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Ltac destruct_mint_ H :=
match type of H with
(MInt_ _ ?z ?t) =>
lazymatch goal with
|- ?GOAL =>
refine (match H in (MInt_ _ z0 t0) return (z = z0 -> t = t0 -> GOAL) with
| mint_nil _ =>
fun Heq_z Heq_tt_ =>
ltac:(destruct_mint_common Heq_tt_ Heq_z H)
| mint_cons _ te rest l r t H =>
fun Heq_z Heq_tt_ =>
ltac:(destruct_mint_common Heq_tt_ Heq_z H)
| mint_cons_l _ te rest l r z t Hz H =>
fun Heq_z Heq_tt_ =>
ltac:(destruct_mint_common Heq_tt_ Heq_z H)
| mint_cons_r _ te te' rest l r z t Hz Hcomm H =>
fun Heq_z Heq_tt_ =>
ltac:(destruct_mint_common Heq_tt_ Heq_z H)
end (eq_refl z) (eq_refl t))