп оп

    atarix12, 10 Ноября 2011

    Комментарии (16)
  11. C++ / Говнокод #8427


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    data::TokenPtr lexer::ReadToken::operator()(AnalyzeState analyze_state)
        ReadTokenNum    handler01( nullptr  );
        ReadTokenName   handler02(&handler01);
        ReadTokenPlus   handler03(&handler02);
        ReadTokenMinus  handler04(&handler03);
        ReadTokenDiv    handler05(&handler04);
        ReadTokenMult   handler06(&handler05);
        ReadTokenAssign handler07(&handler06);
        ReadTokenSmcln  handler08(&handler07);
        ReadTokenLpar   handler09(&handler08);
        ReadTokenRpar   handler10(&handler09);
        ReadTokenHandler &start_handler = handler10;

    Вот такая красота получилась при использовании паттерна 'цепочка обязанностей'.

    int_index, 05 Ноября 2011

    Комментарии (3)