1. C++ / Говнокод #23072


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    for (int i = 0; i < WorkedVerts.count(); i++)
    		int R0 = (i + Offset0) % WorkedVerts.count();
    		int R1 = (i + Offset1) % WorkedVerts.count();
    		int R2 = (i + Offset2) % WorkedVerts.count();
    		XA << WorkedVerts.at(R0).Position;
    		XB << WorkedVerts.at(R1).Position;
    		XC << WorkedVerts.at(R2).Position;
    	PrepareDataPointers(XA, XB, XC);
    	Inset_Cuda(InputData0, InputData1, InputData2, OutputData, XA.count(), -Amount);
    	for (int x = 0; x < XA.count(); x++)
    		if (fabs(OutputData[x].x) < 0.0001f && fabs(OutputData[x].y) < 0.0001f && fabs(OutputData[x].z < 0.0001f))
    			int Start = x;
    			int Start1 = (x + (XA.count() - 1)) % XA.count();
    			QVector3D StartVec = QVector3D(OutputData[Start1].x, OutputData[Start1].y, OutputData[Start1].z);
    			QVector3D EndVec = StartVec;
    			int End = 0;
    			while (true)
    				End = Start++;
    				if (fabs(OutputData[End].x) > 0.0001f && fabs(OutputData[End].y) > 0.0001f && fabs(OutputData[End].z > 0.0001f))
    					EndVec = QVector3D(OutputData[End].x, OutputData[End].y, OutputData[End].z);
    			QVector3D OffsetX0 = WorkedVerts.at(Start).Position - StartVec;
    			QVector3D OffsetX1 = WorkedVerts.at(End).Position - EndVec;
    			QVector3D Mid2 = OffsetX0 + (OffsetX1 - OffsetX0) * 0.5f;
    			OutputData[x].x = Mid2.x();
    			OutputData[x].y = Mid2.y();
    			OutputData[x].z = Mid2.z();
    	int VertsCounter = SharedVerts.count();
    	for (int i = 0; i < WorkedVerts.count(); i++)
    		SharedVertex NewVert;
    		int Count3 = WorkedVerts.count();
    		int index = (i + (Count3 - 1)) % Count3;
    		NewVert.Position = QVector3D(OutputData[index].x, OutputData[index].y, OutputData[index].z);
    		NewVert.Index = VertsCounter++;
    		SV2 << NewVert;

    Код нахождения копии контура вершин с оффсетом.

    IVK, 26 Мая 2017

    Комментарии (3)
  2. 1C / Говнокод #23071


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               ВызватьИсключение КраткоеОписаниеОшибки(ОписаниеОшибки());

    Процедура ЗаблокироватьДанныеФормыДляРедактировани я() при невозможности заблокировать данные сама вызывает исключение

    acula98, 26 Мая 2017

    Комментарии (4)
  3. PHP / Говнокод #23068


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    function color_search($color) {
         $arColor["COLOR"] = explode(",","aliceblue,antiquewhite,aqua,aquamarine,azure,beige,bisque,black,blanchedalmond,blue,blueviolet,brown,burlywood,cadetblue,chartreuse,chocolate,coral,cornflowerblue,cornsilk,crimson,cyan,darkblue,darkcyan,darkgoldenrod,darkgray,darkgreen,darkkhaki,darkmagenta,darkolivegreen,darkorange,darkorchid,darkred,darksalmon,darkseagreen,darkslateblue,darkslategray,darkturquoise,darkviolet,deeppink,deepskyblue,dimgray,dodgerblue,firebrick,floralwhite,forestgreen,fuchsia,gainsboro,ghostwhite,gold,goldenrod,gray,green,greenyellow,honeydew,hotpink,indianred,indigo,ivory,khaki,lavender,lavenderblush,lawngreen,lemonchiffon,lightblue,lightcoral,lightcyan,lightgreen,lightgrey,lightpink,lightsalmon,lightseagreen,lightskyblue,lightslategray,lightsteelblue,lightyellow,lime,limegreen,linen,magenta,maroon,mediumaquamarine,mediumblue,mediumorchid,mediumpurple,mediumseagreen,mediumslateblue,mediumspringgreen,mediumturquoise,mediumvioletred,midnightblue,mintcream,mistyrose,moccasin,navajowhite,navy,oldlace,olive,olivedrab,orange,orangered,orchid,palegoldenrod,palegreen,paleturquoise,palevioletred,papayawhip,peachpuff,peru,pink,plum,powderblue,purple,red,rosybrown,royalblue,saddlebrown,salmon,sandybrown,seagreen,seashell,sienna,silver,skyblue,slateblue,slategray,snow,springgreen,steelblue,tan,teal,thistle,tomato,turquoise,violet,wheat,white,whitesmoke,yellow,yellowgreen,black,dimgray,gray,darkgray,silver,lightgrey,gainsboro,whitesmoke,white,snow,rosybrown,lightcoral,indianred,brown,firebrick,maroon,darkred,red,salmon,mistyrose,tomato,darksalmon,coral,orangered,lightsalmon,sienna,seashell,saddlebrown,chocolate,peachpuff,sandybrown,linen,peru,bisque,darkorange,antiquewhite,tan,burlywood,blanchedalmond,navajowhite,papayawhip,moccasin,oldlace,wheat,orange,floralwhite,goldenrod,darkgoldenrod,cornsilk,gold,lemonchiffon,khaki,palegoldenrod,darkkhaki,ivory,beige,lightyellow,olive,yellow,olivedrab,yellowgreen,darkolivegreen,greenyellow,lawngreen,chartreuse,honeydew,darkseagreen,lightgreen,palegreen,forestgreen,limegreen,darkgreen,green,lime,seagreen,mediumseagreen,mintcream,springgreen,mediumspringgreen,mediumaquamarine,aquamarine,turquoise,lightseagreen,mediumturquoise,azure,paleturquoise,darkslategray,teal,darkcyan,aqua,cyan,lightcyan,darkturquoise,cadetblue,powderblue,lightblue,deepskyblue,skyblue,lightskyblue,steelblue,aliceblue,slategray,lightslategray,dodgerblue,lightsteelblue,cornflowerblue,royalblue,ghostwhite,lavender,midnightblue,navy,darkblue,mediumblue,blue,darkslateblue,slateblue,mediumslateblue,mediumpurple,blueviolet,indigo,darkorchid,darkviolet,mediumorchid,thistle,plum,violet,purple,darkmagenta,fuchsia,magenta,orchid,mediumvioletred,deeppink,hotpink,lavenderblush,palevioletred,crimson");
         if(in_array($color, $arColor["COLOR"])){
             return $color;

    scph77008, 25 Мая 2017

    Комментарии (7)
  4. C++ / Говнокод #23066


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    #include <bits/stdc++.h> 
    using namespace std;
    int B[105], N, k, u, v, i, z;
    map<int, int> A;
        for(cin >> N; cin >> k; B[i++] = k)
            ++A[k] > v ? v = A[u = k] :
                A[k] ^ v ?: u = min(u, k);
        for(; z < N; z++)
            B[z] == u || cout << B[z] << " ";
        while(v--) cout << u << " ";

    Решение задачи из acmp, первое место по количеству символов, обогнав других участников на 30 и более символов.

    Обычное решение задачи, тех которые не участвовали у конке, количество символов от 600-700 символов, тут же 208 символов

    aat, 24 Мая 2017

    Комментарии (126)
  5. C++ / Говнокод #23064


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    template<typename T> FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if<Is_CastToFloat<T>::value, UFloatStat*>::
      type Add(T &v ,const FStatInfo &Info=FStatInfo::Empty, bool Visible=true)
        float vf=(float)v;
        auto r=_AddFloat(vf, Info, Visible);
        T vb=static_cast<T>(vf);
        return r;

    // Method for Enum, Integer types and bool

    antondoe, 24 Мая 2017

    Комментарии (0)
  6. Куча / Говнокод #23063


    1. 1

    huesto, 24 Мая 2017

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  7. JavaScript / Говнокод #23062


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    // oldman and pilul
    $( "#draggable" ).draggable();
    $( "#draggable1" ).draggable();
    $( "#droppable" ).droppable({
      drop: function() {
      if ( $('#weekbtn').attr("src")== "img/week-pushed-button.png" ) {
    } else {
      if ( $('#daybtn').attr("src")== "img/day-pushed-button.png" ) {
    } else {
      if ( $('#mounthbtn').attr("src")== "img/mounth-pushed-button.png" ) {
    } else {
    function move(){
      var rng = document.getElementById('scrol-line'),
      rng1 = document.getElementById('scrol-line1'),
      roll = document.getElementById('bgc'),
      roll1 = document.getElementById('bgc1');
      roll.value = rng.value;
      rng1.value = rng.value;
      roll1.value =   rng1.value;
    var slideIndex = 1;
    function plusSlides(n) {
    showSlides(slideIndex += n);
    function currentSlide(n) {
      showSlides(slideIndex = n);
    function showSlides(n) {
      var i;
      var slides = document.getElementsByClassName("sliders");
    if (n > slides.length) {
      slideIndex = 1
    if (n < 1) {
      slideIndex = slides.length
    for (i=0; i < slides.length; i++) {
      slides[i].style.display = "none";
    slides[slideIndex-1].style.display = "block";

    mcheguevara2, 24 Мая 2017

    Комментарии (1)
  8. Python / Говнокод #23060


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    class Stream(object):
        def __init__(self, generator):
            self.data = ''
            self.generator = generator
            self.closed = False
        def update(self, data):
            self.data += data
        def read(self):
            if self.closed: return None
            data = self.data
            self.data = ''
            return data
        def close(self):
            self.closed = True
            self.data = ''
    class Server(dispatcher, dict):
        writable = lambda x: False
        def __init__(self, host = None, port = 0xB00B):
            self.create_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
            dict.__init__(self, {self.fileno(): self})
            self.bind((host, port))
            self.dataSource = PiGenerator()
        def removeClient(self, client):
            del self[client.fileno()]
        def handle_accept(self):
            sock, (host, port) = self.accept()
            print 'new client from %s:%d' % (host, port)
            stream = Stream(self.dataSource)        
            self[sock.fileno()] = Client(sock, self, stream)
        def handle_error(self):
            print 'Server error: %s' % sys.exc_value
    class Client(dispatcher):
        readable = lambda x: False    
        def __init__(self, sock, server, stream):
            dispatcher.__init__(self, sock)
            self.server = server
            self.stream = stream
            self.buffer = ''
        def handle_error(self):
            print 'Client error: %s' % sys.exc_value
            import traceback
            print traceback.format_exc(1000)
        def handle_write(self):                
            sent = self.send(self.buffer)
            self.buffer = self.buffer[sent:]
        def handle_expt(self):
            print 'client dropped connection'        
        def close(self):
            self.buffer = ''
        def writable(self):
            data = self.stream.read()
            if data == None:
                print 'client finished reading'
                return False
            self.buffer += data
            return len(self.buffer) > 0
    def main():
            asyncore.loop(0.1, True, Server(''))
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print '\nBye :-*'
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    start http://govnokod.ru/23059

    Lis, 23 Мая 2017

    Комментарии (2)
  9. Python / Говнокод #23059


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    #encoding: utf-8
    import sys
    import time
    import socket
    import asyncore
    import exceptions
    from socket import AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM
    from asyncore import dispatcher
    from threading import Thread, RLock
    class PiCalcThread(Thread):
        def __init__(self, buffer, lock):
            self.buffer = buffer
            self.lock = lock
        def run(self):
            """ See http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/work/jeremy.gibbons/publications/spigot.pdf """
            q,r,t,k,n,l = 1,0,1,1,3,3
            while True:
                if 4*q+r-t < n*t:
                    q,r,t,k,n,l = (10*q,10*(r-n*t),t,k,(10*(3*q+r))/t-10*n,l)
                    q,r,t,k,n,l = (q*k,(2*q+r)*l,t*l,k+1,(q*(7*k+2)+r*l)/(t*l),l+2)
    class PiGenerator(list):
        def __init__(self):
            self.calculator = None
            self.lock = RLock()
            self.digits = ''
        def subscribe(self, obj):  
            if not self.calculator:
                self.calculator = PiCalcThread(self, self.lock)
                if len(self) > 0:
        def unsubscribe(self, obj):
            if len(self) <= 0:
        def _pauseCalulator(self):
        def _resumeCalculator(self):
            try: self.lock.release()
            except exceptions.AssertionError: pass
        def _notify(self, digits = None, obj = None):
            objs = [obj] if obj else self
            digits = digits or self.digits
            for obj in objs:
        def newDigits(self, digits):
            self.digits += digits

    Lis, 23 Мая 2017

    Комментарии (5)
  10. SQL / Говнокод #23058


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    SELECT CASE WHEN MIN (t.start_date) IS NULL THEN TO_DATE ('31/12/4712', 'DD/MM/YYYY')
           ELSE MIN (t.start_date) END
      FROM my_table t, ...

    NVL/COALESCE придумали лентяи!
    Это маленький кусочек запроса размером порядка 35 КБ. Там весь этот запрос прекрасен чуть менее чем полностью...

    climber, 23 Мая 2017

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